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  1. Gavin Feng‏ @gavinfeng97 6m6 minutes ago More China Box Office: Spider-Man: Far From Home make $35.1M on Saturday. $70.66M in 2 days. Expecting ¥650M+ / $95M+ on 3-day opening. 3rd best debut in MCU behind Endgame($331.37M for 5 days) & Infinity War($200.88M for 3 days). #SpiderManFarFromHome
  2. German BO website: InsideKino‏ @MarkGInsideKino 55m55 minutes ago More Argentinien: Der AVENGERS - ENDGAME Startrekord hat nicht lange gehalten, denn TOY STORY 4 pulverisiert ihn um 38 %: http://www.insidekino.com/BO/ARG2019.htm The OW/start record of Avengers Endgame did not long ~ hold/stay, as Toy Story 4 pulverised it by 38% weekend
  3. If that is written by that Anthony something again (who loves to grab th possible high traffic situations at deadline), he is in my POV way worse than all others working at Deadline in understanding BO. I even think a lot of the bad reputation Deadline has for their estimates and such is based to a way too big part for his contributions. Not saying the others are great, but at least somewhat better, one even to a degree I actually still read the output if the mood strikes.
  4. Here in the south of Germany its said it does go down, but only to the degree they think it will be only 29°C to 25°C at minimum. Mostly sunny, only a little bit rain till incl. the Sunday of that time span. = way better as not too hot like the last few days.... but still not cinema going weather.
  5. Just for fun (I agree to the reaction): Salma Hayek is born 1966, I guess to say she is over 50 would be more usual than to call it over 40 - even if it is technically correct. I mean I am too over 40.... since years As in a 40 year old person could be my child easily.... (I am older than S.H.)
  6. Someone who works here too told me they (pair with 3 or 4 children) went at the late afternoon swimming. It was so full and loud he meant he was in danger to get his hearing damaged. Not entirely jokingly meant. Per overly fullness it felt seemingly even more hot than outside the lake area, That one was a first.....
  7. Wasn't really interested, get a bit more interested based on cast rumours. ~: The writers (I assume brothers) seem not to really have experience, the editor has some big name/budget movie titles I am not 100% sure what to think about. Not that sure about the cinematographer as well +: Production Design's Eve Stewart has an impressive resume (4 times Osc nom), as has costume design's Alexandra Byrne (5 times nom/win) actors/actresses, if cast, might get interesting... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9032400/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast
  8. Not enough for the Year-to-date comparision to last year.... (dom) And the one nearest in money comparison = 2016 had already 4 CBMs in the top 10 (CA:Civil War, Deadpool, Batman vs Superman, and X-Men Apocalypse). Plus The Jungle Book, Zootopia, Finding Dory, Kung Fu Panda 3. The 2 remaining top 10 titles were 'leftovers' from 2015 (Star Wars, Revenant) per estimated ticket sales 2014 has an est. of 599,276,400 , 2013 = 598,107,000 , and 2012 = 633,307,100 in the same time frame The first year backwards to have less than 2019 in the same time frame was 2011, the year with Thor 1 as the sole MCU CBM in that chart, but only as #4, and only one of 2 CBMs in the sum (X-Men First Class being the other one, #8), with an result $4,614,223,592 I think in especial the MCU or otherwise established based CBMs + established franchises like Furious gave and give a push to the admissions, but savior?????? Compare: YTD (Jan 1–Jun 23) Year-to-Year - YTD through Jan. YTD through Feb. YTD through Mar. YTD through Apr. YTD through May YTD through Jun. YTD through Jul. YTD through Aug. YTD through Sep. YTD through Oct. YTD through Nov. -- Winter Spring Summer Fall Holiday Season-to-Date --- Q1 (Jan–Mar) Q2 (Apr–Jun) Q3 (Jul–Sep) Q4 (Oct–Dec) Quarter-to-Date Year Est. Tickets* 2019 % change 2018 % change 2017 % change 2016 % change 2015 % change 2014 % change 2019 593.8 - -7.9% -1.2% -3.0% -5.2% - 2018 644.4 +8.5% - +7.2% +5.2% +2.9% - 2017 