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Carrie (2013)


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It doesnt break any new ground its a pretty faithful remake but I enjoyed it. Moore and Moretz are great. 4/5

Moore was fantastic, but come on, it's Moore. In the other hand, I know Moretz is talented, but I could SEE her acting a lot in this. Especially when she was supposed to be shy and awkward. I think she was horribly miscast and the rest of the movie was just the filmmakers going through the motions.
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I did not hate it, but the more I think about it I really did not like it as well. I have never seen the original Carrie so I do not know who the characters are or what drives them. The problem with this film is they do not tell you anything about any of the high school kids, they are bad (extremely, to the point it does not feel real) just to be, they want to help Carrie just because. The only drawn out character (to some extent) was Carrie's mother. Chloe and Julianne did a good job tho with what they had.



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Didn't you think they fleshed out the blond girl? She genuinely felt bad for what she did and the Snow character was a bitch because she was a spoiled brat who was daddy's little girl.  

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Didn't you think they fleshed out the blond girl? She genuinely felt bad for what she did and the Snow character was a bitch because she was a spoiled brat who was daddy's little girl.

I don't think they did actually. Yes, she stopped throwing tampons and yelling before everyone else did because she felt bad. In the original movie, she acted on her own, telling her boyfriend he should ask Carrie to prom. In this one, it wasn't until AFTER her boyfriend and another person that she should be nice to her. I don't remember the exact dialog, but I specifically remember someone telling her to be nice or something and THEN she told her boyfriend to ask her. Maybe someone can help me out with that bit.
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In this one, it wasn't until AFTER her boyfriend and another person that she should be nice to her. I don't remember the exact dialog, but I specifically remember someone telling her to be nice or something and THEN she told her boyfriend to ask her.

it wasn't like that. She felt even more guilty when Chris told her that she helped to bully Carrie in the locker room.

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Unlike most movies set in high school, the characters felt real and likeable, Sue seemed really guilty for what she did and I loved that Tommy defended Carrie in the class (totally against jock stereotype).  I felt bad for Carrie and every happy moment I had a big smile in my face, I was totally invested in the film. The prom massacre was really really well done and they let the teacher survive (one thing that I hated in the original). It was too short, more of Carrie interacting with others would be good and the crumbling house at the end was awful compared to the original. B+ (80)


If you want a creepy movie go watch De Palma's Carrie.

If you want a drama movie set in high school go watch Pierce's Carrie.

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Didn't like it at all and found every performance to be over-the-top, even Moore (at least early on) came across as a caricature. I like Chloe Grace Moretz but the look on her face at the end as she does what she does was utterly laughable and not in the least shocking. I also didn't buy a single motivation of any of the high school kids. I'm fine with Hollywood doing remakes but make it count, in the case of Carrie, it was utterly pointless.


**/*****, (D+, 4.1/10, 1.5/4)

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The only thing more depressing about the current state of modern horror has to be the reliance on remakes.  In fact, the only horror remake of late I've enjoyed has to be Alexandre Aja's The Hills Have Eyes.
In this case, one has to be reminded of just how good the orginal Carrie was.  I view the original to be a slow burn character study high on tension and atmosphere.  It's really more of a drama than anything else, and showcases one of the best examples of sinister foreshadowing I've seen in film.  The last 30 minutes is simply powerful stuff, and one of the best half hours horror has to offer.
In this case, the remake does try to make its own mark in some ways.  Unfortunately, the film to me lacked the subtlety of the orginal.  In some cases some patience can go a long way.  In the rare instances that the film tries to make its own mark it simply doesn't work.  In a way, it's a disservice to Moretz to try to take on this role.  She isn't necessarily awful (no doubt she's miscast here), but there's simply no taking over an iconic role such as this.  To me, Sissy Spacek is and will always be Carrie.
In the end, yet another failed and for the most part uninspired horror remake.  Aja's The Hills Have Eyes this is not.
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I still like it on the rewatch.
It's not groundbreaking, but it's not awful either, there's nothing that I would call actively bad, I wasn't bored and it was well shot. In a era that every movie has this need to be bloated, convoluted and overstuffed.
The remake is much more realistic, in the De Palma's version there is only the good people and the bad people, and Sissy Spacek portrayal of Carrie was borderline autist. In this one, Carrie is more like a real person whose mother is a christian nutjob, the girls are divided in various shades of personality, there are the good people, there are the decent people who doesn't have a sudden change of heart, there are not so good people who are not willing to go the extra mile and there is the really bad people like the villain.
I still prefer De Palma's version, only if because of his masterful direction, but this new remake is very enjoyable and feature better character work than the original.



Edited by Goffe
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