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The Box Office Knight Rises (PAGE 17, FINAL PART UP, BONUS SPECIAL UPDATED 08/06/2014)

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Happy Two Year Anniversary, The Dark Knight Rises. It was two years ago when the trilogy ended, and soon, this trilogy will as well. It's fitting that we at least bring out Part 8 on the day it came out, though unfortunately I wasn't able to finish it in time. After this, there's two parts, so this will actually be a nice and even ten parts. I hope you all enjoy this part, likes, comments, and suggestions are always appreciated. If you never need to catch up, see the second post of this thread and you'll find links to every single part, including Box Office Begins and The Box Office Knight.


Part 8


Shawn begins training vigorously to make it out of Rotten Tomatoes. They’re running out of time. There’s only days left and the situation has not improved, it’s only gotten worse. Jay Beezy watches…amused. Escaping is not a matter of training. It is very much a mental thing. Gopher watches and interprets for Shawn.


Gopher: He says the leap to freedom is not about training.


ShawnMR: My training helps me make the escape.


Jay Beezy: Escaping is about the spirit. The soul.


ShawnMR: My soul is as ready to escape as my profile.


Jay Beezy: Fear is why you fail.


ShawnMR: No, I’m not afraid. I’m angry.


Shawn prepares to make the escape once again. The safety net is on just in case. The posters chant in unison once again, to fuel his escape. As he makes it halfway there, he activates a trap and plunges right down to the bottom again. Shawn is unconscious. In his dreams, he imagines himself back in that hole long ago. Where the numbers swarmed him. When his life was defined forever. He sees a figure in the darkness descending. It’s someone he hasn’t actively imagined in quite some time as the whole BoxOfficeMan persona consumed him. It’s Brandon Gray.


Brandon Gray: Shawn…why do we fall?


Shawn awakes. “So we can pick ourselves up again.” The words give him a warm feeling. Brandon. Alfred. Even RTH. All father figures that cared for him.


Jay Beezy: You do not fear banning. You think this makes you strong. It makes you weak.


ShawnMR: Why?


Jay Beezy: How can you type faster than possible, think longer than possible without the most powerful impulse of the spirit? The fear of banning.


ShawnMR: I do fear banning. I fear being banned here while my forum suffers. And there’s no one there to save it.


Jay Beezy: Then make the escape.


ShawnMR laughs, almost incredulously with a hint of despair at the impossibility of it.


ShawnMR: How?


Jay Beezy: As the child did. Without the safety net. Then fear will find you again.


It’s a moment of realization. The stakes are as high as ever and there’s no time to wallow in despair. It’s time to act like you’re going to make it and move forward. Shawn begins saying his good byes and prepares for his trek back to Box Office.



Gopher: Ah, supplies for your journey, that’s...that’s wonderful.


Shawn smiles back. He believes. Shawn soaks in the chants and turns to Gopher.


ShawnMR: What does that mean?


Gopher: Rise.


One of the posters offers the safety net but ShawnMR waves him off. The chants grow louder and louder. More so than usual because nobody has tried it without the safety net. Shawn weaves in and around the climb to the top, off to the main Rotten Tomatoes sites where civilization is. But then there’s the last jump. As he gets closer to the top, the chanting intensifies.




Shawn arrives at the final jump. Numbers fly out behind him. Shawn briefly ducks but then embraces it once again. All this time for the past eight months, he’s been wanting to be BoxOfficeMan. But he hasn’t truly been him since Numbers’ banning. BoxOfficeMan does the impossible, but most importantly, he all fights for the greatest good. ShawnMR had been selfish, seeking trouble but losing sight of what he originally set out to do. The chanting reaches fever pitch…even Jay Beezy joins in as he’s unable to watch.




ShawnMR closes his eyes and makes the jump. The chanting stops and Gopher and co. watch with mouth agape. Before they can draw breath, ShawnMR is on the other side. The posters burst into a celebration of cheers. The climb to freedom is certain from here. Rise. ShawnMR hoists himself up to the top and sees Rotten Tomatoes off in the distance. He sends a link down to the other posters so they too can escape. Hopefully they weren’t dangerous.