601.0 +1.2% -6.7% - -1.9% -4.1% - 2016 612.4 +3.1% -5.0% +1.9% - -2.2% - 2015 626.4 +5.5% -2.8% +4.2% +2.3% - - 2014 n/a -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% - per money Compare: YTD (Jan 1–Jun 23) Year-to-Year - YTD through Jan. YTD through Feb. YTD through Mar. YTD through Apr. YTD through May YTD through Jun. YTD through Jul. YTD through Aug. YTD through Sep. YTD through Oct. YTD through Nov. -- Winter Spring Summer Fall Holiday Season-to-Date --- Q1 (Jan–Mar) Q2 (Apr–Jun) Q3 (Jul–Sep) Q4 (Oct–Dec) Quarter-to-Date Year Gross* 2019 % change 2018 % change 2017 % change 2016 % change 2015 % change 2014 % change 2019 $5,350.2 - -8.9% -0.8% +1.0% +1.3% +7.7% 2018 $5,870.9 +9.7% - +8.9% +10.8% +11.2% +18.2% 2017 $5,390.7 +0.8% -8.2% - +1.8% +2.1% +8.5% 2016 $5,297.1 -1.0% -9.8% -1.7% - +0.3% +6.6% 2015 $5,280.7 -1.3% -10.1% -2.0% -0.3% - +6.3% 2014 $4,967.3 -7.2% -15.4% -7.9% -6.2% -5.9% -
  9. depends on which story lines of her comic based stories they want to use. Or how far they'll change those, see e.g. Talos in Captain Marvel I want to see some / know more about... Budapest scenes, no matter if as flashbacks or whatever.
  10. we got dragged in by my mother then for the buzz especially per the music. I do remember my mother being then very disappointed about it got translated, not original singers. She is a big fan of one of the OV singers. The only animated movie I saw more or less voluntarily. The first movie I saw in a cinema. Plus the book the movie is based on was then a ~ must read (even of the movie is only about a ~ chapter/part of it) Here in Germany the average ticket price this year decreased. I think I've read at International in Spain and Italy are film fiesta week(s), where you pay less than $3 per movie all over the country (not sure if its a week or longer), a weekday matinee in Germany for a 2D movie can be rather cheap too. A newly released movie in an excellent big cinema (I think one of the biggest of the country) will be 5.9€, a movie in release for a time in an average cinema way less. In the same cinema an ATMOS whatever film at the best times during the week will be double the price. And that is less than 1 or 2 years back in the same cinema. ... simple bad with predictions. He loves to grab the big names titles, beside him being - in my POV - the worst of their BO 'team'.
  11. part 1 is in my POV too extreme formulated. But: we older people got ~ pressured (not to take too seriously) to buy home video systems for being able to watch movies at home, so why should we miss out on a film or 2 per driving to a cinema where we have to be there lets say 30 minutes early to get the tickets even if pre-ordered, see way too much not wanted advertising, endure immature behaviour of others, have maybe to pay for a babysitter, parking place.... too much to pay for soft drinks.... if we can enjoy at home 1 to 2 movies more in said time, if nothing within a movie seems to suggest a better experience per watching it in a cinema? Speed, vast landscapes,.... there the cinema still trumps the home cinema system of the most people. Plus the costs per family are stable at home too. If something is cannibalizing itself its in my POV, as I often stated already, the way too much titles that get released the last some years. It feels like everybody with access to a camera makes now a movie. In the '70/'80... if you lived in a big city directly beside a huge multiplex similar cinema that theoretical showed all released movies you could actually watch all released movies per going to a cinema every 2 days. Nowadays you'd have to watch nearly 3 movies a day, ignoring all the movies that get released in the TV or per streaming also. Less TV stations, less event/talent shows/games/other..... then too. And ww: the most seem to forget the increase of movies counts locally in I guess all countries with cinema too. BOM only shows the titles that also got a dom release, ignores the vast majority of the in reality ww released movies. Big hitters in huge numbers per year.... not a chance in reality (for now), I even think if nothing changes even less in the future.
