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grey ghost

Box Office Casino (please read announcement on page 366....we are archiving this one

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6 hours ago, grey ghost said:


Are you saying Ghostbusters OW will be under any movie does on July 22nd weekend?




No, the bet was that Ghostbusters' 2nd weekend comes in behind all of those three (Star Trek and Ice Age OW, Pets in its 3rd weekend). Maybe it's not ballsy enough, but WTF, I have too many points at stake right now :P

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1) Batman vs Superman WILL/WILL NOT be in the top 10 DOM of 2016 (bet 50 points)

(Olive WILL) (HeyItsMoses WILL NOT)


2) Batman vs Superman WILL/WILL NOT be in the top 10 DOM of 2016 (bet 50 points)

(misafeco WILL) (HeyItsMoses WILL NOT)


3) Batman vs Superman WILL/WILL NOT be in the top 10 DOM of 2016 (bet 50 points)

(WrathOfHan WILL) (HeyItsMoses WILL NOT)


4) HeyItsMoses' Top 15 from Chasmmi's Summer Game WILL/WILL NOT score higher than baumer's Top 15 (bet 100 points)

(HeyItsMoses WILL) (baumer WILL NOT)


5) Finding Dory DOM and WW O/U Toy Story 3 DOM (415 m) and WW (1.063 b.) (bet 100 points)

(MCKillswitch123 over) (Olive under)


6) Finding Dory DOM and WW O/U Toy Story 3 DOM (415 m) and WW (1.063 b.) (bet 100 points)

(MCKillswitch123 over) (misafeco under)


7) Finding Dory DOM and WW O/U Toy Story 3 DOM (415 m) and WW (1.063 b.) (bet 100 points)

(MCKillswitch123 over) (baumer under)


8) Warcraft O/U 350 m in China (bet 100 points)

(Telemachos over) (WINNER IS bcf26 under) 


9) Warcraft O/U 350 m in China (bet 100 points)

(Telemachos over) (WINNER IS baumer under)


10) The Secret Life of Pets DOM INSIDE/OUTSIDE 75 m of Finding Dory DOM (bet 75 points)

(baumer INSIDE) (misafeco OUTSIDE)


11) Central Intelligence O/U 330 m WW (bet 50 points)

(baumer over) (bcf26 under)


12) Central Intelligence O/U 330 m WW (bet 50 points)

(baumer over) (cannastop under)


13) Central Intelligence O/U 330 m WW (bet 50 points)

(baumer over) (CJohn under)


14) Finding Dory O/U 415 m DOM (bet 75 points)

(WINNER IS MCKillswitch123 over) (baumer under)


15) The Secret Life of Pets DOM INSIDE/OUTSIDE 75 m of Finding Dory DOM (bet 75 points)

(baumer INSIDE) (Spectre OUTSIDE)


16) Finding Dory O/U 415 m DOM (bet 75 points)

(WINNER IS Spectre over) (baumer under)


17) Finding Dory WW O/U Zoototpia WW (bet 50 points)

(WrathOfHan over) (Olive under)


18) Finding Dory WW O/U Zoototpia WW (bet 50 points)

(misafeco over) (Olive under)


19) Finding Dory O/U Toy Story 3 WW (1.063 b ) (bet 100 points)

(Ethan Hunt over) (Olive under)


20) Finding Dory O/U Toy Story 3 WW (1.063 b ) (bet 100 points)

(MCKillswitch123 over) (Olive under)


21) Independence Day Resurgence O/U 110 m DOM (bet 100 points)

(baumer over) (CJohn under)


22) Independence Day Resurgence O/U 500 m WW (bet 100 points)

(baumer over) (CJohn under)


23) Independence Day Resurgence O/U BOTH 110 m DOM and 500 m WW (bet 100 points)

(baumer over) (CJohn under)


24) Finding Dory O/U 3.48x legs (469.8m) (bet 100 points)

(Ethan Hunt over) (baumer under)


25) Finding Dory O/U 3.48x legs (469.8 m) (bet 100 points)

(bcf26 over) (baumer under)


26) Finding Dory O/U 3.48x legs (469.8 m) (bet 100 points)

(Olive over) (baumer under)


27) The Secret Life of Pets' multiplier O/U Finding Dory's multiplier (bet 100 points)

(baumer over) (Olive under)


28) The Secret Life of Pets O/U 300 m DOM (bet 50 points) 