In Box Office, David Brennan is being taken away by some of BKB’s men. It’s time for judgment.


David Brennan: There’s been a mistake! Take…take me to BKB! I want to see BKB!


RTH’s turn is soon. He hopes somebody is ready to make a move. Surely they won’t give into these people’s whims until the very end. David Brennan is taken to a hostile court featuring iJack himself.


iJackSparrow: Order!


David Brennan: This is a mistake! Where is BKB?


iJackSparrow: There’s been no mistake Mister Brennan. You are David Brennan, executive assistant to Noctis, correct? Who for years has been living off the common posters of Box Office?


David Brennan: Call BKB. I’m…I’m one of you.


iJackSparrow: BKB has no authority here. This is merely a sentencing hearing. Now, the choice is yours. Exile….or ban!


The crowd wildly screams for a ban, but iJack calls for order.


David Brennan: Ex…exile.


iJackSparrow: Sold! To the man in the cold sweat.


David Brennan is taken to the outer edges of the forums. Filmlover prepares to exile him. At the edges, people try to cross from Box Office Forums into another website.


Filmlover:  You try and cross. See if you can make it without being banned.


David Brennan: Has anybody made it?


David Brennan goes forth…no choice to move on. He makes it a fair distance but suddenly the crossing collapses and Brennan is banned. Filmlover looks with a hint of disgust at his idiocy. Meanwhile, Redfirebird and Impact wait for Neo and #ED. It’s time to take action, they’re going to try and get hold of the bomb as leverage.


Redfirebird: Where are they? It’s not like we have a lot of time here.


Impact: How long?


Redfirebird: The bomb is going off tomorrow. We have about 18 hours to do something


Impact: To do what?


Redfirebird: To mark the bomb. Get a trace on it so we can figure out how to bring it down.


#ED arrives with his crew. But no Neo.


Redfirebird: That’s it?


#ED has no response. Not many are brave enough to take action against BKB’s men.


Redfirebird: Neo. Where’s Neo, god dammit?!


#ED: You shouldn’t be out in the forums!


Redfirebird goes immediately off to the On The Lot forums and calls for Neo. Neo’s wife refuses to let Redfirebird in.


Mrs. Neo: He’s not here.


Redfirebird: Neo, you let your wife answer for you when the city’s under occuption?!


Neo: I’ll take care of this honey.


Redfirebird: What’d you do? Bury your avatar somewhere?


Neo: You saw what they did to Squaremaster.


Redfirebird: Have you forgotten all the years that we’ve been out on patrol when every troll wanted to ban us as soon as our backs were turned?


Neo: That was different and you know it. These guys run the form, the internet’s got a deal with them.


Redfirebird: BKB’s got their balls in a vice. That’s not a deal.


Neo: You move on BKB, the triggerman is gonna blow up the forum!


Redfirebird: You think he’s given control of that bomb to one of the posters? You think is some part of a derailment revolution? There’s only one man with the ability to blow up the forum. That’s BKB.


Neo: Look, we all gotta keep our heads down till the internet police can fix this. If you still had a family here…


Redfirebird: This only gets fixed from INSIDE THE FORUM! Look Neo, I’m not asking you to march down the forums in your Rocket Raccoon avatar but something has to be done.


Neo: I’m sorry Redfirebird, I’ve got to…


Redfirebird: Keep your head down? What good is that gonna do when that program detonates?


Neo: You don’t know that’s gonna happen.


Neo closes the thread. #ED and Fishnets appear.


Fishnets: I hear you’re looking for men, Commissioner. How about me instead?


Redfirebird: Miss Shitto, I can’t uh…I can’t ask you to do that.


Fishnets: Please.




A little kid is posting around, pulling pranks. A poster chases him down.


Rukaio: You son of a bitch! You gonna pull that prank again?


Kid: I didn’t do anything!


Rukaio: You little bastard…


Sam: Now you boys can’t come into my thread without asking politely.


Sam quickly takes the poster down and tells him to get going. She turns to the kid.


Sam: Never pull a prank from someone you can’t outrun, kid.


