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Jack Nevada

2014 Academy Awards: The Official Thread (ALL NOMINEES IN THE FIRST POST)

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In your opinion, and yes I have seen her performance and it was good.  And I could claim in many other's opinions.  Otherwise she wouldn't be winning so many awards this year.  She could just have been forgotten if she wasn't so good.


What was so great about her in AH?  If anything her and Margo Robbie were playing similar characters and Robbie buries her this year.  

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I can just see a clandestine conversation with 6-8 Academy members and Russell from last year.


(6-8 academy members, in masks of ferocious animals like lions, tigers, bears and coyotes): Mr Russell, come sit down

Russell: Yes?

Academy members:  We are just here to tell you that you are not winning anything this year except JLAW will win for her performance.

Russell:  Ok, well, that's too bad.

AM:  Yes, we have to give it to Argo this year and we have to give Lincoln some love too.  But the good news is, no matter what you put out next year, you will win.

Russell:  Really?  That's great....I actually have this new film I'm working on called Ame....

AM:  No need to tell us about it.  Next year is yours.  We like sLP but it's not the kind of film we give awards to.  But next year, well 2014 is the year of Russell.

Russell:  Thank you so much oh wise Merovingian Academy members.

AM:  You are welcome, now please accept our consolation prize.  Indulge is these 12 whores, they are here for your pleasure.

Russell:  Fuckin A....let's GOOOO!


That's exactly how it happened.

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What was so great about her in AH?  If anything her and Margo Robbie were playing similar characters and Robbie buries her this year.  

Yeah, that is your opinion. I, for example, and many other people, disagree.

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I could actually see the possibility of Jennifer facing some backlash. Not that people will think she's overrated or what, but because she might be getting overexposed. People will still rave about her, but they may also get tired of her being everywhere.


Maybe Shaylene Woodley will take her place in 2014 so she can stay out of the spotlight a bit and get married with Beast.


She doesn't have an Oscar movie in 2014 ( Serena seems unlikely but who knows ...).


A supporting role in DOFP & of course the Mockingjay thingy in November ...

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Uhm, BP winner right now, I don't know. I don't think It's the year of O Russell, so no Hustle. Uhm. Probably 12 Years a Slave because it'll be seen as the politically right thing to do. 


Director. It'll be the year of the auteur so Cuaron or McQueen. It'll be Cuaron in the end and we have yet another split. 


Actress. Blanshitto, duh. I saw Blue Jasmine yesterday for a 2nd time and I actually like Cate much, much, much more. She's borderline top 5 now. 


Actor. Who gives a fuck? Uhm. MM. 


Supporting Actor: Leto. 


Supporting Actress. I dunno. Hopefully now JLaw (I still need to figure out a better nickname, lol). Probably Nupita. (Imagine if Julia won, lol)

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But AH is underserving in a year like this, I'm still a little mad Hanks got snubbed for Bale and Thompson was snubbed for Adams.


Bale and Jlaw getting nominated is silly.  

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