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What about the Ice Zombies? Will they do anything until Book 5?


Season 4 will still be based on Book 3, right?


The Others....... hm.


Now that I think about it, they don't really appear at all in Book 4/5. They get talked about alot but next season will have alot to do with the Wildlings attacking the Wall and what happens after that.

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How awesome will True Detective be on a scale of Breaking Bad to The Newsroom?


Hmm, I'm gonna go with Mad Men.


So it's so good it exceeds the scale?


Mad Men > Breaking Bad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*MichaelJordanLaughingGif*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Newsroom

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The Others....... hm.


Now that I think about it, they don't really appear at all in Book 4/5. They get talked about alot but next season will have alot to do with the Wildlings attacking the Wall and what happens after that.

You have to be kidding me? They don't appear at all? What the fuck :lol: ?

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So it's so good it exceeds the scale?


Mad Men > Breaking Bad 

I might actually agree (though I wanna see if Mad Men sticks the landing) but general consensus goes to Breaking Bad. Which is the metric I'm using.


I don't get the backlash Mad Men has been getting. The last couple seasons have been perfect.

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How awesome will True Detective be on a scale of Breaking Bad to The Newsroom?


Hmm, I'm gonna go with Mad Men.


Mad Men is better than Breaking Bad. :ph34r:


I love BB, but not half as much as the internet. I'm not sure that's even possible.

Edited by Hatebox
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It's hard not to get antsy though. I can't imagine if I started reading these books when they first came out.


I started reading the series just after A Storm of Swords was released. So I've had to wait through the long periods for both FoF and DwD's delays.


There's other things to read. They'll get done eventually.

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I started reading the series just after A Storm of Swords was released. So I've had to wait through the long periods for both FoF and DwD's delays.


There's other things to read. They'll get done eventually.



The main issue I have with the books is GRRM killing every single protagonist and antagonist. I get that he wants to keep the readers on their toes and the books to be filled with suspense but we are 5 books in and there is no point of view character left to follow. It is just becoming a bloodbath for the sake of it.

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I might actually agree (though I wanna see if Mad Men sticks the landing) but general consensus goes to Breaking Bad. Which is the metric I'm using.


I don't get the backlash Mad Men has been getting. The last couple seasons have been perfect.


Don't get the backlash either, especially the sudden lack of nominations.


Still pissed AMC is going to split the season in half just to rob of us of getting our conclusion earlier.

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The main issue I have with the books is GRRM killing every single protagonist and antagonist. I get that he wants to keep the readers on their toes and the books to be filled with suspense but we are 5 books in and there is no point of view character left to follow. It is just becoming a bloodbath for the sake of it.


That's not true at all.


Sansa, Arya, Dany, Bran & Tyrion are all still around, and have been since the first book.Davos is still there from book 2.Jaime and Sam are still there from book 3.(Jon is arguably still around, too.)I mean, yeah, lots of people die, but there's still a bunch of the old viewpoint characters left.

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I started reading the series just after A Storm of Swords was released. So I've had to wait through the long periods for both FoF and DwD's delays.There's other things to read. They'll get done eventually.

I don't really mind anyway. There's so much material in the first five, I need to re-read them at some point before the sixth comes out anyway. I might do character specific re-reads too, that seems popular on the old 'net.
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I don't really mind anyway. There's so much material in the first five, I need to re-read them at some point before the sixth comes out anyway. I might do character specific re-reads too, that seems popular on the old 'net.


Oh, yeah. I re-read them all whenever a new one comes out.

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I'm well behind on GOT the TV show, but it's much better than the books, which have become more of an encyclopedic undertaking of all the political machinations in Westeros and which ceased being an actual story some time ago. The series doesn't have that luxury and by streamlining and condensing a lot of what's happening, it becomes a much more entertaining and engaging story to follow.

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Back 10 years ago the only way to see a movie was pretty much in theaters. Now with technology you can come pretty close to the movie theater experience in your own home if you wait 6 months. That's why movies had longer legs and were more attended. Now there's many more high quality options, which is why movie attendance is lower. That's the point he's making.

You win Matt. You win. Fuck, I can't argue with you. I <3 you too much.
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