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Everything posted by Sam

  1. It’s running behind Moana these last few days saddened me a bit. But with percentage of schools out starting to pick up, hopefully Coco can start catching up and close the gap. 210M-220M is the target.
  2. Rocking those receding hairlines. Gillian Anderson is also a nice addition. What’s up with August 2018 lol. It’s like every studios are fighting to get in there. May is completely wide open, people.
  3. We can rectify that from now on. Don’t know if sober Noctis will think the same, but aww, thank you drunk Noctis <3 You’re great too. I enjoy the Harry Potter series, not the biggest HP fan or anything (POA is my favorite btw just so you know) but I like your enthusiasm towards it.
  4. Good jump for TLJ. But I’m more amazed at Father Figures number. With that, the movie looks to be well on course to get WB the BO money it needs to completely dominate Disney these last days of 2017.
  5. Wonder continues to perform well. Already at a 4x multiplier. I can see it pushing for 5x. DH2 and MOTOE has been a close race, but with the massive loss of theaters on Friday for MOTOE and DH2 having a Christmas theme, it’ll pull ahead easily now. $100M for both with ease though. Great runs. Three Billboards and Lady Bird both having quietly good runs as well. Justice League not following FB holds any more. And with the TC down to 1k instead of the 2k FB got for Christmas weekend, I see around 235M finish (over/under FB total)
  6. This is one of the SK releases I’ve been looking forward to. How’s the critics reviews/audience reactions for it so far?
  7. Seems like it’s gonna be a pretty uninteresting weekend at the BO for me. Well, aside from the back and forth about TLJ. I’m sure I’ll enjoy that.
  8. Seems like a decent, but could have been better number.
  9. You didn’t enjoy those laughing in tears smileys? I thought those were really interesting psychologically. They’re interspersed into those long posts, seemingly innocent and unassuming, but I think, they are in fact there to serve as silent yet constant cry for help.
  10. Can’t say so for Rogue One but TFA still did pretty well for a Hollywood blockbuster in China. It’s just that all the concepts behind Star Wars like Jedi, the Force, lightsaber fights, etc... are things that Asians, and Chinese in particular, just don’t see as anything original or exciting. They’ve seen way better. (and before any SW fanatics jumped on me, I’m American, and grew up with Star Wars. I love the series but admittedly, I always laughed at those lightsaber fights, most of them just seem pedestrian to me. I imagined it’s the same for a good portion of Chinese audience)
  11. Wonderful for Thor! The Avengers remained MCU best over there huh. Wonder if IW has a chance to best that? Maybe not considering the exchange rate (should have gotten Taika on director’s chair for IW, Marvel)
  12. I like the trailer. Seems fun. Easily look the best out of all the releases for next year March and April. And with Spielberg name attached, I can see it do pretty well. 200M or so.
  13. 833M is right in line with my projection. That’s about -51% weekly drop. Gonna lose lots of screen next week both Dom and OS, so the fight for 850M will take a while.
  14. It does. Will easily go past $100M. Worldwide figures are good too. DH2 also having a good run for a comedy sequel.
  15. It went down from Friday Counting on good Sunday drop for increase in actual. China number is just amazing. Almost passing $400M WW!
  16. Not a good weekend drop (-57% from last weekend) most likely cause of it losing most screens in China. But pretty good weekdays (almost same as weekend) 425M OS
  17. I assumed a 50% weekly drops from here off of last week numbers. It’s been stabilizing in drops so we’ll see how it’ll go. Think my dom and OS are both on the higher end. Just O/U Man of Steel.
  18. Just look at the calendar for ‘18 and see that May Day next year falls on Tuesday instead of Friday for Ultron. Gonna be a good advantage for big numbers.
  19. 240M dom 430M OS 670M WW I could see up to 680M with holidays advantage.
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