The kid goes on his way. Sam takes a bite from an apple. Tasting dat forbidden fruit.


Voice: You’re pretty generous for a thief.


Sam turns around. A look of shock appears on her face. ShawnMR emerges from the shadows…and looking perfectly healthy. Even more so than before.


Sam: I thought they banned you.


ShawnMR: Not yet.


Sam: If you’re expecting an apology…


ShawnMR: That wouldn’t suit you. I need your help.


Sam: And why would I help you?


ShawnMR: For this. The Clean Slate.


Sam: You’d trust me with that? After what I did to you.


ShawnMR: I’ll admit I was a little let down. But I still think there’s more to you. In fact, I think that for you, this isn’t just a tool. It’s an escape route. You want to disappear? Start fresh.


Sam: I can’t even get off this forum.


ShawnMR: I can give you a way off once you get me to RTH. I need you to find out where they’re holding him and take me in.


Sam: Why do you need RTH?


ShawnMR: To save the forum.


Sam: Who says it needs saving? Maybe I like it this way.


ShawnMR: Maybe you do. But tomorrow, that bomb’s going off.


Sam: Got your powerful friend on the case?


ShawnMR: I’m trying. But I need RTH.




Redfirebird has decided to recruit Fishnets for help. After all, it’s easier for her to be out in public rather themselves. He’s giving her instructions on how to track the program.


Redfirebird: The program is constantly on the move. As it approaches, activate this program. If it gives you a reading, give me the signal and I’ll mark it, ok?


#ED watches from above. He notices one of the decoys for the bomb approaching


#ED: Hey heads up!


Fishnets uses the program and gives the indication. Redfirebird marks it. #ED spots bad news however. There’s ChD and some of BKB’s men coming.


#ED: Mercenaries at your six.


ChD swoops in around Fishnets, Impact, and Redfirebird.


ChD: Stand still! Keep your hands where we can see them! Commissioner Redfirebird, you are under arrest.


Redfirebird: On whose authority?


ChD: The people of Box Office.


Redfirebird and company are taken to court…to meet iJackSparrow, who will take quite a bit of pleasure in sentencing Redfirebird. It was him after all who played a large part in placing him in suspension. He blamed him for ganging up on the The Amazing Spider-Man 2, much like the rest of the forum.


Redfirebird: No lawyer? No witnesses? What sort of due process is this?


iJackSparrow: Your guilt has been determined, this is merely a sentencing hearing. Now what will it be? Ban? Or….exile?


Redfirebird: iJack, if you think we’re going to choose exile willingly…then you have another think coming! (Amazing comeback)


iJackSparrow: Ban, then.


Redfirebird: Looks that way.


iJackSparrow: Very well, then. BAN…by Exile.


The crowd begins to mob Redfirebird, Fishnets, and company. BKB watches, and then motions for his men to take over.


BKB: Bring her to me.


#ED was able to escape. With only one day left, it’s time to make a move because they’re not going to get another chance. It’s what Redfirebird would have wanted. Maybe there’s still time to rescue them to. He leaves a note for MrPink who is stuck in the underground network.


MrPink: Hey hey hey, we’re going now. #ED says they’re ready! Get your gear on!


Guards meanwhile bring in ShawnMR to the courts. Curiously, Fishnets is back with RTH.


Filmlover: This one’s got a big day tomorrow. I suppose they all do. It’s not every day that you bag ShawnMR.


Filmlover exits to go watch the exiling. RTH and Fishnets hear and makes their way to ShawnMR.


Fishnets: Shawn? You okay?


RTH: Picked a hell of a time to go on vacation, Mister Shawn.


ShawnMR: How long until that program explodes?


RTH: That program goes off in 12 hours.


ShawnMR: Unless we can reestablish the safety protocols.


RTH: Can you get Miranda outta here?


ShawnMR: Not tonight, I’m sorry.


Fishnets: Do what’s necessary.


ShawnMR: RTH…I need you get to get me back in the game.


Sam walks in, dressed up in complete Hayley Atwell avatar form.


