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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Oh and that Fey/Poehler 10-minute opening was fucking stellar!
  2. While I agree that Actor is not as set in stone as the other acting noms, I still think it would take a LOT for the Academy to favour Redmayne over Keaton. Yes, actors younger than Redmayne have won but with the sole exception of Brody, most of those young actors won in an era long gone. And Brody won it for a Holocaust movie. If Keaton was removed from the equation and it had been Cumberbatch vs. Redmayne, then maybe, maybe Redmayne could have walked away with it. But there is a mammoth Keaton performance in there.
  3. HTTYD2 GG win was unexpected. I thought its BO doomed its chances and the only real threats for Lego were BH6 and Kaguya.
  4. Redmayne won't win Oscah. HFPA is biased towards foreign actors and the Academy is biased against young actors.
  5. That was a legitimate shock. HTTYD2 is NOT going to age well. This is Brave vs. Ralph all over again.
  6. It has done great for a Disney Animation not named Frozen. Now Wreck-It Ralph deserved a lot more.
  7. Poseur hipsters maybe. Authentic hipsters will tell you Miyazaki is a mainstream ho.
  8. His narratives always get lost among his geography description orgasms.
  9. Seeing how Elphaba requires thick make-up, I think it's possible for Idina to play her in live action too. It's not like she has aged to the point of being hunched over.
  10. Really, it is down to the source material. Something like Avatar: The Last Airbender ends up being a soulless exposition fest when you force fit an entire 20-episode season of nuanced themes, plotlines and characters into one humorless movie. Would've been better to split the first season into two parts as there is more than enough material to support two full movies of 120-140 hours each. Oh, and not involving Shyamalan will help as well. Deathly Hallows does support two movies. It's just that DH2 lacked imagination and charm unlike DH1. Mockingjay.. eh. Breaking Dawn, Hobbit and Allergent?
  11. The Fire Nation is the only nation I'm not averse to being whitewashed. Mae Whitman would be a better Mai than Katara. Hailee Steinfeld could have been a terrific Azula. Dev Patel suits Sokka better than Zuko. And Quvenzhane Wallis would make for an interesting Toph. Newbie actors of color for Aang and Katara.
  12. Yup. ATLA should be 6 movies with each book divided into two parts. The only way to do the series justice IMO. If Korra proved anything, it's that this universe and its residents shine greater when more time is devoted to fleshing them out.
  13. You poor thang having to deal with Frozennite hedonism. Fate is cruel to leave you with no choice but to face the unending darkness.
  14. 1) LET IT GO, Queen Elsa and the True Love twist got mass media (both online and offline) abuzz, making Frozen a must see for families. Compare that to BH6 where the media interest has been 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000012 2) Disney musicals have immense potential to be huge due to their artistry. So when they are done in a way that captivates audience imagination through story, character and song like Frozen, TLK, Aladdin etc. they end up being immortal giants. 3) When it comes to movies, little girls are really under served when compared to little boys. Boys don't really need another superhero movie when they get 3-4 per year. Girls OTOH need movies directly targeted at them with strong female role models and themes pertaining to their interests. 4) The boy and his faithful thing concept has been done before in animated movies. And done very well. Princesses with any kind of psychological depth less so. No, Belle's Stockholm Syndrome doesn't count! 5) LET IT FUCKING GO! And all the other catchy and adorable songs that became viral sensations. BH6 had... Immortals. With all these factors going for it, Frozen would have been humongous regardless of release date or competition.
  15. Coz you've been hating on Frozen right from Day 1. Initially you said it would have weak legs after the big opening because it was the girliest Disney film since Little Mermaid/Sleeping Beauty and that no boy would tell his friends to watch it. Then once the movie proved to be a cultural mammoth you changed your argument to no competition for Frozen being the reason it having great legs. Your position regarding all things Queen Elsa has always been suspect. This whimpering of being an innocent victim of the unjust and monstrous Frozennites is as convincing as the Duke of Weselton's protestations while being tossed out of Arendelle.
  16. I just love the technical accomplishment of GaH. Feast is... I dunno, I was expecting a heartwrenching, poignant first 4 minutes of Up kind of deal because of what the reviews were vaguely saying. So was kind of disappointed at the typical happy ending. Still think Paperman is numero uno when it comes to cinematic shorts. It was trailblazing through and through.
  17. Uh, give it up already. You've been harping on this for over a year now. Frozen became a beastly phenomenon because of the songs and characters, with every little girl (and her brother) going "I wanna see this coz all of my friends have seen it and are talking about it!" Walking with Dinosaurs, Nut Job and then Lego could have made a dent in Frozatar legs but they didn't. Let's throw in Free Birds too if Annie's potent is going to be invoked. The only thing that finally brought the monster down was the DVD/Blu-Ray release.
  18. To be honest, I was expecting more from Feast because of the insane hype it was generating from preview screenings. It ain't Paperman. And it lacked the technical novelty of Get A Horse!
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