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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. It's funny that, given how Reeves is famous for ageing so slowly, it's actually Winter who looks the youngest here.
  2. Under a billion would be a (symbolic) disaster, but I guess it would at least force Disney to have roadmaps for the next movies.
  3. I still think he should walk in their offices one day and say he wants 300m to make his next movie. "Ok, what's it about?" they'll ask. "Not telling." Then see if they still say yes.
  4. It is a bit odd because it's not like they're making themselves huge like generic superheroes, for the most part they're just getting incredibly lean. Paul Rudd, for instance, has a great body but you'd never know it when he's wearing a shirt.
  5. I can't tell if this film has been more secretive than the usual Nolan projects or I've just paid less attention.
  6. Was watching an RLM video where they discuss the trailer. They put into words a tonal dissonance I felt watching it but couldn't quite a articulate: it seems to have a huge reverence for source material that was defined by its irreverence.
  7. On the one hand, I quite like the idea of the nostalgia being meta-textual. Paul Rudd is practically talking directly to the young audience who they want to grab with this. On the other hand, I have zero interest in Baby Ghostbusters. The original was endearing because it was four middle-aged slobs, and I can't be bothered with this Stranger Things baiting.
  8. Can we infer you're not altogether happy with the choices?
  9. Fun trailer, but I don't feel like I need to see a whole movie of it.
  10. Yeah, this is close to my take. The opening 15 minutes were absolutely riveting, and the rest of the movie can't quite live up to it (though the final denouement comes close). While the bait and switch of having the nurse as the real protagonist was a nice idea, I definitely found the scenes of her on her own and/or away from the house the least compelling, so I don't know if it was worth it.
  11. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. I had some quibbles (not least with Blanc, whose accent was a parodic indulgence that should have been nipped in the bud long before filming) but the good stuff was really good. Would happily watch a sequel and I'm sure we'll get one.
  12. That was Skyfall. CR was accused at the time of Bourne-ing the Bond movies, which seems a real stretch now.
  13. Count me in as someone who hates the creeping serialization of these Bond movies. It feels wrong and it's perhaps not a coincidence that of the four films Craig's done the most well-liked were the two that didn't feel compelled to reference previous instalments.
  14. I don't think his girlfriend from the last film (can't remember her name) will die. That's a trope they're probably eager to get away from.
  15. Yeah, that was a catastrofuck. A trailer shouldn't feel like the entire movie condensed to 2.5 minutes. If this isn't a fun last hurrah for Craig then they blew it.
  16. Marvel making a movie with the express intention of outdoing the stunt-work on the M:I films would actually interest me. I don't think this is the movie that's going to do that, but it's a worthy enough goal.
  17. Hard to get excited by that, but I'm still going with "a billion's in the bag".
  18. TV spots aren't technically trailers for trailers. But yes, for a lot of people this is somehow a new thing.
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