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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. John Chu talks about dejection over BO numbers, hate mail, death threats and racist remarks Dem Jem fans are a mob, yo.
  2. Teenagers controlling animal themed robots, that then combine to form parts of a bigger robot.
  3. Yup. First one whom I've actually seen in something. Is it too much to hope for a Latina or Indian actress to play the Yellow Ranger now? 3/5 of the kids being minorities will give me fond Captain Planet and the Planeteers memories.
  4. He's great. The entire interview is pretty awesome, with DC wasting no opportunity to bust a hole in the interviewer's inflated Bond fanboyism.
  5. To be honest, the locked room mystery while addictive, was not the major reason I loved Yuusha. What I loved was the spin on "The Chosen One(s)" concept with the warriors destined to take down the Great Evil meeting up only to discover there is a phony amongst them, trying to break them from within with seeds of doubt. I didn't even know the first season would be of the locked room structure. But as hardly anybody weaves whodunit and medieval fantasy together, the direction came across as very unique to me and I found the resolution to be pretty satisfying as there weren't any noticeable loopholes (pretty impressive considering how the fantasy genre by its very nature plays havoc on the standard locked room rules, so a combination of the two would seem foolhardy unless the writer knows exactly what he/she is doing). But thanks for the recommendation anyway. I will check out the fantasy mystery shows you had suggested earlier after I finish watching the few Ghibli/Satoshi Kon features I haven't seen yet.
  6. I watched that trailer and thought the movie would be faithful to what people described the book as being. But then the US trailer promised way more zombie/action sequences than I would have expected. Also, who is Lena Headey playing? No one has ever mentioned an eyepatch wearing anti-heroine/antagonist appearing in the book.
  7. So as that trailer doesn't quite fit the description of the book folks here have given, I assume they zombied the film up several notches. Not gonna lie though, still looks fascinating.
  8. Excited to see what Webb can do without Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber's super screenplay giving him wings or Sony execs holding him down in a choke slam. He's actually had a very similar experience to Trank's, one pretty rosier than usual gig and one nightmarish (business as usual) gig. Good news is Webb's still standing, even after making it to the sequel.
  9. It's not all that bad. Sometimes the greatest impact is in the gut punch of an excellent bait and switch.
  10. Egads tribefan, you should have warned that you've directly linked to his blog. We don't need to give more clicks to his cray cray.
  11. If it's a one-off, then why is it such a merchandising blitz, with higher revenue than Minions merch? And why are the DVD/Blu-Ray sales record smashing if people are done with it.? Tellingly, the soundtrack is a monstrous success too. Face it, if the songs alone are anywhere as good as its predecessor, then Frozen 2 overtaking it is a pretty safe bet.
  12. Yeah, a much awaited sequel to everyone's beloved childhood movie beating an original movie is nowhere as impressive. And Frozen 2 is on the horizon anyhoo.
  13. Lol, Jerrica wished she were this talented and groundbreaking for an 80's cartoon character: The Misfits are so shizzy they just ditched this joke of a movie altogether.
  14. Rich Johnston inadvertently confirmed that his sources are indeed Camp Perlmutter at the end of the Internet's most long-winded and pointless passive aggressive post ever. Folks on Feige Island:
  15. It makes sense. Cancelling Inhumans altogether would further cut ties with AoS, robbing the show of a potential (slight) ratings bump if the concept is introduced in the MCU as well. Also, AoS will do a shitty to bland interpretation of the Royal Family and Kamala if the movie is cancelled, so I doubt the bump in that case will even be as inconsequential or long as the one it will receive if the MCU makes superior adaptations of these franchises. PS Kamala's book is an Eisner winner, Marvel's highest selling digital comic and a highly lauded critic favorite. The character has been receiving media attention the world over since her conception. I mean, NPR just released a podcast where all they did was tongue-bath her title. Feige is not stupid to let Camp Perlmutter waste her in AoS, especially as her movies can easily be the most budget-friendly MCU films ever and her connection to Captain Marvel can strengthen that franchise as well. The Royal Family too can support their own franchise without having to intersect with AoS's stabs at thrift store X-Men.
  16. If all these rumors are really the result of Ike's machinations then the Disney buyout increasingly seems like a godsend. The problem is nobody really cares for Agents of SHIELD. Its viewership probably makes for less than 5% of the global audiences of MCU movies. The more lucrative characters like Kamala and the Royal Family who can carry individual movies don't really have to intersect with the Earth based Inhumans (other Earth based Inhumans in Kamala's case except for some supporting characters and her own villains). They have sufficiently standalone storylines. AoS can keep making generic original characters + adopt B and C-List Inhumans from the comics and create a mutant parallel to pay off their shit.
  17. Lol so this is basically another Pride and Prejudice remake with zombies just a peripheral element? That explains why they managed to get this cast. The marketing seems pretty bait and switch then.
  18. Is the book straight up spoofy? Or does it tie the existence of the zombies to Austen's themes about societal conformity and rigid gender and status roles?
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