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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Sadly if that is based on a real convo, then it strengthens my hunch that if WDAS would have followed up Frozen with a princess film like Moana instead of BH6, then the BO would've been far more impressive.
  2. To an extent? Aladdin merch was EVERYWHERE in the 90's. It even successfully spawned a spin-off series which is easily Disney's best spin-off series. No, Aladdin is right up there with TLK in terms of boy-centric success, though the presence and appeal of Jasmine and "A Whole New World" did go a long way in making the film more girl-friendly. I think Tarzan can be described as a boy-centric Disney film that was successful "to an extent".
  3. I'm not so sure. Lesbians are given some unique sexist crap, including from some gay men as well. I'm sure there will be some basement dwellers going "Korrasami need some good D to end this nonsense". Also, there is a young teen couple of gay superheroes in Marvel's Young Avengers team named Wiccan and Hulking where Wiccan has many similarities to an Aang or Frodo. So that's not completely an unprecedented situation as well. BTW, just rewatching "Breath of Fresh Air", Book 3: Changes premiere. It's RIFE with subversive nods towards Korra and Asami's changing sexuality, what with the newly powered Airbenders having to accept their changing physiology and the impact it will have on their lives. It's like X-Men in Avatar-verse!
  4. "Some" is understating it. How many sci-fi/fantasy show and movie protagonists are canonically LGBTQ not just in animation but also live action? Torchwood is the only one that comes to mind.
  5. Yeah. And apparently, the only reason they couldn't have an overt buildup to it in Books 3 and 4 was because the network wouldn't allow it.
  6. No but seriously. What the hell are you whining about? Glee being #59 on a popularity poll? As Iceroll said, that is an incredibly valid placement considering the impact it used to have on pop-culture 3-4 years back. If mainstream entertainment makes a difference in peoples' lives, especially the way Glee has done for LGBTQ teens and their straight allies, then more power to its popularity.
  7. While I had always held hopes for Makosami to rekindle, Canon Korrasami is pretty ballsy. It's clear that they hadn't planned this through out the first two seasons but that's really okay. This show has excelled in so many other aspects as well. It could have easily coasted on ATLA's success but it was incredibly ambitious and kept pushing thematic and technical boundaries. There were slight missteps on the story/character front at times but not for once did it fall completely on its face. The Avatar universe has edged the Marvel universe to be my favorite fictional universe now. I agree with Iceroll, there should be another series. These creators are crazy talented.
  8. Seriously! I think it was #15 or something on my list. Now it has cracked the Top 10 and may rise higher after repeat viewings! Oh well, there's always next time.
  9. Walter White mania! Also, everyone quit crapping on Glee. Remember when there was a spike in LGBTQ teen suicides some years back? Glee was an incredibly relevant and welcome aspect of pop-culture then. Plus, sometimes the music can be goooood. http://youtu.be/roAmRztQsbU
  10. Only GotG performance was brilliant and memorable. Lego too I guess but it came too early when every new release was overshadowed by crazay Queen Elsa run.
  11. His own father favored Iroh over him so he was always jealous and insecure. His relationship with his father is a mirror of Azula's relationship with her mother and Zuko's with Ozai himself. Subconsciously he ended up favoring Azula for her cruelty and took out his own dad issues on Zuko. The theme of a parent playing favorites with his/her children is a pretty consistent one throughout Avatar and Korra, especially when we learned that Aang too was not above this shortcoming.
  12. I think the Firelord's development was adequate as the show made it clear how much he screwed up Zuko and Azula in two vastly different ways. That was the biggest example of his ruthlessness, IMO. Sigh. Only 5? Let's see. 1. Iroh (of course!) 2. Aang 3. Azula 4. Toph 5. Zuko But Sokka, Katara and Mai are pretty up there as well. I really would've liked to see more development of Suki and her relationship with Sokka though. The whole concept and look of the Kyoshi Warriors was so cool.
  13. The Fire Nation teenagers were really compelling, especially Zuko, Azula and Mai. I love the Book 3 episode, The Beach, where Zuko and the girls spend time together discussing their family stemmed psychological issues. Refreshing to see such fully realized antagonists when compared to other franchises' 2D teen baddies like Slytherins and Careers.
  14. This is a strong group! Earth's Mightiest is proof that Avengers movie verse is really lacking without The Wasp.
  15. Yeah, if they flesh out Azula's backstory/relationship with her mother some more, then that character is actually Best Supporting Actress material. And I agree that ATLA supports 6 movies by dividing each book into two movies.
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