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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. That show was brilliant but they never explained how Rorschach became a public figure as Ozymandias's plot was still a secret.
  2. That's because the original Variety article mentioned August 26. We should get a clarification shortly if they meant July 26 or August 23.
  3. Word on the streets is that large parts of their Flash script has been retained in the final film.
  4. There's nothing moving with this movie right now and she was right about Ms. Marvel's power changes on the show so why not? Also it's funny to imagine the deals fell through for Driver, Robbie, Mescal and Diggs coz Feige didn't want to dish out 80M (in all seriousness though, I don't think they have enough combined BO pull to demand that so I don't blame him)
  5. There have always been people on here who just troll and try to manifest terrible numbers for movies they hate. They can't fess up to terribly wrong predictions because they need people to forget, so that they can continue with their shtick for new films.
  6. As I was saying in the weekend BO thread: BatB - Feat. Emma Watson Aladdin - Feat. Will Smith Alice - Feat. Johnny Depp + first 3D blockbuster to release after Avatar TJB - Broke out in India in a historic manner and shattered records TLK - Based on the most iconic animated film of all time TLM has no pre-established OS star and is not based in a real-life country like India to unlock a sleeping market. Unlike TLK, it's one of the smaller Renaissance films in terms of original BO runs and while domestically Ariel is a big deal among Millennial women, her impact and popularity OS was always a question mark. And it's in the most crowded marketplace out of ALL of these films. TL;DR This comparison is apples to oranges without taking several important factors into consideration.
  7. This weekend was surprisingly healthy and not a trainwreck. Is the BO back to pre-pandemic normal now that there is a consistent flow of enjoyable movies opening in theatres?
  8. Random films like Coco, Aquaman and Venom have connected with Chinese audiences and exploded. Don't see why that wouldn't be the case going forward as well.
  9. There may have been a similar character in this film or in Spider-Verse if Mattel had partnered with Sony instead of WB/DC. Robbie said she had originally wanted to feature Gal Gadot but scheduling was a problem. Did we miss a Wonder Woman Barbie appearance? Will we get a Harley Barbie Easter Egg though?
  10. Bigger 3 day, 4 day, 7 day and 10 day despite much stronger competition! Tbf the rest of the Aladdin cast was also POC. Ditto for the lead kid in The Jungle Book and The Lion King. The successful white led live action remakes also had really big pre-established stars like Depp, Jolie and Watson. Something TLM doesn't (McCarthy has never been a big OS draw like Depp, Jolie and the HP films). And they came out in far less crowded timeframes. So there are multiple factors to consider here before concluding "OS is racist" or "POC leads don't sell" like some posters here.
  11. See, there's no way to prove this is actually happening. TLM obviously performed better than Aladdin DOM because of Halle Bailey. We don't know how big Mermaid is as an IP internationally but of the big Renaissance films, it was the smallest, so were some places like say China all that crazy about Ariel in the first place, even if she were played by a white actress? Ironically Will Smith was the reason for Aladdin's OS overperformance. If the Spider-Verse films hadn't starred Miles, they'd just be viewed as amusing little also-rans like The Lego Batman movie that came out not long after the Nolan Bat trilogy wrapped.
  12. By that logic, The Dark Knight wasn't a global success either then.
  13. SV2 more than doubling the gross of the first film makes it a big global hit.
  14. I feel like this could be better executed. Especially if Lex is aligning himself with The Authority, it could be an exploration of corporate backed superheroes/militia like The Boys's The Seven versus a morally uncompromising Superman. You can go to places with The Authority that you never could with Batman whom WB would never allow to portray in too terrible a light. Which is why I hate Batman vs Superman stories because either they play out as rich dude trying to take down Supes fanboy fantasy like in The Dark Knight Returns or Bruce just comes across as a total insecure asshole like in BvS.
  15. No Hard Feelings is not a rom com. It's an Apatow-esque sex comedy. But there was that Priyanka Chopra film with Celine Dion.
  16. Whoa, haven't been following TF tracking for the last week and a half but how is it about to open DOUBLE of expectations at the end of May? Even the reviews aren't great. What did I miss?
  17. On the flip side, he can mess up Lois Lane WAY more than Snyder. Whoever is cast in that role will tell us a LOT about how much justice the movie will do to the character.
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