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Man of Steel (2013)

Man of Steel (2013)  

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Am I the only one who enjoyed the first half more than the second? I though the flashbacks were brilliant and the best part of the movie, and all the adult Clark non-Superman stuff blew me away, too. Plus, the first flight and everything was magical. The fight in Smallville was incredible, but the whole bit with the machines and the Zod fight started to lose me a little bit. 


No, I'll be interested to see more of that in any extended cut. There's enough action already, no need for more.

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Am I the only one who enjoyed the first half more than the second? I though the flashbacks were brilliant and the best part of the movie, and all the adult Clark non-Superman stuff blew me away, too. Plus, the first flight and everything was magical. The fight in Smallville was incredible, but the whole bit with the machines and the Zod fight started to lose me a little bit. 


I LOVED the flashbacks! I thought the pacing was great (once we left Krypton). Sure the story could have been told linearly, but I thought the way the flashbacks were set up were much, much more interesting. 

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I am aware of that. It is an inherent flaw and limit on the genre. That's why I can't believe people are so quick to hand out perfect scores for any film in this genre. There are too many plotholes, too many silly climaxes, too many consequences that aren't even analyzed as a result of the type of action we see in these movies. It's all about blowing shit up because the GA loves it.


One more thing I forgot to mention, in the case of TDKR, Nolan was obviously under a time limit. He didn't get to show everything he wanted in the film.


So perhaps Nolan may have shown more of the after-effects of the city's destruction if he had more time, but we'll never know. What we got on screen was what we got. All we know is that there was a pressured time constraint Nolan was working with for TDKR.

Edited by ACCA
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 Ican now confirm that the TW or someone who was incharged with effects did infact put another

incredible easter egg. Lets just say Reeves make an appearance!! Look closely at the point where

Cavil is having another big Superman Moment, taken the gravity beam dead on.. Mwahahaahh wow.

Glorius EasterEgg!! And what a nod to Reeves. :)

Blessings to whoever in the cgi dept did that.. :)

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The problem with the flashbacks was that it got annoying.


The film is about to move forward and then bam flashback. 

When the film moved forward it was random editing to the next scene. 


I find it odd people say Superman Destroyed a city?

Is it because when SR let Zod go? 



Imo the film to me and the audience in the theater only got much more engaging after Zod came back, after that myself,my friend and the entire theater were much more into the film. 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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:blink::wacko:  WHAT?


Did you seriously JUST compare the ATOMIC BOMB in World War 2 to a moment in a completely fictitious film?


Boy, you really are off the deep end there. 


Yeah, in MoS, Superman and Kryptonian powers are an atomic bomb, weapons of mass destruction, "fight fire with fire". That's why when Alan Moore wrote Watchmen as a deconstruction of superheroes, he created a character who's supposed to embody the point of having a Superman in our world and the consequences if that superpowered godlike being decided to fight for the US. And wait for it...Moore called him DOC MANHATTAN. Lighten up.


The editing is ankward. All this back and forth jumping. At first, you find it interesting then you find it annoying when the fourth flashback appears randomly when you want the movie to go forward. It's like Goyer and Snyder tried to copy Batman Begins non-linear narrative sloppily but we have no time to feel real attachment to the characters and their interactions, one Pa Kent redundant punchline ("you gonna change the world, son, but not yet so maybe you should let people die"), then they've already cut to the next action piece with a lot of jump cuts.("You're not my real dad"..."Clark..." BOOM TORNADO!). I'd prefer a linear narrative for proper build-up and not childhood bits cut to pieces to be glossed over in order to jump into the action quickly.

Edited by dashrendar44
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Gopher, I see that you're slowly becoming a Marvel fan :lol::P

For me it has nothing to do with brand, just the movies. Nolan's Batman work is stronger than anything Marvel has done, but other than Watchmen, early Batman/Superman and maybe Man of Steel, the scores of other DC movies are riddled with crap. And I really wasn't into Marvel movies until Avengers came along. Hulk, IM2, Thor and Cap did nothing for me. I just liked TA as much as everyone else and liked IM3 a bit more than most.
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For me it has nothing to do with brand, just the movies. Nolan's Batman work is stronger than anything Marvel has done, but other than Watchmen, early Batman/Superman and maybe Man of Steel, the scores of other DC movies are riddled with crap. And I really wasn't into Marvel movies until Avengers came along. Hulk, IM2, Thor and Cap did nothing for me. I just liked TA as much as everyone else and liked IM3 a bit more than most.