Sam: Sorry to spoil the fun boys, but BKB wants these all to themselves.


ShawnMR: I won’t forget about you Miranda.


Fishnets: I know.


As ShawnMR and RTH are escorted outside the thread, Sam quickly beats the guards up and knock them all out.


RTH: I like your girlfriend, Mister Shawn.


Sam: He should be so lucky.




RTH and ShawnMR immediately make their way to the old bunker from the Box Office Knight, his secondary storage. He needs his avatar, his armored profile, his tools.


ShawnMR: Any move I make on BKB or the program, the triggerman sets it off.


RTH: Well they’ll likely use a digital switch.


ShawnMR: Could you block the digital signal?


RTH: Yes. But I’ll need some of the tech used in The App I gave you. Remember where you left it?


ShawnMR gives him a look, as if now was the time for joking manners. He approaches his avatar. His armored profile awaits him. It’s nearly time. They go to The App.


RTH: She fly okay?


ShawnMR: Yeah even without the auto-navigation. Thanks.


RTH: Auto-navigation? That’s what you’re there for.




It’s nightfall. Just hours remain and Filmlover is now escorting Redfirebird and the others out to exile. The revolutionaries fire wildly into the air, forcing them to move forward. #ED is close by trying to bust the mods out from underground. If they can do so, maybe they will have enough time to save Redfirebird.


#ED: Ok, it’s clear! Quick! One at a time!


MrPink climbs out and #ED helps him up but then a shot rings out. MrPink immediately slumps to the ground, grimacing in pain. He quickly goes lifeless…banned. BKB’s henchmen appear.


Filmscholar: Lock it up.


They throw a banning grenade down the hole and mods immediately panic for being banned. They seal off the exit.


Filmscholar: Who are you?


#ED remains defiantly silent. Filmscholar shoves him a bit and they go to wail on him more. Meanwhile Redfirebird continues and notices a switch. As he takes a look, suddenly BKB’s henchmen, including Filmlover collapse, as if their profiles have been temporarily disabled.


Voice: Light it up.


Redfirebird activates the switch. BoxOfficeMan appears from the darkness, back in full armor. It’s the first time Redfirebird has seen BoxOfficeMan in person in eight months. It’s a damn good sight to see. The switch slowly creates a trail until the symbol appears across the entire forum. Neo’s kids watch from afar as posters across the whole forum notice.


Neo Jr: Hey, dad! Check it out!


Posted Image



Neo looks and realizes what he must do. He can’t put his head down. And he was wrong about BoxOfficeMan all along. It’s up to him and the mods to strike back…to inspire the forum. As BKB watches, he realizes that something has gone wrong.


BKB: Impossible. Keep her close. He’ll come for her.


Redfirebird and BoxOfficeMan have little time to exchange pleasantries. It’s time to get down to business.


BoxOfficeMan: Where’s Miranda Shitto?


Redfirebird: BKB took her. He’s holed up at the Mod forums, surrounded by his army.


BoxOfficeMan hands Redfirebird a program.


BoxOfficeMan: This blocks the signal to the CleanSpam program. Get onto it before Sunrise. They might detonate it when it starts.


Redfirebird: When what starts?


BoxOfficeMan: War.


#ED is in pain. The shove hurt. But he’s not out of the clear. Filmscholar and his men swoop down upon him and aim all their banning weapons at him. #ED closes his eyes, waiting for the final blow. Before they can deliver that, BoxOfficeMan appears and delivers a wild strike at Filmscholar. #ED immediately springs to action and quickly attacks a couple of men while they’re caught by the element of surprise. BoxOfficeMan quickly uses one of their weapons to incapacitate another man, though not banning him before kicking another. #ED barely is able to take down his share of the party but when he turns back to BoxOfficeMan, all of them are down, well…most of them. One of em’ is still barely trying to make a fight.


#ED: You missed a spot.


BoxOfficeMan kicks him down one more time and he’s out.


BoxOfficeMan: If you’re working alone, wear an avatar.


#ED: I’m not afraid to be seen standing up to these guys.


BoxOfficeMan: The avatar is not for you. It’s to protect the people you care about.


