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Everything posted by spizzer

  1. Nice jump for 21JS. Lorax stayed flat.
  2. Yeah, attendance numbers haven't been going anywhere fast (at least on a micro level, overall attendance seems to be rising yearly) but ticket prices have really been soaring in the last few years.
  3. That's actually a pretty nice drop for TV, considering how huge the increase was on Tuesday
  4. 7-8 million for today should certainly be a given. Factor in the increased prominence of discount Tuesdays, and the chance for $10 million looks very strong
  5. They rank films, it's strange. All Time Blockbuster, Blockbuster, Super Hit, Hit, Semi-hit, Flop, Disaster, and I see so many analysts spending time developing various criterion for these rankings. Some of them base it on financial success, while others base on legs. It makes sense to judge based on these factors, but you don't see anyone on here trying to develop different rankings. It's just weird to me, to try and use a strict system to determine whether one film was more successful than another
  6. Should see some large increases today. As someone posted earlier, 2 30M+ openers and 4 20M+ openers at this time of the year is fantastic
  7. It continues to amaze me how much the Bollywood BO community is fixated on determining the "ranking" of a film, based on BO performance. It's ridiculous
  8. +1Pretty much agree with everything you said. I love what Yates did with this film.Score is the only major letdown
  9. If Alvin follows Alvin 1's drops from here on out, it should end at $105 million. I have it finishing in the 120s. SH2 I still have finishing in the 180s. MI2 is getting stronger by the day
  10. That's not to say that DH2 and TF3 weren't impressive. They were. All I'm saying is that we need context. DH2 and TF3 were damn impressive considering the state of the box office. DH2's opening was historic in terms of percentage of the Summer's total gross. But at the same time, SS sold 56 million tickets, while DH2, even with all that hype behind it, managed about 43-44 million. With 10 years of inflation, 3D prices and what not, it definitely could have been MUCH bigger than it was, but its excusable because films as a whole just didn't do all that well this year.
  11. It looks like it..but the Summer wasn't actually that strong. It was up from last year, but that's largely due to there being 30 more films than last summer. The average per film was exactly the same. Film's like DH2 and TF3 look impressive, but DH2's opening was right around HBP's level and TF3 saw a massive decline in overall ticket sales as well 3D makes the summer look a lot stronger than it actually was in terms of attendance.
  12. Quick update on BD1, it's currently tracking for a $285 million finish. No Saturday numbers yet, but I'm expecting around $420k
  13. Yeah these are pretty typical drops. The issue isn't the drops, it's that the grosses aren't too high in the first place
  14. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Seeing Hogwarts Invisibility Cloak/Mirror of Erised Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Diary Scene Every Lockhart Scene Fawkes arrives Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Buckbeak's Flight Harry wanders the castle at night Finale (Harry repels dementors and they save Sirius) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Snape cockblocking a couple in a carriage Second Task Opening Voldemort returns Yule Ball Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry, Ron, and Hermione discuss Harry's kissing Dumbledore vs Voldemort Harry and Luna talk after returning from the ministry, students depart Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince In Noctem Slughorn's Confession Opening title sequence Three Broomsticks Slughorn's dinner party Draco cries after killing the bird Harry comforts Hermione, we see Draco standing at the Astronomy Tower Sluggy's Christmas Party Felix Felicis Aragog's funeral Inferi in the Firestorm Snape kills Dumbledore Harry chases Snape Hedwig's subtle background placement almost everywhere Harry is present Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Obliviate Title Sequence/Snape to Malfoy Manor Courtroom confrontation Godric's Hollow Graveyard Forest of Dean Silver Doe Tale of the Three Brothers Dobby's Farewell Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Opening Underworld Dragon Flight Trio returns to Hogwarts Harry confronts Snape McGonagall being a badass Shield scene Grey Lady Voldemort destroys the shield Snape's Demise Prince's Tale "I'll go with you.." Forest Again A New Beginning
  15. Don 2's looking at 43-48 crore net for the weekend. Could go past 70 crores for the week.
  16. For reference:http://boxofficemojo.com/daily/chart/?sortdate=2005-12-25&p=.htmChristmas 2005. Last time Christmas fell on a Sunday
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