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A Marvel Fanboy

Dredd (September 21, 2012)

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Algren is putting an awful lot of effort into defending a universally panned movie while simultaneously trashing a mostly positive reviewed movie he admittedly hasn't even seen yet. What a trooper.

Well, he's a ---- anyway, but his defending of JD is kinda funny
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More people have seen Judge Dredd in the USA than have seen Dredd worldwide. lol

That may be the case, but the people that saw DREDD like it more than the people who saw JUDGE DREDD.

I'd rather make a movie that earns $30M and be loved, than make a movie that makes $100M and be hated.

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That may be the case, but the people that saw DREDD like it more than the people who saw JUDGE DREDD. I'd rather make a movie that earns $30M and be loved, than make a movie that makes $100M and be hated.

Great mentality :)But you should also add an extra bit about costs just in case. Hehe I definitely think the people who've seen Dredd view it much more favorably than those who've seen JD.
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Algren is putting an awful lot of effort into defending a universally panned movie while simultaneously trashing a mostly positive reviewed movie he admittedly hasn't even seen yet. What a trooper.

I think you've got me totally wrong. I'm not defending Judge Dredd critically at all. All I've been doing is pointing out that it made significantly more than Dredd. You are the guys that keep feeling the need to tell me that one is critically loved and the other is not, but I don't care about that at all, so you're all wasting your time.

I could not care what people think about Judge Dredd. My opinion about that movie is the only one that matters. You guys seem incapable of letting this die.

Judge Dredd $113WW

Dredd ~$30m WW


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Its true though algren I mean if you are really going so hard headed with this argument that no one can perceive how a movie is received amongst audience then you can argue that films made by Uwe Boll are better received than films made by Scorsese at which point any good debate about movies gets totally pointless Dredd is better than Judge Dredd ... it just is

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Only a fraction of the people that saw Judge Dredd would need to have liked it for more people to have liked it than Dredd. A film does not make $113m WW without a load of people liking it. If everyone hated, then WOM would have definitely stopped it from making $50m.

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Yes but a number of people that have seen a film do not equate to a number of people that have actually liked a film Here's the deal From all the people that saw Dredd I am certain that at least 60 % liked it ... while Judge Dredd can't even sniff 50 % If you say it ain't true just look at some internet polls or scores from average joe's or something

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That may be true. So in total number of people that liked a film, Judge Dredd wins. But like I said earlier, I don't give a shit.

Judge Dredd $113m WW > Dredd $30m WW

..is all I care about. If I cared about reviews so much, I'd be on IMDBs forums, not Boxoffice.com.

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Here's a fact. Box office trends are different now than they were back then. WOM spreads a lot faster now than back then. A film like Judge Dredd would have been torn to shreds if it were released today.

You're not helping ... algren will dismiss this one easily Can't blame him though this is actually impossible to verify I agree with you though :D
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No, that's not proof at all. In 1995, IMDB wasn't even in existence.That only proves that since IMDBs conception, people have seen it on VHS and DVD and disliked it. We're talking specifically about theatrical runs, which is why I keep mentioning the $113m WW figure.

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No, that's not proof at all. In 1995, IMDB wasn't even in existence.That only proves that since IMDBs conception, people have seen it on VHS and DVD and disliked it. We're talking specifically about theatrical runs, which is why I keep mentioning the $113m WW figure.

The fact that word of mouth didn't travel that fast and that it still didn't get a 3x multiplier speak volumes for how well it was received at the time of it's released. It opened 5th that weekend. Behind the fucking POWER RANGERS!Sly Stallone, one of the biggest names in action movie history, can't beat a movie like POWER RANGERS?You keep saying that money is all that matters, then where was the sequel? Why didn't this become a franchise for Sly? DREDD hasn't made shit for money, that's a fact. I am not debating that. I work at a theater, and I heard the reactions to people when I recommended it. Most of them said they hated the first one and didn't want to see this one. DREDD is in part paying for the awful Stallone version, that is a fact.
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I've not disputed any of that. You keep bring up shit for no reason whatsoever. Thing is, I just don't care about any of that.

The fact remains, Judge Dredd made $113m WW and Dredd is embarrassingly only going to make $30m WW. Such a fail. Dredd isn't going to make worldwide what Judge Dredd's made in one market. LOL

It cannot be dismissed as WOM not travelling as fast back in 1995 either because there are countless cases of terrible movies not performing well on bad WOM and none of them made $78.8m overseas. Take To Wong Foo, or Might Morphin Power Rangers, or Mortal Kombat as examples, all terribly received movies and still none of them made that much overseas, so for Judge Dredd to make that much it must have been enjoyed by many. Not everyone loathed Judge Dredd. Many enjoyed it too, which is how it managed to get to $113m WW when To Wong Foo could only manage $47m.

Judge Dredd even beat well-received movies like Ace Ventura Pet Detective and The River Wild, which proves that Judge Dredd was not only liked but good WOM was also passed on. More to the point, To Wong Foo, a movie made 17 years ago, and was panned across the board even worse than Judge Dredd, still made more than Dredd, a so called critical success (with 17 years of inflation behind it). That is the biggest joke of them all. :rofl:

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Yearly Ranks:

Judge Dredd domestic yearly rank: 54

Dredd domestic yearly rank: 98 (over at least 110 at the end of 2012)

Judge Dredd worldwide yearly rank: 29

Dredd worldwide yearly rank: 96 (over at least 120 at the end of 2012)


Return on Investment (simple):

Judge Dredd: $90m (budget) - ($34.7m + $78.8m) = $23.5m profit

Dredd: $50m (budget) - ($13.22m + $10.1m) = $26.28m loss


Theaters taking their share is not known, so the very simple method is used. A lot can still be seen by this, though. So long as the variables are the same, anything is a valid comparison. Once the theaters share is deducted, it still can't be looking too rosy for Dredd, and while Judge Dredd was almost definitely into loss too, it wouldn't have been as much in percentage terms AND in actual dollars as Dredd.

Dredd is more of an embarrassment for the studio than Judge Dredd is because Judge Dredd had wonderful VHS rental and Laserdisc sell-through runs. I can't see the same Dredd.

Intl Markets:

On average, Dredd has made a measly $374,000 per market. Judge Dredd, on average, made about $3-4m per market. Another hugely embarrassing statistic for Dredd.

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