BoxOfficeMan gives #ED one of his tools.


BoxOfficeMan: Count to five, then throw.


#ED takes it, barely has time to react and throws it at where the underground network is located. It barely makes a dent.


#ED: Hey no offense, you got something bigger in your toolset?!


The App appears and immediately destroys the code that structures the network. A giant hole is open for the mods to climb out and exit from their prison. After they’ve all exited, hundreds of them, #ED goes to BoxOfficeMan.


#ED: What now?


BoxOfficeMan: All out assault on BKB. But you need to get the people off these forums


#ED: Why?


BoxOfficeMan: In case we fail. Lead an exodus. Save as many lives as you can.


#ED: You don’t need me here?


BoxOfficeMan: You’ve given me an army. Now go.


#ED: Hey, thanks.


BoxOfficeMan: Don’t thank me yet.


#ED: Well I might not get a chance later.



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I love how Miranda Shitto is all over the place in that third act :lol: Okay, I don't love it, it just makes more convinced that there's an extended cut somewhere where the pacing is much much better near the end.

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I love how Miranda Shitto is all over the place in that third act :lol: Okay, I don't love it, it just makes more convinced that there's an extended cut somewhere where the pacing is much much better near the end.


The shooting script does have certain scenes ordered differently than the actual film. Including Miranda being brought to Bane. Why it was arranged differently in the film, I'm not sure.

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The shooting script does have certain scenes ordered differently than the actual film. Including Miranda being brought to Bane. Why it was arranged differently in the film, I'm not sure.


Nolan was distracted from his editing by Dat Avengers Effect

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Hello, Part 9! There's about 15 minutes left in the movie and one more part remaining. Kinda sad the last part didn't pick up too many likes, eight is a little lower than our typical average...but I hope you enjoy the first half of the climax. I think you can probably get an idea of where it cuts off. As usual, likes, comments, suggestions, etc are appreciated. There's only 2-3 more posters left to fill for the story and they're all filled at this point. If I missed somebody, I apologize, it's not my intention to leave anybody out, so much as there's only limited roles to work with. The final part will be up Next Sunday and then I might have a small surprise not long after that. No hints on what that is. Also, it's hard to detail three different Apps so let me lay it out...


BoxOffice App = The Tumbler

Box Office Mobile App = Batpod

The App = The Bat


Part 9


It’s later in the night before the program is set to go off. BoxOfficeMan goes off to meet with Sam, he’ll need her help, even if she betrayed him before. They walk to the area where he previously left his app, not The App, but, the other one, the Mobile Box Office App. He unlocks the app for use and Sam beams up with a bit of excitement.


Sam: You shouldn’t have.


BoxOfficeMan: The access to other websites is blocked off by a firewall.  But this app has enough firepower to  make a path for posters. Wait until the fighting begins.


Sam: You’re gonna wage a war to save your stuck-up girlfriend?


BoxOfficeMan: To start it…


The app revs up. Sam tinkers quickly with these things.


Sam: I got it.


BoxOfficeMan: We’ve got 45 minutes to save this forum.


Sam: No, I’ve got 45 minutes to get clear of this forum, cause you don’t stand a chance against these guys.


BoxOfficeMan: With your help I might.


Sam: I’ll open up the internet and then I’m gone.


BoxOfficeMan: There’s more to you than that.


A twinge of guilt hits Sam. Her tough façade weakens for a bit.


Sam: Sorry to keep letting you down. Come with me. Save yourself.  You don’t owe these people anymore. You’ve given them everything.


BoxOfficeMan: Not everything. Not yet.


Shawn walks off. Hopefully that struck a chord with her. Sam is left to ponder, but she quickly gathers her composure and goes off into the forums. It’s nearly time.




The sun has risen. The forum is a mess after this 4-5 week occupation. Everything is tattered. Mods have assembled in front of the Mod General Discussion Forums, surprisingly looking sharp and clean. Stepping forward is Neo…complete with Rocket Raccoon avatar, to proudly display who he is. As he approaches the front of his army, he sees that BKB’s Marvelites are also coming to greet them…with Box Office Apps ready to ban them.


