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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Yeah, there's no reason whatsoever to doubt this franchise.
  2. Salvation couldn't decide who its main character was. Totally killed the story.
  3. In the immortal words of Arnold himself from Kindergarten Cop: SSSHHHTAP IT
  4. After a lousy season/few seasons that was as good as I could have reasonably hoped for. Why the showrunners crippled themselves with such truncated season lengths I'll never know.
  5. The last episode was a total swing and a miss for me. Signposting a possible character destination is not the same as character development. It's why when Stannis, as generally useless as he was, burned his daughter alive I believed it, because they'd spent multiple episodes building up a man at that end of his tether. Cleganebowl sucked too, but that was always going to be annoying fanservice. The Hound never even mentioned the idea of revenge until the end season 7, and suddenly it's all he lives for? Bullshit.
  6. That's an absolutely ludicrous number. I guess it goes to show that whatever you think the maximum theater capacity is, they'll find a way to make it bigger if they think it's worth it.
  7. Wow at that possible 330m figure. I mean yeah, we always knew this was going to get the OW record, but just as a demonstration of absolute theatre capacity it's pretty remarkable.
  8. So this movie is almost entirely trading off Hemsworth's post-Endgame goodwill then? I wonder if that'll bite them in the ass given they've just paid to see him a couple of months beforehand...
  9. FWIW it's worth I had no interest in IW or any other MCU movie besides BP at the cinema for years, but I'll probably see this in theaters. I can't be alone, so the growth market is definitely there.
  10. The show is such a schlock-fest since deviating from the books. I know you could say it always was a bit trashy, but it was at least well-paced, dialogue-rich trash. Now it doesn't even have memorable conversations, and can't seem to stay on a scene for more than a couple of minutes. (I did like Sam's revelation at his family's demise though. That was a gut-punch.)
  11. This is a pretty good video essay on why music biopics almost always suck (or are, at least, vaguely unsatisfying): TL;DW - they always focus on a series of snapshots from the artist's life over decades, instead of focusing on a single, contained period a la The Social Network. Hell, even Spinal Tap was about a single tour. They also barely examine the craft of songwriting, making the big hits feel like bolts of inspirational lightning, which is bollocks.
  12. I'm never gonna watch this, but its BO take has been truly staggering. At least as impressive as any MCU/SW/insert franchise performance.
  13. You could argue it was more important for Shazam to be a critical darling than whatever meagre profits it may have made. WB really need DC to be seen as a wheelhouse that can produce good (or at least entertaining) films and against all odds they're slowly getting there.
  14. I'm down for some Nolan period thriller time-travel mind-fuckery but I'm slightly suspicious of that synopsis. Yay for Fichtner possibly being in the film though.
  15. I'm intrigued by this movie. On the one had it feels like it should have been done ages ago. On the other, MCU Black Widow is not a particularly arresting character who demands her own movie. It's just happening because Marvel make so many, so why the hell not her too? On the third hand, she doesn't have any superpowers/USP, doesn't have a strong personality, so I feel like they're going to have to work extra hard to make an engaging plot, which they might just do! On the fourth hand...
  16. Big Fish hasn't aged well. I really liked it at the cinema then saw it years later on tv and found it unbearably syrupy.
  17. Of all the Disney remakes, I'd never have dreamed in a million years that the only one I'd be tempted to see was the one made by Tim Burton. (The cast helps a lot, in fairness.)
  18. BvS is an obvious contender. No way did WB develop that thinking it was gonna make less than a billion. By the time the dust settled they'd all but given up on JL.
  19. For me, Res Dogs >>>>>>> Everything else It's aged impeccably and there isn't a bad moment anywhere. The perfect debut.
  20. OH MY GOD, Futurist didn't like Good Time! I simply can't believe it!! I absolutely did not see that coming!!
  21. It looks like quite a small movie, which I quite like. I'm surprised it didn't make mention of Manson beyond that one shot given how the synopsis talked that up, but QT's love for industry and all things 70s is clearly on show.
  22. If he'd made his debut in Good Time people would have been calling him a hot new talent. Haven't seen it but I hear he was also great in Lost City of Z too. Face it, he was a teen idol who came out the other side very, very well.
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