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A Marvel Fanboy

Dredd (September 21, 2012)

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It was pretty much DOA even with good reviews. You can blame the marketing as much as you can blame the original. The first thing you think of when you watch the trailer is flop city.

The first thing I thought when I saw the trailer was "A violent bloody movie set in a Blade Runner city? Sign me the fuck up!".
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The first thing I thought when I saw the trailer was "A violent bloody movie set in a Blade Runner city? Sign me the fuck up!".

That's just it though....it's NOT a Blade Runner city. The city in Blade Runner was much more interesting to look at.As I mentioned elsewhere I'm a fan of the comics. But in a way I think they made the movie TOO bland and dreary. Endless concrete hallways...a lot of gray in the scenery. As silly as the first film was their MegaCity One was more interesting to look at and fit the comics better IMO. I always thought the comics stressed the population pressure of having so many people in such a small area, but didn't stress the povery aspect as much as this film did.I realize the budget is to blame and nothing can be done about it. And I suppose I'm happy that it was made rather than not. But it could have been a lot more FUN. And I think word of mouth will suffer because they do little to establish the events in the film which makes the scenario our heroes deal with fall a little flat.
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How it matches up with the comics, or doesn't, won't be an issue for me. But a Blade Runner city is just a vast oppressive metropolis, so it counts. I haven't seen the film yet though, so I might end up disappointed, but I doubt that.

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Fair enough....I just don't think they give us any visuals that are as interesting as the Statue of Liberty surrounded by skyscrapers or the huge advertising signs you see in Blade Runner. And I don't think it's ALL due to the low budget. It's also an artistic choice that I don't agree with.

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As I've said before I thought the trailer was good, it was actually what first made me interested in the film.I think what pains me that most is that you've got (relative) trash like The Expendables 2 doing pretty well at the BO, and a a film like Dredd, which is 10x better as an action film (amongst other things) is flopping. It's sad.Adm, I'm not a reader of the comics so I can't personally comment on how it performs as an adaptation. However I will say that you are the first comic fan I have heard from who has been disappointed with it. The vast majority have loved it.

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I posted this in another thread as I still work on organizing my thoughts about the film. Might be relevant to the discussion here:The new film is just another example of the recent trend to make things TOO dark and serious IMO. That's not Dredd. My favorite 'short story' with him is where he's in a diner's bathroom...gets interrupted while on the john by a robbery....bursts out to dispatch the perps with violent efficiency...and then mumbles something about having to finish his 'paperwork' while stumbling back to the bathroom (who knew that Dredd even needed to wipe!).These filmmakers missed the point by just turning him into a violent cop without the irony. The last film had more of the satire from the comics ('You could have gone out the window'. '30 floors Dredd?' 'Yes...but it would have been LEGAL).

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I posted this in another thread as I still work on organizing my thoughts about the film. Might be relevant to the discussion here:

The new film is just another example of the recent trend to make things TOO dark and serious IMO. That's not Dredd. My favorite 'short story' with him is where he's in a diner's bathroom...gets interrupted while on the john by a robbery....bursts out to dispatch the perps with violent efficiency...and then mumbles something about having to finish his 'paperwork' while stumbling back to the bathroom (who knew that Dredd even needed to wipe!).

These filmmakers missed the point by just turning him into a violent cop without the irony. The last film had more of the satire from the comics ('You could have gone out the window'. '30 floors Dredd?' 'Yes...but it would have been LEGAL).

This is where it comes down to judging a film by it's worthiness as an adaptation versus it's worthiness as a film.

Personally I loved the film for what it was. I think the elements you mentioned would have made the film worse, or possibly even ruined it (if implemented badly).

EDIT: For me Urban's portrayal of Dredd is brilliant in this version because he is a logical, law is everything, cool, calm, but brutal character. But my favourite thing about him is he has this darkness and anger lying just beneath the surface which you sense is barely kept in check most of the time (this is detected by Anderson when they first meet, and you see it begin to surface when he is beating up that crook for information later on). I love it.

IMO any attempt to make the character lighter, or more humerous would have utterly, utterly ruined this portrayal.

This is just personal taste I guess. For instance I just don't get what's so great about the scene you mentioned.

Edited by rahvinn87
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It's funny. Put I'll admit you have to like potty humor. :)As a reboot the film didn't do enough world building if you ask me, And in a way I don't think it NEEDED to be a Dredd film. Meaning it could have been about a random violent cop without missing much of a beat. Most of what was shown regarding what makes Dredd Dredd was too lightly touched upon IMO.

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The thing is I really enjoyed the universe as presented in the film. I don't think Urban's character would have been quite as brilliant/iconic to me if he had just been a regular cop, you know?I definitely agree about the world building, but at the same time I loved the sleak, focused nature of the film. Too much extra 'stuff' might have ruined that.

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I had trouble finding a good pic but this one sums up the MegaCity One architecture for me:

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It's too bad they didn't have the budget for it, but then again it WAS an artistic choice as well because at most they would have had to change about two or threee shots.

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I had trouble finding a good pic but this one sums up the MegaCity One architecture for me:

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It's too bad they didn't have the budget for it, but then again it WAS an artistic choice as well because at most they would have had to change about two or threee shots.

Considering how bad opening is, it`s for the best that they ddin`t have the budget. This didn`t tank because of the look of the city but because there was no interest in it in general and because End of watch ate up action fans.
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