  12. Its not easier per se, its for some multi-parters or long waited for.... whatever franchises that managed to get into the awareness of the GA. And still some of those 'sure' titles fail to reach those thresholds. Its also about how full a release schedule of a year is and filled with what kind of genres at which dates, how good they 'guess' the GAs taste for a certain story to be released 3 years or more later. And for a time the internet helped to focus the awareness, but that seems to be stalling for explicit the cinemas as well. The advertising amounts also increased to insane heights, still makes a movie's BO no sure thing.
  13. Official meaning... it depends in my POV if an estimate is based on something actually measurable or not. E.g. weather can play a lot into a certain weekend's/day's performance per blocked streets in winter or the wish to get outside e.g. after a longer rainy phase, to enjoy the first warm sunny weather. Or like here in my country, where the most stay at home if its getting hot to really hot (like to expect starting this week for a month acc to news with a 'century'-hot June) Or news, like then the shooting in a cinema or what ever. E.g. fashion $ expectation are for a season, BO for a certain day are far less 'sure' in my POV Under-performing is a term that depends also a lot on how it is used per industry version (e.g. computer use/sales/...., wood mills/forest, farmer, fashion, sport,....), its far too differing in reality than an ~ general entry into a ~ wordbook. One detail seems to get mostly missed I think. Disney mostly underestimates. But not always. Its not gods law. Plus, after the merger, we do not even know who actually did the estimates, there are some new people included at once that might need still a bit of time to adjust. Only as one idea of many possibilities why an OW might not meet certain expectations. For me personally under-performing is not simple like not reaching estimates, its a cool headed look at budget, genre, time of year,.... and results. As in final results. I never took and take too much into the performance of a certain day/weekend in a certain country, for me its all ww finals, the splits per regions (meant as how much the distributors get per region) and so on. An estimate not reached: first look at how much did it actually reach? How does that relate to the usual reached $ for a certain genre/studio/film maker.... or whatever. Its like results in an exam, if it was expected a certain pupils will reach 100% (and acc to the summer game it looks like $140m would have been 110-120% of/from the most) and reaches 90-95% its still a very good result. If it reaches 60% or less, than I'd speak from under-performing, assuming the estimates were based on a cool headed estimation in the first place. Btw, I do not watch animated... at all, but hoped to be able to return to BOT without all those not needed bickering like - in my POV - what went way overboard this year, see A:EG....
  14. Thank you a lot. I knew about the try of amazon to get better conditions than the other resellers but wasn't aware its still an issue in the US store, as it seems indeed not to be an issue at my countries version as you said. I did have a prime account in the past for then buying a lot for the library, but used it only for prints or similar, never their digital video thing. Then I learned the publisher details and they increased the price for it repeatedly, so I quit with prime entirely (new German books I buy at a book store). I also refuse to buy anything Kindle related, I buy my digital versions of books per other resellers or per the publishers, if they are allowing it for my location. I use amazon foremost for looking up release dates and, depending which kind of goods, also for reviews, a first description impression thing. I really hate their software that increasingly tries to suggest items I did not add in the search box (like e.g. I add a certain tool type and get the lesser quality version or mass ware), ignores a lot of the versions I'd prefer (like cheap used book titles not showing up if searching per price or strangely ignoring very well received tools in the per review search findings entirely). It gets less and less usable in my POV and their methods against small publishers or established self publishing authors are disgusting (in my POV even criminal), hence why I never buy new books per amazon since years (beside sometimes foreign language books, in my region still very difficult to get). If I need a original part for a tool they can be good to be ~ sure its not a fake. I hope that's still the case. Started to look up other sources for that as well.
