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Everything posted by sdeezy

  1. Yeah. You just can't leave it to the audience to decipher that kind of thing. Especially people who are new to the franchise.
  2. Because i"m not given any real reason to assume she has. She's a scavenger who can handle herself in a streetfight but to take on an advanced warrior and best him at his own game? no, not buying it
  3. Count me in as one of the people who didn't like just how quickly Rey got a handle on her powers. It just seemed a little too convenient for me, especially with the Jedi mind trick. Thats a pretty advanced thing to do under pressure with absolutely zero prior experience. and injured or not, Neither Finn or Rey should have lasted 30 secs against Kylo Ren. I liked the movie a lot but those things took me out of it for a while,m i must admit.
  4. Good but not great. Character work was fantastic. Rey, Finn and Ren get top honors. Hope we get more Poe in the future as well. I thought the first 2 acts were great but then the plot contrivances and conveniences just got in the way and took me out of the movie a little bit. It makes this a B+ movie instead of an A Still a hell of a fun time and STar Wars is back.
  5. I use RT because i dont have unlimited time or money to spend at theatres. If there's a movie i"ve been looking forward to i'll probably see it regardless, but otherwise if i have to choose between a few movies that interest me equally, i"m going to the one with better reviews. And honestly i dont remember seeing a rotten movie that i thought was truly great, and i've never seen a movie above 80% that i thought was truly bad.
  6. I've been thinking this for a long ass time as well. The format would have suited Django much better
  7. So i'm taking it thats a bad number? i'm bad at projecting with these preview numbers
  8. I watched Daredevil and Agent Carter and in no way are those shows required viewing for the movies. Not even close.
  9. Just wait till they have their next critically acclaimed breakout hit and everyone will be back on the "Marvel cant miss" brigade..lol
  10. Daredevil is rather awesome tbh. And the connections to the movie universe are barely noticeable. Its pretty standalone. And i enjoyed Agent Carter quite a bit. They nailed the 1940 pulp vibe perfectly imo
  11. Its a really fun movie tbh. The crowd i saw it with last night had a blast. Its good family entertainment
  12. I'm so mad i was away from the forum this weekend. What the bloody hell
  13. 450-500 mill WW, posibly more depending on how good the movie is. The budget for this is probably closer to the Phase 1 films (i.e. 150 mill ish) so it should turn a decent profit.
  14. meh, people have been saying that for years. Marvel movies at this point are guaranteed entertainment. It Ant-Man has decent reviews and s entertaining, it will do fine
  15. lol, its the 2nd biggest opening of all time. This doom and gloom is ridiculous. Its not a disappointment so much as it just shows how massive the first one was.
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