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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Will Gravity lose IMAX screens to Captain Phillips this weekend?
  2. Drink, that's always the right solution to deal with an epic like GL.
  3. Sure buddy. Whatever you say. LOL, I like Bane even though I'm not big on the movie, it's Bruce Wayne... and other things that I don't care for. But anything to get you be all up in arms and start posting TDKR gifs is pretty hilarious, so I can't resist
  4. Bane is total shit! There. What can you do? Ban me? Oh wait....mod, right...Never mind
  5. Fantastic film, and insanely rewatchable.A+
  6. Captain Phillips is from Sony/Columbia, so the money most likely went to Cloudy 2 I think.
  7. I'm gonna go see Gravity again tomorrow with my bf and my friends. I praised and gushed about it so they want to check out the movie as soon as possible. Hopefully I didn't inflate their expectations too much. IMAX 3D and we're all students, so yay for cheaper Tuesday.
  8. I think a 100% increase could be in the card. China will probably help a lot this time. I might up it later but for now I say 470M.
  9. How did The Hobbit do overall in Latin America?I think DoS will increase in Russia, and maybe China with a good release date. Can't see it doing any worse than AUJ in Japan, so probably flat or small increase.
  10. Perfect movie for an all-out brutal drinking game.
  11. I'll go with 750M. I think it'll drop in some markets but will increase overall. Can't really see 800M yet, but it's definitely doable if the movie delivers or just more exciting and less dragged than the first one.
  12. Great thread chasmmi :)This is gonna take time, I better start writing down names.
  13. Just go see the movie and judge for yourself, BKB.
  14. I just noticed that Instructions Not Included is rotten on RT *shakes head*
  15. I agree with firedeep on Casablanca. But I would not be as harsh on Citizen Kane, thought it's still a slightly entertaining movie, and Orson Wells gave a good performance. The movie's biggest achievement was of course the revolutionary, groundbreaking, introduction of new technology in filmmaking, something that I do appreciate a lot. But Casablanca is better IMO cause it connected to me more emotionally. Great performances from the charming leads, good direction, interesting characters and plot, beautiful love story, etc...
  16. Sandra was incredible. The movie was beautifully directed in many aspects. I love it. That's all. Go see it people! My theater was quite busy tonight, I hope the Sat number surprise us.
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