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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I’d say top gun doing what it did bodes well for avatar. The latter doesn’t quite have the same boomer nostalgia icing on the cake but it’s clearly a rare four quadrant event.
  2. Surely the OW doesn't matter too much for this movie, of all movies? I'm absolutely not saying that as a pre-emptive defense - I'm always hungry for a meltdown on this forum. But Cameron is the god of legs.
  3. I always have my fingers crossed for an RT meltdown and it would have been great for this, but it was always a long shot. Cameron’s too good at what he does.
  4. If I was an avatar fan who put any stock in RT I’d have absolutely taken these reviews a year ago. The critical backlash potential was massive, and it hasn’t happened.
  5. I love the RT lag. It’s like it’s specifically designed to fuck with all the obsessives on this site.
  6. Barbie could be another Snakes On A Plane but this movie looks like a lot of scenes of people talking in rooms. And that's a good thing! I want to see that Nolan movie, but I'm not sure what the big spectacle is that'll bring the masses in. Its release date clash seems to suggest the studio knows what it is and its relatively limited appeal.
  7. Can’t be bothered to read the last 50 pages so I’m sure it’s already been answered, but when are reviews coming out?
  8. Watched this again and softened to it a bit. The central's mystery's still poorly executed, Selina's basically a waste of time and the length remains baffling, but as an aesthetic mood piece Reeves nails it. It just looks and feels so... dirty.
  9. Maybe I'm naive but I don't really get why this movie is such a big deal online. It looks super basic, in a way that could neither offend nor excite. It's not a case of not being a Mario fan either - at the risk of giving away my age I was playing his games when the NES was contemporary. This movie clearly exists because Sonic did well and... I'm not sure there's much else to say about it.
  10. Looks fine. I didn't think much of the first film but heard the second's a lot better, maybe I should give it a go. I thought the green alien woman was killed in that Avengers movie but I guess she's alive.
  11. It looks like what it is: an Indiana Jones movie made in 2022. The glimpse of the de-aging looked good but the green screen's horrible. This is why people still like Mission Impossible movies, they offer what so few other action films seem to bother with anymore.
  12. I think Cameron makes a fair point re: Avatar didn't have a sequel straight away so it's not comparing like with like to other films that did. The MCU has smashed us over the head several times a year with its 'cultural impact' for the last decade. I know which approach I'd prefer for cinema. But I also think the "it's weird how people don't talk about the biggest movie of all time " meme has some truth, and it's silly to pretend otherwise. Uncontroversial criticisms of Avatar alert: Most people don't remember Jake's name because he was boring. Most people don't quote the script because there aren't any memorable lines to quote. Most people aren't interested in Pandora lore because there's barely any to be interested in. Etc etc. Perhaps these charges against Avatar stuck because Cameron is usually incredible at that stuff. Thing is, Avatar did have, at the time, a massive cultural impact: the thankfully shortlived 3D revivial. No-one seems to talk about that anymore, but it was a huge deal. I'm sure if 3D had somehow stuck around the conversation over Avatar's legacy would be redundant.
  13. I assume he's not talking about profitability. Obviously if you're the studio you don't give a shit if all 5 sequels were disposable garbage as long as they made money.
  14. Yes, I would say so. Certainly in the source material. I want to stress: it's ok for Indy not to be a deep character. He's arguably enjoyable precisely because he isn't.
  15. I guess Mangold could do another Logan and address Indy's age head-on. I remain sceptical, though. Apart from anything else, Indy isn't a compelling character in that way. You're not watching this for a deep character study of a broken man.
  16. I reserve the right to not like this if I ever end up seeing it, but divisive is good. I welcome more divisive movies.
  17. It feels like she's in the early noughties Nicole Kidman stage of her career where she says yes to everything.
  18. Critical Drinker saw how much attention anti-woke grifters got on twitter and thought "I can make a movie channel out of that!" And it was a good tactic, the guy's done well. But he never once surprises you. Because that's not what the channel's for. It's for guys who get annoyed that actors other than white males now get a look-in and they like getting told they're right to feel annoyed.
  19. Wasn't this just all a bit of given after Endgame? You don't get to have the biggest 'it all leads to this' blockbuster ever without the diminishing returns afterwards.
  20. No interest in this - I don't want to see an 80 year old Indy any more than an 80 year old Bond - but I'd be surprised if Mangold's made a proper dud. The guy is the definition of 'reliable'.
  21. The John Wick movies are never quite as enjoyable as they seem to think they are, probably because the lore feels so half-assed, but they sure make for good trailer fodder.
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