ChD: Disperse! Disperse or be fired upon!


Neo: There’s only one group of mods in this town!


The mods start slowly moving forward to prepare for a head on clash with the Marvelites. BKB exits the Mod General Discussion to see what the commotion is about. He’s looking swag as fuck. Shit is about to go down. Sam awaits outside the firewall, ready to make her move and so too does Redfirebird as he waits to get ahold of the Clean Spam program. The Box Office Apps prep to fire at the Mods…waiting for BKB’s order.


BKB: Open fire.


He turns around and heads back into the Mod General Discussion but suddenly The App appears from above and takes down the Box Office App, rendering them useless. BKB turns around in surprise and realizes it’s BoxOfficeMan. The mods are encouraged by their leader coming out to support them and begin charging forward. The Marvelites begin firing at the charging group but surprisingly the mods don’t take heavy casualties.


As the commotion begins, Redfirebird realizes they’ve got to get going. Now. Sam hears it as well and promptly uses the app to destroy the firewall. She takes a long look and exit and then back at the forums. She can start fresh in more than just one way.


The mods continue to charge forward and engage with the Marvelites. Soon they’re in too close of range to be firing banning weapons at each other and engage in just general one on one fighting. BKB goes to join in on the action, easily taking down a few mods with rage just glowing from his eyes, searching for his true target: BoxOfficeMan. BoxOfficeMan also emerges from the crowd taking down a few Marvelites to go meet BKB. Finally their eyes gaze upon each other.


BKB: So you came back to be banned with your forum…!


BoxOfficeMan: No…I came back to stop you!


BKB charges forward and throws a strike at BoxOfficeMan which he quickly blocks and tries to counter to no avail. As they fight, Fishnets watches from the Mods General Discussion, while under watch. As they fight, the Clean Spam Program is making its rounds to Redfirebird’s area.


Redfirebird: Here it comes, get ready! NOW!


They spring the trap and block off the program’s access and trap it. Redfirebird and his group of mods swoop in and take down the Marvelites. They check inside but then they find that the app they took down is empty. It’s not there!


Redfirebird: That’s impossible….cut over to the next one!


We check in on some of the other guys. RTH is heading back to the Queer as Members thread to try and reestablish the safety protocols once they get the program attached back to it. #ED is working on evacuating all the kid posters out of there with Spaghetti and Jack Nevada.


#ED: Hey, Jack, you come with me. You two, come with me as well. You all go into other threads and spread the word, okay? The program is going to go off. You can go beyond the firewall or just make it through the link between the forums and the main page. Then we meet back here, alright? Go go go!


Jack Nevada: Is he back?


#ED: Keep your eyes open. Go!


BoxOfficeMan and BKB are still intensely fighting. He throws a wild haymaker at BoxOfficeMan, hitting its target as BoxOfficeMan stumbles back. BKB follows with a gut punch. He kicks BoxOfficeMan back further, giving BoxOfficeMan a split second to regain his composure. BoxOfficeMan goes on the offensive but is countered easily by BKB. He does manage to land a few hits though and goes right for the face. BKB quickly blocks it but struggles to maintain him…there’s a spark that was not there with the previous fight. They continue to be in a stalemate until BoxOfficeMan pushes back and gets a strike on him. He continues to go for the face and manages to swipe off BKB’s caps.


BKB: Ahhahhh…ahhh.


BKB is pissed. BoxOfficeMan doesn’t let up, continuing to go on the offensive. BKB throws him off and tries to re-enable his caps. But he can’t, as BoxOfficeMan will not let up. He tries to throw BoxOfficeMan against the wall and unleashes a flurry of attacks. His attacks leave a huge mark on the thread but BoxOfficeMan gets away before that punishing blow is dealt. Running out of ideas, BKB gives BoxOfficeMan everything he’s got, but he’s worn himself out. BoxOfficeMan simply dodges and then counters his attacks. BKB stumbles back, dazed. He feels the pain once more, something he hasn’t felt in a while. His eyes narrow as he sees BoxOfficeMan charging up a kick as he’s knocked back right into the Mods General Discussion forum. One of the guards who’s guarding Fishnets tries to fire at BoxOfficeMan, but he’s quickly incapacitated. BoxOfficeMan throws the banning weapon to Fishnets.


