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  1. I still do not think they do it all for the milestone chance, so I am not sure if they'd do something like that. As always interesting to learn about the different POVs here 😉
  2. per the release of Spider-Man Far From Home the MCU reached the $22b ww milestone TOTAL: $22,010.6 $8,329.3 37.8% $13,681.3 62.2% - AVERAGE: $957.0 $362.1 37.8% $594.8 62.2% - https://www.boxofficemojo.com/franchises/chart/?id=avengers.htm Curious to see the new average after SM:FFH finished its run.
  3. Insidekino.de did a top 10 for 40 countries comparison for the first half of 2019 For the ones interested into that too: some countries have the local money it made, some have the admissions. To be able to understand all: Besucher means admissions (directly translated it means visitors) Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 3 = How to Train Your Drangon 3 Plötzlich Familie = Instant Family Chaos im Netz (Netz is net btw) = Ralph Breaks the Internet I thinka all other titles include enough terms near to the English version they should be self-explaining All titles with a little flag added are local movies - a nice reminder not all circles around US made movies 😉 It also shows: beside A:EG clearly dominating in most of them as #1, there are still countries where its not #1, like e.g. in Lithuania where its on #3, and in Japan, where its on #5. For now. = see my earlier posts about even if a movie is dominating its usually not dominating as #1 all over the world. HJ = half year http://www.insidekino.com/BO/2019HJ.htm
  4. I am not sure if you really read my post. I wrote explicit I think its overused, answering to it you seem to try to get me into a discussion about something I am clearly disgusted about. Maybe this makes it clearer: The term gets used here at BOT too freely for very different situations. Fudging in my POV is solely working the numbers like adding Puerto Rico twice = the BO never was as high as declared, never an income added per the cinemas, only created on paper. If a distributor buys tickets for lets say under $100k for reaching a milestone, its still money the cinemas did get their share. That is not fudging. Btw, also happening very very seldom, way less than ppl here seem to think. dom $100m was a reason, not sure if its still. Had then to do with TV-rights earnings and such, to buy a few tickets actually made sense if you'll get more later back per a certain surcharge for a $100m making movie. What I count as fudging was done maybe a handful of times, I have less time the last few years to follow BO so I might have missed a title or so, but as far as I am aware it did not happen at all in recent times. Some here use it e.g. if a distributor let a movie run longer than average in the cinemas to reach a certain milestone, that too is not fudging. All other cases (without sitting down to think, trying to remember as the theme annoys me to the gills already) it gets used: its simply a misuse seemingly based on overreactions, assuming things for not wanting to accept something and desperately trying to find something to further a success or dismiss it and so on. Plus wrong basic assumptions per reading too often posts claiming fudge and believing into it based on those Again: its overused. In my POV the term should get banned here, maybe then the threads here (generally speaking, its not only a problem in the MCU, Star Wars,... all that gets near to whatever milestone threads) get a chance to come back to drama free reality In my POV that's a wrong start to develop any theory / prognosis. For the reasons of the actual advertising, and whatever, it would be enough if AEG (assuming it does manages to get it) holds the record for e.g. a week, so they can use it, if they want to use it for whatever reason. In theory a minute is enough, but its always strange if something gets used that's not actual anymore. (still not sure if the re-release is for helping SM:FFH or for reaching #1, I think to help SM:FFH getting a considerable higher BO than part 1 can be an important/deciding point for future cooperation negotiations, especially with §$%$& Rothman now working for Sony, and as such far more important than AEG reaching ww #1. Means to me e.g. ww over $1b would be good, as Sony only has one movie with $1b or more = Skyfall. Even 'only' to manage to still exclude Rothman from every MCU set, but way more important: to be able to use Tom Holland's SM also in the future for e.g. crossovers) Disney has no interest into how long AEG holds it as a deciding factor for Avatar 1 screenings, it will be about the best possible marketing for Avatar 2, no matter what other movies did earlier. When its time in their POV. For that the movie has to be actually being finished / be believable ready at a certain date, then they'll do their campaigns they deem the best. If that includes screenings for Avatar 1, they'll do it. If that includes a marketing like: here comes part 2 to Avatar 1, the ww #1, they'll re-release it beforehand to add that possibility to the marketing in a true spoken way. No matter if its a car company or a movie company, advertising strategies are not fuelled by fan wishes / ideas, they are fuelled by what the advertising pros think after they have done their analyse at the correct time and think then what is the best way (not saying its always done the best way in the results).
