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The Spectacular Now (2013)


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Finally went to see this yesterday and absolutely loved it. 

Ponsoldt showed that he has the ability to get genuine, naturalistic performances out of his cast with his previous film, Smashed and he does the same thing here. It kind of felt like a somewhat mumblecore variation of John Hughes at his best, to me at least. It's just too bad they tied into this into 500 Days of Summer in the marketing, as I think a film like this is one that definitely has the ability to connect with audiences on a larger level.

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Beautiful little movie. It never turned into quirksome indie sludge we've got so much lately. Great performance from the lead guy. I didn't laugh but I did cry, though it seems like I cry at everything these days. 



Up there John Hughes is looking at this and Perks, smiling. 



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I love a lot about this film. Both characters are incredibly relatable and I don't think suburban Georgia will ever look better than it does in this film. It's beautifully shot and you really feel the intimacy of every moment Aimee and Sutter spend together. The soundtrack is great as well. Unfortunately I can't completely get past the thought that at some point someone should've pegged Sutter for a DUI and underage possession, especially after the car crash, so I still can't say this is one of my favorites of the year.


I think Shailene Woodley is my new screen crush. I wish we had gotten to see more of her perspective but I guess they wanted to keep the focus on Sutter.



Edited by tribefan695
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It's a very good film, let's get that out of the way.  It easily immerses itself into the new movement of teen films that treat the characters involved with realism and their issues with respect.
Miles Teller and Shailene Woodley are both very good in their roles, and each is impressive enough that the duo pretty much carries the film.  The drama here feels natural and real, which is basically all you can ask for with a drama, particularly involving teens.
And yet, I still couldn't shake the feeling that the film still fell into a bit of melodrama towards the latter half.  The first half was great stuff, and while the second half was good, it tended to fall prey to a bit of plot device melodrama.  The resolution just felt a little too easy, Sutter's change and character arc just didn't feel real enough to me.
Of course, I'm not bashing the film in any way.  In fact, perhaps I'm being hard on it as a result of seeing some missed potential.  Nonetheless, this is still a very good drama.  Sure, there are some problems, but what film doesn't have those?
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The way they staged Shailene getting hit by the car, it made me laugh a bit. Felt inorganic and contrived, especially since there are no consequences other than making dysfunctional dude wallow in dysfunction.I've kinda had it with these 2000s indie coming-of-age teen films, in large part because they pigeonhole male protagonists into either socially inept awkward people who have zero self-confidence, or lazy, substance-abusing slackers who just want to have fun and don't care about the future.

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I thought it was a very honest film and I liked the subtleness in the first half. The second half picked up pace, but the consequence fell a little short and a few things just felt unfinished and rushed. Still really liked the cast and it was "a breath of fresh air" to me compared to the other movies Ive watched lately.A-- (I just cant drop into the B's)

Edited by Jandrew
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The way they staged Shailene getting hit by the car, it made me laugh a bit. Felt inorganic and contrived, especially since there are no consequences other than making dysfunctional dude wallow in dysfunction.


Yeah, if they wanted to avoid any extraneous complications they could've just had him drive sober (would've made sense in the context of the previous scene, and it would've made the drama much more palpable). 

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So sad films like this get overlooked.  Undoubtedly one of the best of 2013.  If Cate Blanchett was the best actress of the year, then Shaileen Woodley was the second best of 2013.  She is just heartbreakingly beautiful in here, not just on the outside but on the inside.  I can see now why her and Miles Teller were cast as rivals in Divergent, they have so much chemistry that it just makes sense not to mess with a good thing.  


John Hughes kind of wrote films like this 25 years ago.  This is teen angst and teen love at it's most primal and most real.  Sutter is such a likable character even if he doesn't like himself.  And Aimee is a fantastic character, someone who does need Sutter to bring out her chrysalis. She has way more going for her than what she gives herself credit for.  


I love this movie.  I love everything about it.  One of the best of 2013.



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I'm reading the book now and Mile Teller really nailed the character.  It's a very well written character, full of life and adventure.  I'm only on page 25 and Aimee hasn't been introduced yet, but I am liking it thus far.

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You know, when it comes to film, there's nothing ever as satisfying as a coming of age film that's genuine and authentic in its depictions. I've heard a lot of good things about the film, so I bought the Blu-Ray back in February but never watched it until tonight. I'm really glad I did. 


Honestly, the chemistry between Woodley and Teller is just astonishing. They play off each other perfectly. The film is a little bit messy at times, and that's ok, because the characters were so relatable and felt like real people. I think my favorite scene in the film has to be during graduation when Stutter talks to his ex-girlfriend. It's not a big scene, but there's something so genuine about it. I got pretty emotional when Stutter cried on his mom's shoulders because he felt nobody loved him and was afraid of turning out like his dad. That scene hit close to home for me.


Brilliant film, and the ending could not have been done better. There was no other way to end the movie but that. Unsure, but hopeful. 




It doesn't touch Perks, but this was great.

Edited by Noctis
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In the book (which I just finished reading and loved btw) the end of the story has Sutter letting her go to St. Louis and he has plans to never show up, basically breaking her heart, which imo is realistic.  It's an ending that works in a book but not in a movie.  After spending so much time with these characters, you want to see them together, you want to see them end up with each other.  I'm glad they changed the ending of the book to what you see in the movie.  It left me with a big goofy grin and a warm heart.  

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In the book (which I just finished reading and loved btw) the end of the story has Sutter letting her go to St. Louis and he has plans to never show up, basically breaking her heart, which imo is realistic.  It's an ending that works in a book but not in a movie.  After spending so much time with these characters, you want to see them together, you want to see them end up with each other.  I'm glad they changed the ending of the book to what you see in the movie.  It left me with a big goofy grin and a warm heart.  


I also loved that they still may not end up together. It's a hopeful ending, but like I said, unsure. As it should be. 

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