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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. "Aims to repeat at #1 this weekend" Yeah, no shit Gitesh.
  2. "£12.6m = $15.5m" God, the pound really has taken a battering in the last few years. Anyway, seeing this at a Picturehouse on Friday. Looks like they've just added another showing today to accommodate unexpectedly high demand.
  3. Feeling pretty good about entering that >300m club.
  4. Ouch at that budget. Expensive original movies sure don't make it easy on themselves.
  5. As far as I can tell the paper's now officially reviewed it three times since Kermode's write-up was added. So that's... 5 stars, 2 stars and 4 stars.
  6. It's going nuts in the UK. I've noticed on twitter that a lot of people who pertained to hate everything the movie (apparently) stood for still ended up seeing it.
  7. Dude, unless you can quote a post you made from well before the trailer dropped that you predicted these kind of numbers this is all just convenient, after-the-fact noise.
  8. If you told me two years ago that I'd buy tickets to see a Joker solo movie made by the director of the Hangover I'd have thought you were mad. So whatever else you say about the film, it made cynics like me interested. (Granted, having one of the best trailers of modern times didn't hurt.)
  9. Venom's WW gross really was ludicrous, wasn't it? Comic book movies' BO performance are usually at least slightly correlated to quality, but not that time.
  10. Ha, a Guardian journalist I follow on twitter just called the movie empty trash - certainly at odds with her own paper which gave it 5 stars. Also (I haven't seen the movie but tiny spoiler regarding a song choice):
  11. Dang, hadn't seen the RT in a while so that's quite a drop. Are we now allowed to say the movie is critically divisive (remembering that's no bad thing)?
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