  5. Weekeds with public holidays before or after often do not get # from certain distributors or movies. Extremer / better to see e.g. around Christmas / New Year, where it sometimes only during the first Monday after New Year till we get either the first actuals since a time or any numbers (condition: New Year is not at a Monday).
  6. I am following BO since many many years (since the '70), as said, fudging.... gets way too often written / assumed here and elsewhere. I do not deem such hints funny, way too many inexperienced or biased or.... readers believe those kind of posts and spread it.
  7. I spoke more about some people seem to forget ww BO details / background during a films normal run - and the remainder about a lot of movies earn after the official closing dates still, especially ww. Especially cults, classics or typical festival films, e.g. in specialised cinemas too. I know for sure Avatar was at certain dates in a cinema here and there too, I nearly went a few years back to see it at one of those dates but work called so I missed it. I think it was during the winter holidays then, a one screening only thing in a countryside cinema. But those dates are bringing in only bits here and there, worthy an update a year or two I guess, its not organised like actually AEG, where weekly money comes in in more measure 'weekly-worthy' amounts Avatar will see more serious (but not huge) additional $ before and around the release of Avatar 2 as double features or in preparation to Avatar 2 I guess
  8. the snips = simply stupid or thoughtless as too focused on a goal to first think then act the close call I guess is war, that seems at least not based on being careless in the usual meaning. I mean I got also through quiet some rather close calls, but that was never based on thoughtless behaviour on my part. Like to be at the wrong place at the wrong time (without warning signs) for many years to the degree (as I told here in the past) my friends asked me where I plan to spend my vacation time so they knew where not to spend their vacation time up to my ~ mid '30 as I got my son then. Like since my early childhood e.g. trice an earthquake, every time in another country, terror attacks (the bad one with 85 dead and over 200 injured), driving through a country the very day a war there started, a defect multi engine plane turned glider (at my birthday of all days), land jobber / arsonists starting a fire in a forest with us on 6 motorcycles were camping in and such. Plus some other reasons. But out of trying the limits, see seemingly the power worker.... I often can't understand some people's actions
  9. I mean Captain Marvel closed only at 4 July with still $4800 at that day / ~ $40000 in its last week. It had a theatre count of 84 in its last week (= 17 weeks in release) CM had its digital & disc release May 28 and June 11th A:EG digital is only at July 30 and on Blu-Ray August 13, its actually I think only in its 11th week into release. = why would anyone think it gets pulled that early? Even without the ~ expansion that would be far too early
  10. exactly, that's part of what I meant see my previous post Ppl forget its not all the same like in their region in every country or even only region. Including having at other days public holidays too (and as such closed local bureaus), that I had forgotten to list. During a record breaking OW is a higher possibility someone works at additional hours than late in a run, but clearly before reaching certain milestones. Additional hours means additional costs, especially during a public holiday or even a Sunday where e.g. here the companies have to pay a lot of ~ surcharges to their employees.
  11. 1. even with the usually low-balled weekend estimates its ~ $15.5m 2. actuals after a long weekend might be interesting. That counts in this case for OS too, as the per country still come together in a country where a lot of ppl are celebrating, take time, need to get over a hang-over instead of a fully occupied bureau. 3. even without the staggered OS release dates, there is, as always, no way we know anything for sure already/today. E.g. weather, local events,... a lot can influence the BOs and as such skewer the usual calculation models. Also as always. 4. the staggered release with so many differences per country (a few nights only, a week or .... once a day or twice a day....) does not allow the use of any calculation model at all. 5. there are still cinemas / regions... not connected to the famous BO detail providers. Later screenings, festivals,... Also the one screen cinemas who often get a movie the first time weeks or even months after the release for the very first time, especially countryside Hence why so often weeks or even months later the BOs get updated. See e.g. SK, here in Germany too, where you can still watch movies out of the e.g. '50 or last year or.... can be watched in a cinema. E.g. in a big event cinema they show here a 1999 children movie again, also next week 1979's Apocalypse Now Last screening I can access is for AEG in the same cinema at Tuesday (with the text added there might be additional dates added at Monday) with 1/5 of the seats already sold. Good for a movie already out that long. One of the countryside cinemas I use has it daily twice till Wednesday (no summer holidays in my area yet, we get it as the last), our program changes every Thursday, if more dates get added I'll be able to see maybe Tuesday, but probably rather at Wednesday. We had partly record breaking heat (here the cinemas are ~ empty if its hot), only this weekend it went down. = how to calculate any outcome out of all that for sure? Btw, generally speaking: terms like fudge... gets used way too often here at BOT in my POV (outside of OWs varying strongly depending on the distributor, and a few 'let's reach e.g. $100m').
