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Tuesday Numbers: Frozen 2.464m, CF 2.373m

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Sure it's feasible but it's far from being a lock even with late legs at this time of the year.


Late legs usually put grosses on a flat stage from the previous week more than of a major increase or decrease.  CF will need to majorly increase daily to reach that 30+M  during hollyday seasons, meaning it will basicly need to have week 6 and week 7 bigger than week 5, not just flat, but bigger.



CF reaching 400m depends on how hard it drops this weekend. If it drops has hard as Comingsoon.net predicts it might not reach that mark

Yeah this week will tell the tale with drop, I haven't seen what Comingsoon is predicting but come week 7 if its not at 400 it might be like 395, wks 6&7 don't need to be bigger than 5, the Xmas week should see not much drop either weeks either side at least 40%, of cause I'm talking week figures rather than weekend... anyway be interested to see how this weekend/week plays out

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I don't disagree with spizzer. But, should Catching Fire fall another 50% this weekend, Iron Man Three will have built a healthy $12.5M to $15M lead going into Tuesday. IM3 enjoyed an awesome Memorial Day Monday. But, CF will see really nice holiday receipts. No denying that. And, will likely surpass IM3. But, with a healthy lead going into the holiday inflated days, the race could be interesting. That's what I'm saying.

Most interesting "race" this year to me.   I doubt the Hobbit will get into the race so this looks like the only interesting thing we've got.

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Wed CF 1.9,FRZ 1.8


I know actuals could still go down a bit, but Frozen is really proving to be a weekday trooper. Not that it's grosses are big or anything but posting weekday numbers practically identical to the previous week with no holiday boosting it great stuff.

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