  15. 116 times is 'only' reaching the Guinness Record, not surpassing it and as such not record breaking.... yet 😉 For now Steve Ruppel is still the record holder (he holds more than one record). Btw, with another MCU title, Captain Marvel, hence way I even know this. I stumbled in ~mid of April over that titbit, then it was 116 times too, not sure if he added to that, some sources said he'll add to that. Old record was 104 times. Nuts, all nuts. Meant in the nicest way possible (I very seldom watch repeatedly, but even I have a few titles I went nuts over enough for some repeat visits)
  16. Thanks a lot! I needed a break from all those 'invasions' of posters who seemingly feel/felt 'threatened' by A:EG's BO. Plus I work a lot....
  17. Reactions at social media for its win at the MTV awards for best fight (B.L. vs G.Ch.) are like to expect. Personally I usually do not even look that up, but the suggestion thing at YT pointed out a clip of her bringing her stunt doubles to the award stage with her in the titles got me curious enough to watch that clip. Very small BO changes, I guess it will be out of the cinemas soon entirely. Its out as digital and disc in dom (28 May and 11 June)... Strangely, as I did look up the dom HV release dates, amazon US showed only Prime video as per amazon, no amazon sale for the discs version possible??? Still found not out the date for the digital release here in Germany (digital as a whole is a rather new theme to me, I still order 99.99% as Blu-Ray, as I did for this movie as well) Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $426,662,164 37.8% + Foreign: $701,371,245 62.2% = Worldwide: $1,128,033,409
  18. Hi again to all, tried to backread what's up the last some pages, but way too much bickering and so on about themes that are in y POV either OT or beating the dead horse. In short: 6 minutes mid credits / credits added, is that especially SMFFH related stuff or also related to other movies? I see @Charlie Jatinder you are back too! I hope your exams went well? The last one was at Tuesdeay or?
  19. acc BOM it seems it was shown in 2 theatres in NZ still I actually know 3 cinemas where they still show it till Tuesday here in Germany not that far away for once a day in the sum, one shows it rather late if at all, but not tomorrow (public holiday) and not at Saturday = but that one is way farer as I usually drive for a movie shown in a small cinema with not the best technical equipment. In Munich - in one of Germany's bigger cinemas - its scheduled only once, for a last screening tomorrow afternoon = 19 (!) tickets already sold . And another cinema I do not even know (also Munich) Hmmm, that gets me thinking, to watch it a last time or not.... Its already my personal repeat view count record holding movie (and I am not prone for re-watches in general) Can't wait for 18 July, when it will get released on discs here. Looking up the theatres got me the info at the side column of the results about 78% of the audience liked it acc google, that's similar to IMDb's 7.1 rating in a way, and matches to a lot of review / audience reaction sites I've seen, just RT is low with 56%. And still nearly triple the amount of audience reactions than A:EG collected there beside RT having already deleted around 50k 'reactions' for CM = average audience rating there increased quite a lot to 3.2/5 beside so many down-votes. At IMDb AEG has ~ twice the amount of ratings, way more plausible. About its result: it made roughly twice of what I had hoped for, as in I hoped for more than Ant-Man 1. And I am aware about the end credit scene theories, but hoping for does not mean 'being sure' or... All is always possible, but still I am surprised about the height of the results (and very happy about it).
