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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Oh, so this is actually good. It says a lot of how much Lopez's star had fallen that I immediately assumed anything she was in was trash.
  2. Going by that trailer I'll be very surprised if this isn't a hot mess. Linda Hamilton looks like she forgot how to act, frankly. But hey, Joker has a 9.2 average rating on RT now, so anything's possible.
  3. Lol at that photo on the left. Arnold in full-on "Twins" mode.
  4. The book was such a hot mess, but with some brutal editing there is the bones of a decent film story there. No reason to expect big numbers either way though.
  5. I'm ok with the title. It's a bit silly at a time where the franchise could use a bit of silliness. Odd number entries seem to work for Craig, so here's hoping.
  6. Thought H&S would do better, honestly. That number seems like the absolute floor of okayness, anything less would have been outright disappointing. Put it this way: Vin Diesel is probably mildly relieved. ETA: I haven't even checked OS numbers where I'm sure it's doing well.
  7. It's pretty bad that when I saw the trailer for this, one of my first thoughts was 'Futurist's going be hate-jerking to this all over the forum'.
  8. Yeah, Madden's definitely more famous in Britain for Bodyguard than Game of Thrones now. That was a smash hit over here. Personally I can take or leave him but I'm not at all surprised Hollywood's taken notice.
  9. My comment was aimed more at me than anyone else. We've done this whole 'finally, this feels like terminator again' dance before, but if it somehow snatches victory from the jaws of defeat, then great.
  10. If awareness translated to dollars this would be one of the biggest grossing movies ever. Seriously, my twitter feed hasn't shut up about it at since the trailer dropped.
  11. GOD BLESS AMERICA THE WORLD! Anyway, I won't watch this as ariel dogfights bore the hell out of me and the original holds precisely zero nostalgia value, but I sure can't wait for the thousand think-pieces.
  12. Yeah, the framing of this is total clickbait. It's basically a glorified spoiler.
  13. Wasn't feeling it. The show can't decide if it wants to be ironically hokey or genuinely scary and doesn't really pull off either. The plotting's gone downhill - they've given up on attempting episode structure and the credits pretty much roll random without even much of a cliffhanger. I know most people binge it but I think operating under that basic discipline would have made the writing better, instead of making it feel like a long rambling movie. I'll give it bonus points for Cary Elwes though - great 80s casting. Have the Duffer Brother said how many seasons they want from this? Because it's basically the same formula over and over again now and the supernatural element is a total MacGuffin.
  14. No, that was a so-bad-it's-good remake. The original is one of the most influential horror films ever.
  15. It's undoubtedly more metaphorical than literal. Some people will be happy to meet the movie halfway on those terms and some won't - both are reasonable reactions.
  16. I strongly disagree with horror movies needing to have a ray of hope, but with regards to Midsommar
  17. I have a weakness for whodunnits but the trailer felt like it was trying a bit too hard. We'll see.
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