  12. He dislikes most of the CBMs, also big budgets, prefers DC over Marvel (is a DC fan acc various comments he wrote over the years), dislikes Disney and especially the merger too.... Likes to find wordings that downplay movie's results he dislikes or worse (some of his wordings are strongly worded) He is also bad in general with OS details even for the movies he stans for. Also uses too often average calculation models even if its already clear something is not average, he seems not to bother to look actually certain details up before posting. He can provide interesting details for movies he stans for, this or that titbit also for movies he dislikes, also sometimes some rough numbers can get calculated out of articles before the first tweets with estimates/actuals for dom get released by the usual outlets = those are the main reason I still have him on my 'following...'-list. I feel like his articles some years back where better researched and less obvious biased in the most cases. BO typos he made then too, usually corrected within minutes / less than an hour. I think its funny how affronted he reacts when audience does not watch what he thinks they should watch. Including during this week/weekend For him speaks: he wants e.g. inclusion since years. But sometimes misses why audience rejects certain titles. Example female leads: when then people didn't watch the new Tomb Raider film its the fault of the audience. That the new Tomb Raider has an immature behaving brat as Lara, who is nothing like the character is based on... nope, bad audience. He speaks a lot about female characters with reasonings I, as a woman, do not agree to.
  13. I am still thinking about why people would be as near to that all and why it was positioned so unprofessional.
  14. It's an insane year for Disney in Spain.
  15. In a ~ bar in France where they celebrated and FOX did a cover of it... Live.... Deadline Hollywood‏Verified account @DEADLINE 8m8 minutes ago More Crowd Chants “F*** Trump!” After U.S. Women’s World Cup Victory On Fox News Broadcast https://deadline.com/2019/07/fox-news-donald-trump-womens-world-cup-soccer-win-fox-news-fk-trump-1202642780/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter …
  16. Taquilla España‏ @taquilla_espana 1h1 hour ago More TOP 2019 Así va el año (en M€) 1 #VengadoresEndgame 28.8 2 #Aladdin 22.1 (est) 3 #Dumbo 14.4 4 #ToyStory4 12.8 (est) 5 #CapitanaMarvel 12.7 6 #LoDejoCuandoQuiera 11.2 7 #GreenBook 9.4 8 #ComoEntrenarATuDragón3 9.0 Todas aquí... https://www.taquillaespana.es/estadisticas/recaudacion-total-estrenos-2019/ … 0 replies .0 retweets0 likes Reply
  17. Not sure why people would consider that a bad thing (if it would be even somewhat still actual, what's not), based on him being an award winning screenwriter / co-screen writer, and having not written that much / enough plays to begin with. CBMs.... yes, people turn in their own ideas that might get picked up. For an existing franchise? There are usually some thoughts expressed per e.g. pre-existing multi-film contracts for certain actors,.... = if a screenplay gets dismissed completely still does not mean its even a middle ground quality play, only means something big in the plans for the franchise has changed for one reason or the other, where the play does not longer fit into. A screenplay can even be Oscar worthy, if it does nit fit to a certain franchise (anymore) it still would hurt it. You wrote ~ 'opened every movie $100m/ $100m+' Neither BP nor CM have a part 2 released yet..... (sadly). To whoever it was who isn't that happy about the OW based on the long range tracking: 1. 6-days openings are not that wide spread, I guess that's rather rough estimates based on that alone 2. even smaller contributing non average details can throw a long range tracking quite a lot, like how would they know then what kind of weather at a certain weekend really will be? Or how critics or audience will really react? A little step away from the average for the franchise... will have an measurable impact too Tracking is not an estimate, only a finger on the pulse at a certain date, long(ish) before the weekend. To me actuals not reaching or surpassing a long range tracking amount is not in any form disappointing nor something overly 'super' as its only ~ loosely even connected
  18. I asked around, beside what Taruseth here already wrote (I totally agree to that), no one I know who does watch MCU movies (and I actually managed to contact = not all) was even aware about the re-release. They know there are since a time 2-3 Marvel releases and 0-1 Sony release or so per year at certain months. They do not look up movie details after the release / after they watched it / watched it as often as they felt it. I think not only do such soon re-releases not work in Germany (especially in summer), the news about it was way too time near to reach potential interested in a lot of cases, especially bcs based on the heat ppl who e.g. go for a swim do not look up as much in the www as at other times. Not sure if e.g. a public swimming pool whatever even has somewhere here something like a hot spot, the nearest indoor pool has no www access thing. The nearest lake is in a ~ deep valley, there I can not even phone someone with my mobile, much less look up cinema details.