(CJohn over) (WrathOfHan under)


29) The Secret Life of Pets O/U 300 m DOM (bet 50 points) 

(CJohn over) (angeldelmito under)


30) BFG and Tarzan combined OW O/U 50 m (bet 50 points)

(WINNER IS cannastop over) (CJohn under)


31) The Secret Life of Pets WILL/WILL NOT be first on July 15th weekend (bet 50 points)

(CJohn WILL) (Blankments WILL NOT)


32) The Purge Election Year O/U 80 m DOM (bet 75 points)

(angeldelmito over) (Olive under)


33) The Secret Life of Pets O/U 80 m OW (bet 100 points)

(WINNER IS BourneFan #1 over) (Olive under)


34) The Secret Life of Pets O/U 80 m OW (bet 100 points)

(WINNER IS BourneFan #1 over) (misafeco under)


35) Ghostbusters O/U 40 m OW (bet 50 points)

(BourneFan #1 over) (baumer under)


36) Ghostbusters O/U 40 m OW (bet 50 points)

(WrathOfHan over) (baumer under)


37) Ghostbusters O/U 40 m OW (bet 50 points)

(misafeco over) (baumer under)


38) Ghostbusters OW O/U Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 2 OW (bet 50 points)

(WrathOfHan over) (CJohn under)


39) Bad Moms DOM O/U Dirty Grandpa DOM (bet 50 points)

(WrathOfHan over) (CJohn under)


40) Ice Age 5 and Star Trek Beyond combined OW O/U 100 m (bet 50 points)

(grey ghost over) (CJohn under)


41) Suicide Squad O/U 90 m OW (bet 50 points)

(grey ghost over) (CJohn under)


42) The Secret Life of Pets O/U 65 m OW (bet 50 points)

(WINNER IS baumer over) (grey ghost under)


43) The Secret Life of Pets O/U 65 m OW (bet 50 points)

(WINNER IS Olive over) (grey ghost under)


44) The Shallows O/U 48 m DOM (bet 50 points)

(WINNER IS baumer over) (WrathOfHan under)


45) Lights Out O/U 25 m OW (bet 25 points)

(CJohn over) (BourneFan #1 under)


46) Jason Bourne OW O/U Mission Impossible Rogue Nation OW (bet 75 points)

(BourneFan #1 over) (CJohn under)


47) Ghostbuster O/U 49 m OW (bet 50 points)

(BourneFan #1 over) (baumer under)


48) Ice Age Collision Course O/U 100 m DOM (bet 100 points)

(cannastop over) (CJohn under)


49) Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates OW O/U Dirty Grandpa OW (11.1 m) (bet 50 points)

(WINNER IS cannastop over) (CJohn under)


50) The Secret of Life of Pets OW O/U Zootopia OW (bet 100 points)

(WINNER IS CJohn over) (Porthos under)


51) BFG O/U 50% drop this weekend (July 8th-10th) (bet 75 points)

(WINNER IS Porthos over) (ThatOneGuy under)


52) BFG O/U 50% drop this weekend (July 8th-10th) (bet 75 points)

(WINNER IS WrathOfHan over) (ThatOneGuy under)


53) Ice Age Collision Course O/U 100 m DOM (bet 100 points)

(Spectre over) (CJohn under)


54) Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates OW O/U Dirty Grandpa OW (11.1 m) (bet 50 points)

(WINNER IS Spectre over) (CJohn under)


55) The Secret of Life of Pets OW O/U Zootopia OW (bet 100 points)

(WINNER IS Olive over) (Ethan Hunt under)


56) The Secret Life of Pets WILL/WILL NOT be the biggest film of 2016 (bet 100 points)

(CJohn WILL) (MCKillswitch123 WILL NOT)


57) The Secret of Life of Pets OW O/U Zootopia OW (bet 100 points)

(WINNER IS BourneFan #1 over) (Ethan Hunt under)


58) The Secret Life of Pets OW O/U The Lorax OW (70.2 m) (bet 75 points)

(WINNER IS ThatOneGuy over) (grey ghost under)


59) Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates O/U 10 m OW (bet 50 points)

(WINNER IS ThatOneGuy over) (grey ghost under)


60) The Secret Life of Pets OW O/U The Lorax OW (70.2 m) (bet 75 points)

(WINNER IS Spectre over) (grey ghost under)


61) Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates O/U 10 m OW (bet 50 points)

(WINNER IS Spectre over) (grey ghost under)


62) The Secret of Life of Pets OW O/U Zootopia OW (bet 75 points)

(WINNER IS BourneFan #1 over) (Porthos under)


63) Bad Moms and Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates combined OW O/U Paul Blart 2 OW (23.7 m) (bet 100 points)

(WrathOfHan over) (CJohn under)


64) Bad Moms and Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates combined OW O/U Paul Blart 2 OW (23.7 m) (bet 100 points)

(ThatOneGuy over) (CJohn under)


65) The Legend of Tarzan O/U 3x multiplier (115.5 m DOM) (bet 100 points)

(baumer over) (misafeco under)


66) The Secret of Life of Pets OW O/U Zootopia OW (bet 75 points)

(WINNER misafeco over) (Porthos under)


67) The Secret of Life of Pets WILL/WILL NOT be the top movie on Jully 22nd weekend (bet 25 points)

(CJohn WILL) (WrathOfHan WILL NOT) 


68) Ghostbusters O/U 47.5 m OW (bet 100 points)

(grey ghost over) (CJohn under)


69) Ghostbusters O/U 45 m OW (bet 50 points)

(grey ghost over) (baumer under)


70) Ghostbusters O/U 47.5 m OW (bet 100 points)

(Porthos over) (CJohn under)


71) Ghostbusters O/U 45 m OW (bet 50 points)

(Porthos over) (baumer under)


72) Ghostbusters O/U 52 m OW (bet 75 points)

(grey ghost over) (Ethan Hunt under)


73) Ghostbusters O/U 52 m OW (bet 75 points)

(grey ghost over) (CJohn under)


74) Bad Moms O/U 30 m OW (bet 50 points)

(WrathOfHan over) (CJohn under)


75) Bad Moms O/U 30 m OW (bet 50 points)

(WrathOfHan over) (Ethan Hunt under)


76) Ghostbusters O/U 55 m OW (bet 75 points)

(angeldelmito over) (CJohn under)


77) Ghostbusters O/U 55 m OW (bet 75 points)

(angeldelmito over) (Ethan Hunt under)


78) Ghostbusters O/U 55 m OW (bet 75 points)

(angeldelmito over) (Olive under)




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18 hours ago, grey ghost said:


33) The Secret Life of Pets O/U 80 m OW (bet 100 points)

(BourneFan #1 over) (Olive under)


34) The Secret Life of Pets O/U 80 m OW (bet 100 points)

(BourneFan #1 over) (misafeco under)



I have won these as well.

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(tied scores ranked based on higher stakes)


1) CJohn - 5100 (1625 at stake) 

2) Olive - 4475  (775 at stake)
3) ShawnMR 3500

4) WrathOfHan - 3350  (700 at stake)

5) misafeco - 3150 (475 at stake)

6) baumer - 2325 (1600 at stake) 

7) AndyLL - 1650 

8) Spectre - 1550 (125 at stake)

9) BobbyJohn - 1150 

10) MCKillswitch123 - 1100  (500 at stake)

11) TMP 1100

12) BourneFan #1 - 1050 

13) Ethan Hunt - 1025 (400 at stake)

14) Porthos 1025 (150 at stake)

15) Scott Pilgrim vs The Forum - 1025

16) Blankments - 1000 (50 at stake)

17) Sucker Punch - 975
18) CEDAR - 850

19) The Panda - 725 

20) Rentaro1989 - 700  

21) bcf26 - 650  (150 at stake)

22) ThatOneGuy - 625 (100 at stake) 

23) angeldelmito - 575 (350 at stake)

24) cannastop - 500 (250 at stake)

25) HeyItsMoses - 500 (250 at stake)

26) Nosferatu Zodd - 500

27) Rorschach - 500 

28) grey ghost - 400 (400 at stake) 

29) Telemachos - 400 

30) CaptainJackSparrow - 400 



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On 7/13/2016 at 9:43 AM, BourneFan #1 said:

I bet that Ice Age opens to under $35m. (100 points, 2 people)


On 7/13/2016 at 10:21 AM, Baumer said:

I'll take that BourneFan


On 7/13/2016 at 10:24 AM, misafeco said:

@BourneFan #1 I'll take it too.


I'll add these bets to the roster this weekend.

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