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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. watts dress is ok , anne's dress looks good in the front but i was wtf because i saw the back first lol
  2. don' t like amy adams dress either! but kerry washington yes! and catherine zeta jones looked stunning emmanuelle riva dressed very appropriately for her oscar shocker over the young guns
  3. i just saw amy adams, i don't like her dress either! i did like catherine zet
  4. amanda seyfried dress looks nice, chastain still doesnt understand that color does nothing for her, red blue or orange would have been better with her complexion, lawrence don't like her dress but she looks pretty! i did see dan radcliffe, it gets less weirder as time pass to see him without glasses lol
  5. my thoughts while watching LIFE OF PI haha he got his name from the word pool in french! this bit made me lol "my name went from piscine to pissing"... i read many books in that collection "bibliotheque verte" he's reading in schoolyard! lol "we get to feel guilty before hundreds of gods instead of just one" i had no idea gerard depardieu was in this !!!! ughh i suffer from motion sickness ,watching the kid in that rough sea! ....some point after that i started dosing off, you know when you're sort of sleeping but you can hear the movie, plus the motion of the sea was like a hypnosis pendulum i feel like the kid , i survived a shipwreck only instead of finding an island , it was my sister calling me from the other room that woke me up, after that i made a conscious effort to stay awake plus the scene where he explains to the guy what the island was ,was helpful any scene in "civilization" had my attention more ! i'm glad i watched it though with deadline of oscar ceremony spurring me otherwise i just don't know! i'll say though the end where he gives the story that actually happens is so jarring from rest of film , that you go hmmm am i hearing correctly? clearly this film makes for better viewing on a 2nd repeat when you know what actually happened the entire film i was like seriously a hyena, a zebra, an orang-outan , a rat and a bengal tiger....the thing is until i heard the end in the hospital i didnt care for the kid or the animals at all
  6. just reading this page had me laughing! i gave the film an A but its as shady a mark as you can negotiate (this is truly one case of where all As aren't equal) i liked the film ,now let me explain, the over the top bad-ass-ery of liam neeson warrants the A besides that the film failed to make me commiserate with the bad guy father , your son was trafficking young women for money and i'm suppose to care if he died, he got exactly what he deserves... so bad daddy wants revenge uhh sure ok whatever, i like that kim didnt wine and cry as much she snapped herself out of it quick enough so i see that as progress compare to first film the mom had me rolling my eyes from the get- go i hated how unsubtle they were in making us understand she had pb with her soon to be ex-husband and yet there she is flirting with her first ex-husband (didnt you guys divorce for a reason) anyhoo all of that so they can go to next segment of him inviting her to istambul (for some reason i resent famke for blowing to itsy bitsy atoms unit cyclops in x-men and yes i know its her character not her) i agree the daughter had mad skills driving in istambul tiny streets when she didnt have her license for easy breezy wide americans roads i guess i knew what i was getting, liam was going to kick ass, kill all the bad guys ,macgiver his way out of the impossible situation i did laugh a bit when that short guy kept up with him in a fight at the end just before finding bad daddy who for all his venom was cowering behind a wall, really lol agree the whole film is forgettable but liam is what i came for, the bad guys were just fodder for him to shoot and me watch get shoot, hey if they're dumb enough to go after him all is square and fare also agree they should drop the family angle all together , let some shindig go down while the girls are at a spa for week and he promises not to call them or check in on them until they return, then he has to explain what happen to the house or say nothing eventful happened in guadalajara, mexico! they should totally go to mexico and take out as many gang members there
  7. ARGO sweeps whatever it can , so sasha has a huge meltdown as lincoln goes home empty handed because phoenix or jackman takes the best actor award!
  8. i watched this film having read this page already but that was months ago! i gave it a B because i think it would have been better if both had died, they had a hit on their head, i find it odd he didnt died when those gang members made a point of shooting up the latino cop, but i guess he shielded his friend who did get a bullet in his leg though! i was real sad at the end because i totally bought the chemistry and friendship between them , i remembered these reviews when the cop shot the guy in the car and instead of taking it they ran down the longest alley ever LOL funny in a dumb way was the fact the gangsters had a camera filming the whole time, i suppose it will be great evidence after the fact even funnier how they manage to miss both cops when they entered the building hallway , and with heavy machinery double LOL but i guess the film wasnt quite over so they had to miss them this aspect of LA was seriously scary , but this is nowhere near downtown and hollywood right? just wondering ...films like this make me sad! another thing dear me but there was f u c k this and that like if it was a subject ,a verb, a noun, an adverb, an adjective!!!! do they get a lollipop for who says it the most at the end of the day?
