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Everything posted by catlover

  1. Hmmm... maybe that's why No matter what MPAA thinks, kids see those animals as characters that talk, think, and feel like humans, because in the movies, they actually do. So the impact will be the same.
  2. I think you forget that rentals play a bigger part here. Some people will think that If they can watch it in much much cheaper price in one month, why do they need to see it in the theater that costs a lot more? And some other people who have already seen it several times will likely save their money to buy the DVD so they can watch it over and over again without paying any money each time. So yeah, the DVD release seems to have an impact to its box office, but of course it's not the sole reason for Frozen's relatively big drops. Without the DVD, it might still have bigger-than-usual drops, but not this big. Can we at least agree on this?
  3. What do you mean? Those numbers from Corpse are estimates (both weekend and total number), and not really official. So it's simply overestimated for the weekend, thanks to bigger than expected effects from the world cup on Sunday.
  4. LOL. So true. Still rooting for Japan though. I have a personal connection with that country. Anyway, how much did Frozen make last week?
  5. Being on weekdays, it will have minimum impact this time, or that's what I'm hoping.
  6. LOL. Yeah, that goal was crazy. My friend wears Van Persie jersey today to celebrate it.
  7. Ah, I see. Our country is not playing, so people here have their own countries to root for . Yeah, at least I can watch the 11 pm games here. But you can still watch the later ones on weekend, no?
  8. Some of the games are at 1 am or so. You can't drink at that time? I don't drink at all, so I don't know.
  9. I think the game is at 10 am Japan time, so the morning shows will be weaker. But if people want to go to the movies they could still go in the afternoon. ETA: lol Rsyu beat me.
  10. That would be my guess too. Titanic skewed older and there weren't many discount days in the 90s.
  11. Haha. That's fine by me actually. I'm getting busier lately, so less posts in this thread means it's easier for me to catch up. I'm still pretty confident about $244m, but not so sure about Titanic in yen. I hope it's still be able to reach it. Btw, I'm surprised Noah is having a decent opening. It's even beating Frozen on Friday.
  12. 5m? Really? DVD sales were way bigger back then. Frozen will be lucky if it even gets half of that for DVD/BluRay combined sales, not because it won't sell, but because of the weak market. And Princess Mononoke is #2? I thought it was Finding Nemo? The DVD alone sold at least 1.5m copies. Why did they choose to break a record that is uncertain and relatively unimportant, over a record that arguably the most important one in the movie industry, and is certain to be broken if they let it play in the theater a little bit longer?
  13. I was about to say that Frozen is starting to drop "normally", but other movies are still dropping much bigger. Yeah, I think March was really week. Other than Frozen, almost every week at least one movie bombed. Btw, what studio was #1 before 2006?
  14. I was hoping maybe the studio underestimated it, and it gets $6m or at least 600m yen. I guess the studio estimate was spot on this time. But it's still in the higher range of the projections here.
  15. That's great for Frozen! It might be underestimated again, like it has been most of the time, so there's a chance the actual will be over $6m. At least that's what I'm hoping.
  16. Got so busy lately, I barely have time to check this forum. Saturday looks so much better than weekdays for Frozen. How are presales for Sunday? And surprised about The Grand Budapest Hotel being the biggest new release this weekend. Didn't see that coming.
  17. MI4 had a great WOM, December release, and no competition. That's why its legs were exceptionally good (4.5x multiplier is very very rare in Indonesia because it's a very frontloaded market). Oblivion was released 2 weeks before IM3, which eventually became the biggest movie of all time here, so its legs were cut short. EoT has a good WOM and no competition for a month until TF4 (Maleficent & HTTYD2 aren't really direct competitions). So I think 3x multiplier is achievable, and $6m would be enough to be in the yearly top 10. Pretty good for EoT.
  18. Well, they did say "first run". There's also a Japanese term "ロングラン" (long run) which means a movie is played in the theater for a long period of time. A lot of Ghibli movies got this treatment. Maybe Frozen will get it too. Who knows.
  19. Actually Japan 3-day opening was 352.81m yen or around $3.46m
  20. But the first one is DVD + BluRay + digital copy. And the second one is all three + 3D BluRay. A DVD normally costs at least 3000 yen. So they're actually not expensive for Japan standard, and for those who want all of them. I think people are complaining about how they don't need all formats in one set. They want DVD only, or BluRay only, so they can buy it in much cheaper price.
  21. Don't worry. There is no way Frozen's weekend number is that low. We have partial admission data from Sunday and that number is close to impossible. I think they projected Sunday number based on Saturday alone, not realizing that Sunday was a huge discount day. Someone has mentioned this, and I agree.
  22. Wow Frozen!! It even increased more than I expected. I can't believe it's likely gonna be back to 8m weekend again. Not so sure about that. I mean yes, if you compare them in numbers, merchandise sales in Japan of course will be lower compared to US because the population is smaller. But, you should know that Japanese love Disney. They have Disneyland and DisneySea after all, which are the world's 3rd and 4th most visited theme park with 12 and 14 million visitors every year. So I imagine the merchandise/toys sales in Japan are relatively big as well.
  23. Excited about Sunday's numbers. Frozen will probably increase from last week, or at least stay flat, and X-Men could open with more than 3m for the 2-day weekend.
  24. So it looks like in one theater, the presales for Frozen on Sunday are more than 3 times the presales on Saturday at the same point. Saturday presales (as of 5/30 20:19:28) MOVIX三好・【吹替】アナと雪の女5月31日(土) 9:30~11:30 予約数= 132人MOVIX三好・【吹替】アナと雪の女5月31日(土) 12:00~14:0 予約数= 52人 MOVIX三好・【吹替】アナと雪の女5月31日(土) 14:30~16:3 予約数= 64人 MOVIX三好・【吹替】アナと雪の女5月31日(土) 17:00~19:0 予約数= 67人 MOVIX三好・【吹替】アナと雪の女5月31日(土) 21:30~23:3 予約数= 30人 MOVIX三好【3D吹替】アナと雪の女5月31日(土) 13:40~15:4 予約数= 38人 合計= 383 Sunday presales (as of 5/31 19:35:46) MOVIX三好・【吹替】アナと雪の女6月1日(日) 9:30~11:30 予約数= 452人 MOVIX三好・【吹替】アナと雪の女6月1日(日) 12:00~14:00 予約数= 398人 MOVIX三好・【吹替】アナと雪の女6月1日(日) 14:30~16:30 予約数= 369人 MOVIX三好・【吹替】アナと雪の女6月1日(日) 17:00~19:00 予約数= 111人 MOVIX三好・【吹替】アナと雪の女6月1日(日) 21:30~23:30 予約数= 5人 MOVIX三好【3D吹替】アナと雪の女6月1日(日) 13:40~15:40 予約数= 96人 合計= 1431
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