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Sunday/Wknd #'s, MU 23-24/82, WWZ 17-18/66, MoS 11.7-12.3/41.2, TITE 13, NYSM 7.8 BOM, RTH

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Since we have to get to 300 pages - Asgard demanded it - I bring to you Max Landis PERFECT rant about Man of Steel. Reading this and having watched Chronicle, I feel like this guy is the PERFECT guy to be involved with the Man of Steel sequel. Warner should fire Goyer's ass and get him to deliver a Superman film like the character and all of us truly deserve it. Without further ado, here it goes:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw_GlYve_LgDiscuss. And if Warner is too dumb to get him, Marvel Studios should throw whatever he wants to write whatever film this guy wants to write.



You still haven't seen the film, right? Why are you going on the anti-Goyer crusade without even watching the movie? You've made up your mind before even watching it.

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I'm going to be honest, I'm rather lazy, could you provide a list of bullet points.

I'd do it, but I feel like he does such amazing points that you should just stop being lazy and watch the damn thing. The beauty of his rant is that I don't think he completely gets Spider-Man, Batman or other comic characters as good as he gets Superman, because he has a very raw vision of these characters, when they are a little bit more complex than what he implies. But this dude writing a Superman film? Wow. Just wow. Dude has a better grasp about Superman than even Mark Waid, I'm seriously impressed with his comic book knowledge, but most of all his passion for Superman as a character. If there is one screenwriter that should be considered right now for the sequel, even if his vision is significantly different than the Superman we got, it's him. I say Warner just hire this dude and he would come out with the best Superman movie screenplay ever in two weekends tops.
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I'm going to be honest, I'm rather lazy, could you provide a list of bullet points.

I'm gonna say just watch it. his arguments will come across better. he's an entertaining dude, if not slightly douchey

Edited by sdeezy
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You still haven't seen the film, right? Why are you going on the anti-Goyer crusade without even watching the movie? You've made up your mind before even watching it.

I feel like I've already watched, but I know for a fact that while I'll probably love it, I will have a lot of reservations about it. At the end of the day is another reboot from a character that I love, but I've been there and I've done that. I'll hopefully get a pre-screening next weekend, so this will be fixed soon enough.And my anti-Goyer crusade should have started with TDKR, If there is a right time to drop him from these films, it's now.
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I feel like I've already watched, but I know for a fact that while I'll probably love it, I will have a lot of reservations about it. At the end of the day is another reboot from a character that I love, but I've been there and I've done that. I'll hopefully get a pre-screening next weekend, so this will be fixed soon enough.And my anti-Goyer crusade should have started with TDKR, If there is a right time to drop him from these films, it's now.


Shoulda started with BB since a lot of the so-called problems of TDKR tie directly back into BB.

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Shoulda started with BB since a lot of the so-called problems of TDKR tie directly back into BB.

The thing is that BB would be fine even with hacks like the ones who wrote the first three X-Men films, what works best in that film is the Frank Miller based parts, but I think you should agree with me when it comes to Goyer, we need fresh blood in these films, Landis seems like would be perfect for Superman. It's not everyday that you find a screenwriter with such tremendous passion for the character. Let alone this talented.
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Since we have to get to 300 pages - Asgard demanded it - I bring to you Max Landis PERFECT rant about Man of Steel. Reading this and having watched Chronicle, I feel like this guy is the PERFECT guy to be involved with the Man of Steel sequel. Warner should fire Goyer's ass and get him to deliver a Superman film like the character and all of us truly deserve it. Without further ado, here it goes:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw_GlYve_LgDiscuss. And if Warner is too dumb to get him, Marvel Studios should throw whatever he wants to write whatever film this guy wants to write.



Ill say it again:



* Superman could either save the citizens or stop the World Engine to terraform the earth. one or the other option. If he chose to save people. Earth would have been sucessfully terraformed

* In Chronicle Matt had to Kill Andrew too to save the people, he did, Why is he complaining about Man of Steel Superman killing Zod?

* Where was this Guy when superman vs Doomsday and Superman vs Darkseid in Comics and Animation destroyed Metrpolis?

* Halfway through the video he starts Promoting his own movie Chronicle, What a shameful plug for hits

* When Zod said to Superman I am going to kill each and every human in front of Superman, he didnt mean on the Moon, he meant on Earth.

* He says Superman should have flown to a desserted place to fight. Where was his complaint when Superman fought Zod in Metropolis in Superman 2. Where was his complaint when Doomsday vs Superman destroyed half of Metropolis. Zod said his purpose at teh end was to kill all humans, you think he was going to follow Superman if he flew away? 