  9. it was ok if you don't think too much, on the plus side you get to see a lot of new-york which was really cool, is central park that big? otherwise on the negative,couldnt he take the subway? surely the subway is faster than a bike ride? sometimes actors shine with a good role, and other time you're scratching your head wondering why they picked that role that does nothing for them , and the girls both the gf and the asian chick were so bad ughhh
  10. this movie is so improbable and so preposterous, at first i was wtf wtf but then i chose to laugh about it, because seriously that's the only way to swallow this movie north korea of all nation invading USA lollllllllll, i'd believe russia or china in a blink of the eye before them group of green teenagers learned to be a proficient unit in a week? to level they could take on trained army did the NK army woke up one morning and said hey let's invade america and everyone just went along with it bwa ha ha ha ha did they invade canada? what was their goal i'm suppose to believe gun-ho trigger happy america (this is one instance where this tendency might cme in handy) just meekly bent their knee? where was the national guard reserves i'd have believe this story faster if it was aliens !!! all that aside i can't believe chris hemsworth played in this film! either he filmed this before he became a popular actor or he figured well the economy being what it is i better grab the paycheck
  11. wow that latest episode was good even before crazygov attack, can't believe andrea is sticking by his side, where's your loyalty? in the end even merle knew better , not that it will make him an outstanding member of the group, he'll probably still get his ass in trouble and get killed by zombies or someone from the group as he's prone to alienate them but still better character than andrea! you know what i found weird daryl and merle encounter a family save them but i thought for sure he'd tell them to go to the prison , they had a baby and a mom who is alive she could have breastfed lori and rick's baby, i guess they'll go scout for baby food again , because baby that age go through formula like if there was no tomorrow i loved when glenn said rick's off to crazytown LOLLLL
  12. that reaction was so rude and petulant! i still go once or twice a week to read the articles during awards season, but she riles me up with her "its my party and i'll cry if i want to " attitude while stomping her foot!
  13. still getting some laughs from me, but there's no "oooh i see what they did there" feeling when the awesomeness of a reference hits you with its smoothness i'm no fan of britta and troy scenes also i could totally see troy living with abed his entire life , is britta really the girl who will get them as a package deal? i don't think so , annie on the other hand fits in so easily with them
  14. for the longest time i didnt care to watch those animated features, except for shrek films i hadnt watched an animation film since the heyday of disney lion king/alladin/beauty and the beast... i always thought toy story was stupid concept , truth be told all i knew was that it was about toys being alive, then for some reason i watched toy story 3 and cried like a baby, i was so moved by its message of friendship that i immediately sought out the previous two films, now i watch all three constantly , they're great never a boring moment, i have great affection for all the characters
  15. i wonder which will happen first, avatar 2 in theatre or book 6 of GRR martin series a song of ice and fire better known to general public as game of thrones book? would make a good bet for london bookies
  16. what's up in avatar land, guess i have to check previous pages to see if any real discussion went on
  17. well well well.... i finally got around to watching this, knowing full well what to expect from a quarantino film his style is unique, very much like a tim burton film... i gave it an A but consider that an A- for two main reasons, 1/ i nearly fell asleep those first 20 mn , that said i hate westerns they bore me out of my mind, the story has to be really good to get me to keep going and suffer those western-ish scenes (yawnnnn) 2/ i don't get why waltz character just wouldnt shake leo's and be on his merry way , none of that carnage that ensued was necessary or didnt have to go down like that, he could have shake his hand, make as if they're leaving and come back 3 hrs later and shoot them up if he still wanted too,i didnt understand that thought process from a guy who was playing it super smart and cool all along when things got tight and heated suddenly because he never saw a slave die like that , he loses sight of logic and reason??? now those out of the way , what a hoot the film was, LEO is one beautiful man no matter what he does or plays , here he was the most handsomest cruel villain ever, WALTZ was good except for the bit i mentioned previously and just for that he shouldnt win best supporting actor, tommy lee jones and robert de niro were more consistent in their respective oscar nominated films! i had no idea will smith had been approached to do this, but his loss, django is a great character, with a speedy learning curve, so i highly doubt he has those 3 dimples in his brain, sorry Mr candie and jamie foxx played him with finesse kerry washington was also great even though she hardly spoke but acting isnt only about words but emoting sentiments, yeah if i were her i'd feel safe with a badass like that for husband ...