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  1. Comscore Movies UK & Ireland‏ @cSMoviesUK 6m6 minutes ago More TUESDAY: 1 - All My Sons - NT Live 2019 2 - Avengers: Endgame 3 - Pokemon Detective Pikachu 4 - The Hustle 5 - Long Shot
  2. I hope you are well? As a 2 week break seems to be implied I hope that does not mean you were in a hospital for the whole time? Posting again: means at least you seem to be on the upwards trend? Need any support?
  3. Does someone remember the exact date after Charlie's exams aka the first day he can relax enough to allow him full BOT posting frenzy? 😉
  4. Overreaction? Did you even read through the post, see what finals can have an impact on? I work for a school since some years (main profession something else), my pupils are in their finals too in these weeks, I see pretty clearly how fast younger people / YA can get distracted, in especial whilst trying to be helpful. I worded it explicit to all members here at BOT. What your part in it is in my POV: if you use the spread-sheet, that was obviously not up-to-date and comment on it's probable inaccuracy (again), then that is not simple to stay away from, to feel the need to update or comment, give explanations... beside not having the time for it. Imagine having a much loved hobby, interest, passion, whatever, and having to abstain for a few weeks for a reason. That is difficult even without tries to discuss posts or other provided material, getting pinged, quoted,.... and so on And what you did now: why ping him even after the reminder of letting him learn? Is it that difficult to show some self-discipline till the date he named?
  5. Why do people here at BOT, a forum dedicated to BO, still write things like that seemingly earnestly (in addition to the jokingly meant ones)? Distribution is not in the hand of the film makers / movie studio, that includes the bosses of those. Look up: Walt Disney Direct-to-Consumer & International = it's more ~ self-contained / higher ranking as e.g. Marvel Studios is as being 'merely' a part of Disney Studios (means Feige, Kennedy,... have still more bosses than Kevin Meyer) Kevin Meyer, and lots of presidents, chief vice-presidents, vice presidents, country managers and so on long list and for the studios too: Alan Bergman, and one of his many presidents, Cathleen Taff plus all the others that have to interact for a worldwide release, franchise / merchandise contract making people, who also have to balance production capacities/dates and what-not else. TV.... too.
  6. I feel like people constantly forget Charlie is in preparation for his finals / exams. That spreadsheet did not get updated since the 2nd weekend. All of BOT members question for.... why do you all still do that? He does not do for the moment the in-depth following of the hourly changes like before, he looks at one or two snapshots of the day and tries to give you some feel, very early estimates, nothing more, nothing less. Every question is a distraction, even if maybe too often a welcomed one, from his announced need to stay clear of BO analysis to focus on a seemingly difficult / lots to learn for exam(s). Finals means potential mid to long lasting impact on future employment, can have an impact on beginner's salary and so on. So if he post details, I think we all can be glad, but to try to wheedle out more.... it's not a positive act in such a situation in my POV.
  7. reasonings... https://www.boxofficepro.com/long-range-tracking-spider-man-far-from-home-looks-to-web-200m-6-day-domestic-launch-in-july/
  8. Only to be sure I didn't formulate it wrongly: it was meant rhetorical 😉 per 'more logical' 😉 It's a milestone only 2 movies reached, I am really wondering why not one of the usual outlets for BO reported that (I mean BOM, BOPro, The-Numbers, BORep,...)
  9. ~ $280m, see beneath Somehow no one mentioned A:EG reaching this milestone. I guess that was the reason they did give the OS for Monday, beside announcing to stop with the daily release of the OS datas. = ww incl Monday Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $728,447,735 29.1% + Foreign: $1,774,700,000 70.9% = Worldwide: $2,503,147,735
  10. You are right, I remember that too. I think it was said ~ last week's last weekday will be the last weekday they'll release it daily/per every weekday. Maybe someone at Disney didn't knew that or .... Hmmm, maybe someone there looked into when OS will reach $1.75b? Or probably more logical, it's about the ww part, it reached the $2.5b milestone already at Monday including the OS update? Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $728,447,735 29.1% + Foreign: $1,774,700,000 70.9% = Worldwide: $2,503,147,735 Milestones should be additional datas they'll release outside the weekends still I guess.
  11. Welcome to the forum! Not sure, do you ask for help to create a thread or....?????
  12. Thank you a lot. Yes, those two answers are the main points of interest. I try to imagine the feel a native has for that number, and I try to understand the general impact better see the average ticket price - A EG is interesting too, but less than getting a better feel / impression for the complete market. How to understand one actual number without having the feel for the whole otherwise 😉 I did learn a bit during CM's release, but not enough.
  13. longer chart (per distributor) https://www.screendaily.com/news/pokemon-detective-pikachu-shocks-avengers-endgame-to-top-uk-box-office/5139304.article
  14. I forgot these details: what is the average ticket price for a 2D and for a 3D screening? Is there a kind of chart for the splits of them (and IMAX) per blockbuster? Trying to understand the magnitude of the #1 in especial, but also the others on that list.
  15. I was wondering myself: it looks like the smaller OS earners do not get estimates anymore, means those get updated per finals manually updated Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $423,810,475 37.7% + Foreign: $700,804,201 62.3% = Worldwide: $1,124,614,676
  16. The next one.... Screen International‏Verified account @Screendaily 6 seconds ago More Hollywood icon Doris Day dies aged 97 http://bit.ly/2HfwXoU
  17. thx a lot, thought so too, but had read here at BOT some numbers around that # based on whatever pushes. Aa I am actually quite busy with non-BO stuff, I didn't follow up to those kind of posts. = it is already way higher than I thought an intro movie (MCU) without an earlier appearance of the lead character might reach, so every dollar more is simply gravy 😉
  18. me, faceblind.... is that her? Hair seems to have another colour than the few pictures I saw with her outside of the MCU filming time
  19. I finally understood why it at first didn't get updated, they seem to do 'only' the finals for the small result titles, no earlier estimates for those. I guess the position above BOTFA might be the highest it will reach in OS Till another movie surpasses it I guess those # as finals OS = 29 WW = 22 dom = 21 (not sure about public holiday weekend... pushes it might get, if tons of those, who knows, maybe even #20?)
  20. Just back from a ~ midday overnight work thing = had no cance to follow th weekend thread and such, so please excuse if it already got explained: acc Charlie Jatinder in the International area Captain Marvel has passed $700m OS, what seems to be quite possible acc to the last actuals update from last weekend. As that is a milestone kind of number I'd expected that to get officially released too = is there a reason, an idea for why BOM didn't update OS for it?
  21. Deadline Hollywood‏Verified account @DEADLINE 5m5 minutes ago More Pua Magasiva Dead: Red Ranger On ‘Power Rangers Ninja Storm’ Was 38 https://deadline.com/2019/05/pua-magasiva-dead-red-ranger-on-power-rangers-ninja-storm-was-38-1202612634/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter …
  22. pro distributors POV, aka what ppl ask, like made the movie money enough a next part is possible or considered a success or... (general speaking), the 2nd one, as they get a higher split for that in the US, depending on the details in the contracts between distributors and cinema chain / booking partner and so on.
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