Edited by Hasan Ahmad
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I can't tell how talented the guy is. All I got out of his rant was a very dismissive attitude towards Batman and Spider-Man, which pisses me off as a fan of those characters. Those origin stories that he is so dismissive of are the very reason that those two characters became just as popular as Superman and arguably more popular than Superman over the years.

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Ill say it again: 

 * Superman could either save the citizens or stop the World Engine to terraform the earth. one or the other option. If he chose to save people. Earth would have been sucessfully terraformed* In Chronicle Matt had to Kill Andrew too to save the people, he did, Why is he complaining about Man of Steel Superman killing Zod?* Where was this Guy when superman vs Doomsday and Superman vs Darkseid in Comics and Animation destroyed Metrpolis?* Halfway through the video he starts Promoting his own movie Chronicle, What a shameful plug for hits* When Zod said to Superman I am going to kill each and every human in front of Superman, he didnt mean on the Moon, he meant on Earth.* He says Superman should have flown to a desserted place to fight. Where was his complaint when Superman fought Zod in Metropolis in Superman 2. Where was his complaint when Doomsday vs Superman destroyed half of Metropolis. Zod said his purpose at teh end was to kill all humans, you think he was going to follow Superman if he flew away? 

Because Superman isn't the Chronicle dudes. Batman or Spider-Man. He is fucking Superman, that's why.Interesting that you asked where Landis was when Superman died fighting Doomsday, here is his short with an all star cast with Elijah Wood among others about The Death and Return of Superman.My point is this dude was literally born to write a Superman movie. I sincerely hope that Warner hire him, and that he hopefully accepts the job.
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I can't tell how talented the guy is. All I got out of his rant was a very dismissive attitude towards Batman and Spider-Man, which pisses me off as a fan of those characters. Those origin stories that he is so dismissive of are the very reason that those two characters became just as popular as Superman and arguably more popular than Superman over the years.

He truly doesn't get Spider-Man and Batman, but he is accurate in what he describes, even if we don't agree with. He has a very black and white vision of these characters that while I don't think he'd be good writing them, I feel like he would be perfect for Superman. Chronicle was an awesome film and I feel like he'll put a lot of passion writing Superman, dude seems very opinionated about comics and even if I don't agree with, he sells his point very well.
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Because Superman isn't the Chronicle dudes. Batman or Spider-Man. He is fucking Superman, that's why.Interesting that you asked where Landis was when Superman died fighting Doomsday, here is his short with an all star cast with Elijah Wood among others about The Death and Return of Superman.My point is this dude was literally born to write a Superman movie. I sincerely hope that Warner hire him, and that he hopefully accepts the job.


I wouldnt hire a guy who plugs his movie as doing the right thing while complaining about another superhero movie. He sounds too self righteous. In his short he never addresses the destruction. it is only in this video where he addresses it. Everyone should watch the video to see how out of touch of superman comics he is. If he really wants to change it, why not create a graphic novel for Superman and see how DC / Superman fans accept it. 

Edited by Hasan Ahmad
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Are we seriously talking about Max fucking Landis writing the next Superman flick?


That's a HORRIBLE idea.


Has everyone forgotten the incredibly terrible, and thoroughly misinformed, parody he made about the Death of Superman saga where he went through the entire storyline and proceeded to not only get major elements of the story wrong, but show such poor research skills that the idea of having him on Man of Steel 2 would be a catastrophe.


Seriously... Max Landis? This dude's done ONE movie, with shoddy dialogue ("I am the APEX PREDATOR!") that was elevated by strong actors and a very strong director. I'm pretty sure he's writing the script for a "Space Mountain" movie.


Sorry... one guy ranting on YouTube doesn't make him the next godsend for the Supes series.

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thinking atm sunday MU  23-24m, WWZ 17-18, MOS 11.7-12.3, see how eve shapes up

Thanks Rth  :D


So MU can increase from estimate by 1-2 mil. WWZ may drop, but only by a tiny amount, 65-66 mil, no biggie, still a massive success.


MOS numbers look to be about the same with estimate (12.2m)

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I don't like how he makes fun of other superhero origins, but agree with the whole superhero movie genre is about superpower (gear) rather than hero.


about the MoS bit, his point is that a superman movie shouldn't have such a plotline in which Supes need to make an either or choice, with both choices being catastrophic. In comparison, the choice between saving Lois or people in SR is appropriate for a Superman story.


granted, Superhero movies gotten more and more popular mostly due to the cool factor of superpower and gear. we still have some superHero movies though, SR led to cooler MoS reboot, and Spider-man 2 many regard as among the best superhero movies. 

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