  20. Not much time, even less interest (I feel BOT is a bit less enjoyable for the moment than usual. I'll aim for to be back when AEG is out of the cinemas) Only news is an OS / ww / dom update OS May 24-26, 2019 Note: The number of days and dates in a weekend may vary by country. The above dates reflect the standard Fri–Sun weekend. Country (click to view chart) Rank Days in Wknd Weekend Gross % Change Screens/ Theaters Change / Avg. Gross-to-Date Week # FOREIGN TOTAL 12 3 $52,462 -69.7% 18 -5 $2,915 $701,307,355 12 New Zealand 57 4 $130 -91.3% 2 -1 $65 $4,187,033 12 hmm I prefer to not often ping someone, in this case just for the fun of it: @Gamora I guess if you watch it again we might get to see it in the next update 😉 (I guess ~ 12 people watched it the last weekend in NZ? I am assuming cheap times as not screened during prime time anymore, and maybe cheap matinees, 2D,... maybe even 14 people? ..... ) dom weekend (3-day and 4-day) May 24–26 17 $408,279 -44.5% 300 -426 $1,361 $425,830,631 12 May 24–27 18 $494,727 -32.8% 300 -426 $1,649 $425,917,079 12 Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $425,917,079 37.8% + Foreign: $701,307,355 62.2% = Worldwide: $1,127,224,43
  21. That's a rather skewed way to look at those numbers: Avatar had not a similar simultan OW (e.g. China during weekend 8-10 January). dom it started during a heavy snowstorm, muted its OW there btw another season today's times BO tends to behave way faster Avatar is not a part xx movie that too tend to be faster in especial 3D able cinemas way less - needed time to be able to get a ticket in 3D Avatar got a higher than usual rewatch need for: this time in 3D than nowadays is typical and for its must see as 3D WoM
  22. Lionsgate as usual late / missing still, MGM too, so for a impression of drops.. Daily Domestic Chart for Tuesday May 21, 2019 ← Previous Chart Chart Index Movie Distributor Gross Change Thtrs. Per Thtr. Total Gross Days - (2) Avengers: Endgame Walt Disney $2,900,871 -8% 4,220 $687 $777,431,486 26 - (3) Pokémon: Detective Pikachu Warner Bros. $2,757,571 +11% 4,248 $649 $99,547,694 12 - (5) A Dog’s Journey Universal $1,005,405 +44% 3,267 $308 $9,732,000 5 - (8) Poms STX Entertainment $577,262 +69% 2,750 $210 $11,030,658 12 - (6) The Intruder Sony Pictures $570,000 +50% 2,231 $255 $29,000,750 19 - (10) The Sun is Also a Star Warner Bros. $356,008 +58% 2,073 $172 $3,093,089 5 - (9) UglyDolls STX Entertainment $205,794 -29% 2,030 $101 $17,930,136 19 - (12) Breakthrough 20th Century Fox $158,433 +58% 1,375 $115 $39,271,567 40 - (11) Tolkien Fox Searchlight $129,216 +15% 1,501 $86 $4,009,508 12 - (13) The Curse of La Llorona Warner Bros. $116,234 +35% 651 $179 $53,207,498 33 - (14) Captain Marvel Walt Disney $75,258 -3% 726 $104 $425,305,703 75 - (15) Shazam! Warner Bros. $46,502 -4% 536 $87 $138,162,595 47 - (-) Little Universal $37,830 +49% 314 $120 $40,259,065 40 - (-) Penguins Walt Disney $35,114 +22% 115 $305 $7,359,329 35 - (-) Dumbo Walt Disney $32,893 -28% 415 $79 $111,600,148 54 - (-) Pet Sematary Paramount Pictures $19,106 +11% 226 $85 $54,562,273 47 - (-) Us Universal $18,565 -7% 195 $95 $174,721,910 61 - (-) Student of the Year 2 FIP $16,582 -15% 189 $88 $763,506 12 - (-) How to Train Your Dragon: T… Universal $15,585 -11% 177 $88 $160,379,270 89 - (-) The Souvenir A24 $8,514 +5% 4 $2,129 $95,019 5 - (-) Unplanned Pure Flix Entertain… $6,248 +227% 37 $169 $18,054,249 54 - (-) After Aviron Pictures $4,291 -14% 82 $52 $12,118,236 40 - (-) Hotel Mumbai Bleecker Street $2,680 -61% 30 $89 $9,548,067 61 - (-) High Life A24 $2,169 +7% 22 $99 $1,208,150 47 - (-) Gloria Bell A24 $875 +4% 9 $97 $5,609,132 75 - (-) Mia and the White Lion Ledafilms $36 -75% 1 $36 $400,458 40