(sorry but years of evolution slip through my feminist cracks; has to do with that me tarzan you jane syndrome) i'd heard samuel l jackson was in this film but while you're watching you forget so and his entrance is quite the surprise, at first i was worried Mr Candie was going to kill him for talking like that but then i remembered that house slaves have allowances in their rapport with their masters that field slaves dont, so it might be affection and confidence in his loyalties that give him his statue in the house, very impressive performance, very impressive! why oh why does leonardo always have to get kill these days , why does he do this to me? does he have no pity on my poor little fan heart , well at least it wasnt like in the departed, also agree he should have been nominated, pffff lastly there's a stylistic approach to the way blood spatters in a tarantino film that's very poetic, it reminds me of a painter in front of a blank canvas going hmmmm before putting on "mambo n5 " on the cd player and having fun with his colours so yeah except for the slow start , it pays off in the end! i get why the film is having success with audiences
  18. higher calling with star trek or hanging out with iron man ! i'll do both :)

  19. 1/ star trek into darkness 2/ iron man 3 3/ thor 2 4/ the great gatsby 5/ man of steel 6/ the wolverine 7/ world war Z 8/ a good day to die hard 9/ the hobbit 2 10/ pacific rim
  20. yeah i get that, i was on imdb also , as a representative of people who don't read comics , i had no clue about that ....but even so i like karl urban and it would have been nice for people to see his face if only in one scene in the beginning before they go off to pine trees block , it would have made sense to see his face there afterward not so much seeing how they played out the scenario ! i just feel he won't get as much recognition for playing a good role in a good film , dredd blipped on my radar fleetingly some time last year but i dismissed it a la total recall remake, unlike people who might have dissed it because they hate stallone version , me it was because i like that one and kind of irks me these endless remake of films that are still recent enough for me.... anyway if the comic fans liked it then , who cares about random moviegoer right? compromise is the name of the game when it comes to adaptation , would fans really have screamed murder if he had shown his face for 2 lousy minutes in a 95mn film?
  21. i've only read page 1 so far, give the film a B for one reason you don't see dredd face ever! i watched the movie today because i heard karl urban was in it, and if i hadnt watch star trek like 3 times this past weekend i'd have no idea it was his chin now that said apart from that the film was good, lena heady aka queen cersei was crayzayyyy, interesting drug if your house is on fire you'd probably die of burns before being able to do anything about it lolll i love them shutting down a building of that size , and when she said call 911 totally badass i was not expecting the cavalry to be corrupted judges did not like the rookie now all that said i think i had more fun watching stallone's judge dredd, i like it and watch it whenever its on tv, dredd has a backstory , however corny the cloning thing was ,it was a futuristic theme, and sure maybe the film is cheesy but it worked for me! plus his sidekick held her own better this kind of makes me think about the new spiderman film , they started it out as something more then 30mn in they drop that and it turns into a generic spiderman episode same thing here the film is named dredd but its not about him , they could have called it "the taking of pine trees block", the psychic girl looks like she'll reveal something about him but no then its just another day in the deep end! all things considered very good film if you don't go in expecting to know more about dredd than its the name on his tag, oh and that he's worth a million credit to take down by corrupt judges if they make a sequel hope they fixed these little details if they want the masses to like it more
  22. i just finished watching DHII hadnt watched it in a while , and yeah there are many annoying things in this series like neville declaration for luna out of the blue but i think there's gotta be a consensus about the epilogue scene taking the cake of cringeworthiness it actually reads better in the book because one's imagination always seem to do a better job than the director/makeup guys i cannot understand with the budget they had , and this being the last scene of the series , they couldnt have done an effort to dress them better ,its been near 20 yrs you'd think ginny would dress better to look agreable to her husband, she looks really pretty/mature in the kitchen pre-wedding scene yet 20 yrs later she looks like her younger self from GoF/OotP with an awful wig i don't get it, i've seen movies with less budget do a better job , heck telenovelas do a better job at making their protagonists look older/mature than their teenage self now that kids are older another huge pet peeve of mine is how they completely mishandled the character of ginny in the films , not surprising no one really likes her her portrayal in films , they had no idea how to incorporate romance into these films, its like anything that was romance between any characters was poorly handle, thanks to fanfiction lots of fans of harry/ginny ron/hermione more than make up for it! harry is the chosen one ,the hero who sets out on a journey , they have no clue what to do with harry just a boy asking a girl to like him , which now reminds me of that scene in some staircase after hermione sees lavender kissing ron , and they bring up harry feeling same way about ginny with dean! i'll always regret not reading all the books before films came out, i'd have save myself so much frustration , but better late than never at least i was able to enjoy DHII having read all the novels before seeing it
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