  19. As the most will probably know, I did not like AEG, but the discussions about the whys and details to collect for both movies are great per the record nearness.... Reading through some pages here and there (I might have missed some posts or a lot already discussing this) I feel like some details seem not to get discussed or... Why I think its not 100% the same: then 3D was a way bigger thing, in especial for Avatar. 50% more additional material if I've read the the AEG details right material actually being part of the movie vs credit scenes (if that detail is correct, please do not answer incl. spoiler) Who actually also watched Avatar and why it might have been a reason for which kind of audience group to want to re-watch it (different groups) and why who will go to AEG (not me). Only one example out of in my POV many differences: MCU movies I'd not rate as romantic e.g., means if to list genres per ~ weight, romance might appear as #10 if at all and not #1 or #4 in general, like many movies will get. Avatar too I'd not weight it as #1, but still way higher up than in/with all of the MCU movies. I personally know women that did watch Avatar for that too, who do not watch MCU movies for that very reason alone, but I do not know a lot of that kind of movie goers, so I am not sure about % of the audience Than: then the home cinema systems were way less sophisticated than nowadays, and way less wide spread, the speed to release in high quality to HV also less fast than the most distributors do it nowadays. Avatar got released in April, was for a lot of people the test version for equipment even. A lot of people already had the Blu-Ray, but at least some (like in my circle of friends) were a bit disappointed about the 3D at home possibilities for an affordable price range, then the prices for then high quality 3D was way higher in relation. = on one side that will have satisfied the hunger earlier/already (I guess the majority), but for some even increase the wish to see it again in a cinema Buzz about an hour+ cut material was way higher/more intense for Avatar than for AEG Time span between release and release of the extended version differs, might also decrease / increase the wish for a cinematic re-watch for different kind of persons. I am one of those who might re-watch after a longer waiting time, but I am pretty sure there are people who prefer the time nearer release for it being more fresh in the mind/heart too Dec-Aug vs April-June (dom) 3D buzz a GA must see vs AEG buzz with a broad GA appeal for other reasons. Me, I watched Avatar very often for that, as it is the only movie I can see 3D a little bit, that includes outside of movie watching life, means I am generally / always only able to see 2D, no matter if I cook, drive a car or whatever. Then it was thought 3-4% of the world population are 2D sighted, per Avatar that got adjusted to probably 15% (varying degrees) No other movie works for me personally till today, I still watch it in a cinema, if it gets shown at a really good 3D equipped room Acc wiki Avatar had a 12 week long run, if I've understood the posts here at BOT correctly, AEG mostly gets a once per evening thing for a week only in at least some of the countries (I checked the 2 big/biggish cinemas I usually use, here that is correct with one exception: 1 cinema shows it additional once as a Sunday matinee) = not matter the results, in my POV its again something not directly comparable
  20. Gavin Feng‏ @gavinfeng97 6 minutes ago More China Box Office: Spider-Man: Far From Home make $35.1M on Saturday. $70.66M in 2 days. Expecting ¥650M+ / $95M+ on 3-day opening. 3rd best debut in MCU behind Endgame($331.37M for 5 days) & Infinity War($200.88M for 3 days). #SpiderManFarFromHome
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