  23. and for the last week's comparison... CAN holiday in full work 😉 Monday, May 20, 2019 TD YD Title (Click to View) Studio Daily Gross % +/- YD / LW Theaters / Avg Gross To-Date Day 1 1 John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum LG/S $5,722,448 -61% - 3,850 $1,486 $62,540,515 4 2 2 Avengers: Endgame BV $3,162,240 -67% -33% 4,220 $749 $774,530,615 25 3 3 Pokemon Detective Pikachu WB $2,495,118 -69% -32% 4,248 $587 $96,790,123 11 4 5 The Hustle UAR $717,180 -59% -22% 3,077 $233 $23,921,542 11 5 4 A Dog's Journey Uni. $696,510 -70% - 3,267 $213 $8,726,595 4 6 6 The Intruder (2019) SGem $379,801 -66% -38% 2,231 $170 $28,430,750 18 7 7 Long Shot LG/S $379,565 -58% -33% 2,110 $180 $26,044,528 18 8 8 Poms STX $342,506 -49% -35% 2,750 $125 $10,453,396 11 9 9 Uglydolls STX $291,057 -56% +21% 2,030 $143 $17,724,342 18 10 10 The Sun Is Also a Star WB $225,551 -60% - 2,073 $109 $2,737,081 4 11 - Tolkien FoxS $112,108 -47% -44% 1,501 $75 $3,880,292 11 12 11 Breakthrough Fox $100,179 -70% -43% 1,375 $73 $39,113,134 34 - 12 The Curse of La Llorona WB (NL) $85,882 -67% -50% 651 $132 $53,092,264 32 - - Captain Marvel BV $77,928 -62% -49% 726 $107 $425,230,445 74 - - Shazam! WB (NL) $48,480 -69% -34% 536 $90 $138,116,093 46 - - Dumbo (2019) BV $45,846 -56% -9% 415 $110 $111,567,255 53 - - Penguins (Disneynature) BV $28,861 +352% -15% 115 $251 $7,324,215 34 - - Little Uni. $25,440 -69% -51% 314 $81 $40,221,235 39 - - Us Uni. $19,905 -48% -37% 195 $102 $174,702,345 60 - - Student of the Year 2 FIP $19,552 -43% -46% 189 $103 $746,924 11 - - How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Uni. $17,610 -60% +69% 177 $99 $160,363,685 88 - - Pet Sematary (2019) Par. $17,157 -62% -41% 226 $76 $54,543,167 46 - - Photograph Amazon $15,038 +30% - 13 $1,157 $26,597 2 - - The Souvenir A24 $8,105 -60% - 4 $2,026 $86,505 4 - - Missing Link UAR $7,004 -72% -44% 154 $45 $16,480,432 39 - - Hotel Mumbai BST $6,899 -13% +63% 30 $230 $9,577,462 60 - - Five Feet Apart LGF $6,641 -63% +180% 116 $57 $45,659,018 67 - - Play the Flute 5&2 $6,639 - - 4 $1,660 $140,431 113 - - After (2019) Aviron $4,976 -47% +38% 82 $61 $12,113,945 39 - - High Life A24 $2,029 -52% -64% 22 $92 $1,205,981 46 - - Unplanned PFR $1,912 -83% -64% 37 $52 $18,048,001 53 - - Gloria Bell A24 $843 -7% -63% 9 $94 $5,608,257 74 - - Fighting with My Family MGM $165 -85% -77% 10 $17 $22,958,108 96
  24. I hope it was clear it was in no way meant in a negative way, I always smile a bit when I see your posts. I like the thought behind it very much Its a special thing too, that's all what I meant We all have some special quirks or whatever unusual, we all have thoughts / ideas .... that are banal also, a mix of our past and ideas for the future, some interesting, some boring... I do not understand what all the fuss here is even about.
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