Incredible Hulk, Thor, IM1, and even Cap to an extent were all enjoyable for me. Avengers was also enjoyable but not that memorable. IM3 though was a big disappointment. I also have the guilty pleasure of enjoying Fantastic Four as well as Fantastic Four 2, only because I'm a big Silver Surfer fan.


Iron Man 1 to me was an awesome film, on par with Batman Begins.


I also very much enjoyed the Punisher 2004 and Punisher War Zone. Of course, it seems like we won't be getting any more very dark R-rated Marvel films like those. Blade 1 and Blade 2 were great as well, and they were both written by Goyer, which so many here seem to hate. That must be very conflicting to some of the Goyer haters here, him having written two good scripts for Marvel films :P.

Edited by ACCA
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 Ican now confirm that the TW or someone who was incharged with effects did infact put another

incredible easter egg. Lets just say Reeves make an appearance!! Look closely at the point where

Cavil is having another big Superman Moment, taken the gravity beam dead on.. Mwahahaahh wow.

Glorius EasterEgg!! And what a nod to Reeves. :)



How can you confirm that? I think all the white light just blurs everything.


I don't think I mentioned it before, but I really like the ending, especially Lois' comment:  "Welcome to the Planet" :)

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For me it has nothing to do with brand, just the movies. Nolan's Batman work is stronger than anything Marvel has done, but other than Watchmen, early Batman/Superman and maybe Man of Steel, the scores of other DC movies are riddled with crap. And I really wasn't into Marvel movies until Avengers came along. Hulk, IM2, Thor and Cap did nothing for me. I just liked TA as much as everyone else and liked IM3 a bit more than most.

Yeah, I know. I was just kidding with you :D
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Am I the only one who enjoyed the first half more than the second? I though the flashbacks were brilliant and the best part of the movie, and all the adult Clark non-Superman stuff blew me away, too. Plus, the first flight and everything was magical. The fight in Smallville was incredible, but the whole bit with the machines and the Zod fight started to lose me a little bit. 

Absolutely 100% agree. 


I liked this, but I felt the first half was far superior to the second, which just gave me a headache, and an earache.

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This was quite a strange film. I liked it, but I don't really know how much yet. I am sure though that Cavill is a great Superman; Charismatic and fragile, but strong, and I look forward to seeing him in the next installment. Suits the roll well, and so does Amy Adams as Lois. The two had great chemistry.


I absolutely LOVED Diana Lane as Martha Kent and Costner as Jonathan Kent. Selfless and compassionate, but I didn't like General Zod much at all, so maybe that's part of the problem. He was the only character I didn't really like, but the rest, including Crowe, were pretty damn brilliant. I didn't think he was particularly menacing.


Now for the action. It was exhilarating, but up to a certain point, where it just became monotonous. Must admit though that Snyder's camera angles were on point.


Score suited the film. It was very intense, loud, and unrelenting, but it could have been better. Truth be told, it was also rather repetitive, and frankly quite boring. Though the little piano melody that played throughout was very nice.


For now I'd say B/B-.

Edited by Heretic
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I liked it overall..But there were a lot of things I disliked especially Zod as the villain.

I give it 7/10 or B, looking forward to the sequel...but I really hate Goyer to stay as scribe..

I rank the superhero origin movies as below:

Spider-man 8.5/10

BB 9.0/10

Iron man 9.0/10 

TASM 8.2/10

MOS 7.2/10

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I have to wonder how many innocent people died during Supes' fight with Zod.


Superman just gave no fucks.

Because audience dont give fucks.


Would you like to watch Superman saving street people again and again while fighting the bad guys ? That would totally ruin the pace. Like the movie would be at least 10 times longer. It just couldnt work in that way as a movie.

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