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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. The tangible stakes were Capable and the rest of the crew's survival and prosperity. The symbolic stake was Nux finding an actual and worthy purpose for his life and achieving that purpose. Really, Nux's arc was by far the most satisfying for me. He started out being a clueless pup (One of my favorite scenes was Splendid dishing out the truth and telling him he was as objectified as the Wives, trapped in an old man's self-serving false promises and masochistic hegemony) to rock bottom (when Splendid was killed and he saw those little dreams shatter in front of him) to actually bettering himself, breaking free of Immortan's lies and being so much more than what was promised, with the help of the immense compassion shown to him by Capable and the rest. Furiosa and the Wives' empowering arcs will obviously get the most attention, but I think appreciating Nux's empowerment should be as crucial. He avoided the fate of dying a listless and exploited sad sack and instead managed to ensure that the remainder of his short life made a difference in facilitating freedom for his friends. Through them was his legacy. Live. Die. Live.
  2. Loras is hardly a multilayered and well fleshed out character in the books. He is as dispensable as they come. And the off-screen manner in which he was disposed of in the books made him an even bigger joke than on the show. And he's still a headstrong warrior. The way he screwed Stannis in Blackwater was nothing short of admirable.
  3. I love the Tyrells because after the Starks, they are the only family who are so completely united. The Sansa/Ramsey situation just underlines how MUCH was at stake for Margaery when she was about to wed Joffrey. It makes me appreciate Olenna's high risk gambit for her granddaughter all that more.
  4. I'm actually a House Tyrell fan and I'm glad that Loras is getting a far better arc than the joke that was his "resolution" in the books. And GRRM himself is understanding and has no problem over the changes and his is the only opinion that comes even close to mattering.
  5. The criticisms against Sansa rape as "being just for shock value" is baseless as the same (actually even worse) happens to a character named Jeyne Poole in the books (she was there with Sansa in the premiere episode but then didn't appear afterwards). It's just a blending of two significant story arcs for streamlining purposes. I'm pretty sure most of the Sansa fans so up in arms against this change probably had no issue when worse things were meted out to Jeyne and Ramsay's other victims in the books. That just shows double standards and is actually far more sickening than anything the show has done to its fictional characters. If this doesn't reveal people's "It's okay as long as it happens to someone I don't care about" mentality then I don't know what does. These instances in fiction are incredibly necessary to initiate discussions that are highly needed to make people wake up instead of avoiding all the "unpleasant business".
  6. I think this thread is big enough to warrant being stickied on the BO discussion board. Mods?
  7. I know this sounds incredibly cynical of me, but I actually found it highly unlikely that Sansa never got raped in the books so far considering the situations she was always put into and the people she was constantly at the mercy of once her father was executed. All these Sansa fans are as naive as her, wanting a perfectly sanitized Disney arc (I'm not even saying "fairytale" arc because dark GoT-worthy shit went down in the original tales as well).
  8. But Cersei didn't have to disprove Margaery's virginity to get her arrested. She had to set up plausible and convincing accusations of Margaery committing adultery as it was capital punishment for a queen to commit adultery, reason being there would be no way to verify the lineage of the heirs she produced. I thought they'd have Cersei be incredibly cheeky and plant accusations of a Margaery/Loras incestuous affair. That would've been hilarious but seeing how they've made it public knowledge in the show that Loras is gay unlike in the books, kind of implausible. So I'm guessing
  9. OMG, Male Rights Activist calling for Mad Max boycott. Calls it feminist propaganda: http://www.themarysue.com/mra-to-the-max/
  10. Also, there is far less competition for the movie industry when it comes to entertaining female demos, as opposed to male demos who also have the video games, sports etc. catering more specifically to them. Usually, "entertainment media events" for women tend to be only movies, due to the lack of choice.
  11. Maybe the point is to show that even if you are raped, it doesn't actually make you any lesser? Really, I always found it borderline disturbing that the only women who got raped in the books were the marginal, insignificant characters. As if to say that if a woman gets raped, she automatically becomes less interesting or worthy. Or as if rape happened to only "lesser" women. Well, the harsh truth is rape can happen to anyone, even to someone like Sansa, who is this show's closest equivalent to a Disney Princess. I was more surprised that the reason for Margaery's arrest turned out to be so tame. In the books, Cersei goes to great lengths to damage her reputation.
  12. I need to catch up. Just finished Episode 8, "Shadows in the Glass". Phenomenal writing. For any diehard Daredevil fans here, is the series directly borrowing plot points and lines from any comic story arcs? Just curious. Apparently the Frank Miller 80's run is supposed to be out of this world.
  13. She is pretty assertive about not wearing the raunchy outfit with the white dude. So hardly "completely worthless". And the sister seems to be a more balanced character than the boss. So these seem to be selective observations seeing how you completely overlooked the sister's existence even though she gets more footage in both trailers than the boss. Anyways, this article is a far more articulate answer to the knee jerk criticisms and is written by a woman: http://www.comicbookresources.com/article/so-about-that-supergirl-trailer
  14. I guess they only consider live action musicals, otherwise Disney domination through and through.
  15. I wonder if Cinderella has sold more tickets than Maleficent. Let's face it, 3D may not be a crucial element domestic anymore but it definitely is OS, and it played a role in buoying Mal's numbers.
  16. Why does that article pretend like Frozen and Gravity don't exist?
  17. 50/50 (I think it's his best film yet, if I weren't so grateful to (500) Days of Summer for saving my love life). It's hilarious to think that the directors of both my favorite JGL movies may very well be helming their own Spidey series.
  18. Is Brandon Gray doing anything BO/entertainment related now?
  19. But Supergirl is THAT girly. If this were Wonder Woman, then I agree that it would be super sexist to make her alter ego Ugly Betty meets Devil Meets Prada's Anne Hathaway. But it is okay for Supergirl to be light, fun and chick flicky. Plus, Melissa seems all kinds of adorable.
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