BoxOfficeMan: Cover the thread!


BoxOfficeMan turns his attention towards BKB. He gives him another kick.




He beats BKB down again.




BKB slumps to the ground, in near fetal position.


BoxOfficeMan: Tell me where the trigger is…then…you have my permission to be banned.




Redfirebird and his group of mods have made their way to the next convoy that might be carrying the program. Redfirebird quickly climbs onto the app but his other men are not able to stop the app because a BoxOffice App appears and fires on them. They get the hell out of there, leaving Redfirebird stuck as he has to make his way to the back of the app and disable the program’s sensor to the trigger. Back at the Mods General Discussion, BKB remains dazed.


BKB: I broke you…how have you come back?


BoxOfficeMan: You think you’re the only one who could learn the strength to escape? Now where’s the trigger?


BKB: But I never escaped.


BoxOfficeMan: But the child of Baumer made the climb.


Fishnets: But he’s not the child of Baumer.


BoxOfficeMan turns around but before he can even put his defenses up, he’s quickly stabbed with a banning knife…not enough to ban him, but severely wound him.


Fishnets: I am. And though I am not ordinary…I’m a citizen.


She reveals the trigger.


ShawnMR: Miranda…why?


Fishnets: It’s Fishnets. My mother named me Fishnets before she was banned. The way I would have been banned had it not been for my protector…BKB.


We see young Fishnets making the climb. BKB fights off a mob of Rotten Tomatoes posters, defending the film Hulk. Eventually he is overwhelmed. Young Fishnets takes one last look at BKB.


BKB: Good bye.


Fishnets: I climbed out of the pit. I found Baumer and brought him back to exact terrible vengeance. But by that time, the posters and Jay Beezy had done their work to my friend. My protector. The league took us in. Trained us. But Baumer could not accept BKB. He saw only a monster. His very existence was a reminder of the hell he left his wife to be banned in.


We see BKB being taken in by Baumer. Training. Similar to ShawnMR all those years ago. But then Baumer shakes his head. His Marvel love was too extreme. In the present, Fishnets reactivates his caps as a single tear drops down BKB’s eye.


Fishnets: He excommunicated Bane from the League of Box Office Theory. His only crime was that he loved me and got friend zone’d. I could not forgive Baumer…until you banned him.


Redfirebird continues to try and make his way to the back of the app carrying the program so he can block the signal. He struggles to do so as the convoy keeps moving and shaking.


ShawnMR: He was trying to ban thousands of innocent posters…


BKB gets up and grabs a banning weapon. He ties up BoxOfficeMan.


Fishnets: Innocent is a strong word to throw around Box Office Forums, Shawn. I honor Baumer by finishing his work.


We see Redfirebird finally able to climb into the back. He needs to get to the program and block the signal quickly, but there’s only seconds before Fishnet triggers the program.


Fishnets: Vengeance against the man who banned him is simply a reward for my patience. You see, it’s the slow knife, the knife that takes its time. The knife that waits years without forgetting.


She drives the knife deeper into Shawn as he gasps in pain.


Fishnets: …Then slips quietly through the bones. That’s the knife that cuts deepest.


ShawnMR: Please…


She activates the program. But nothing. Redfirebird has blocked the signal.


ShawnMR: Maybe your knife was…too slow.


Just then, ChD walks in.


ChD: The convoy is under attack.


Fishnets: Redfirebird. You gave him a way to block my signal. No matter. He’s bought Box Office eleven minutes.


At the bridge, the internet police wait, waiting to prevent any posters from escaping. #ED arrives with Jack Nevada and Spaghetti.


#ED: Come on!


aDIM: Stay there! What are you doing?!


#ED: I’m #ED, I’m a mod. I’m getting these boys to safety!


aDIM: You’re gonna get us all banned! If anybody crosses this bridge, they’ll blow the forum!


#ED: It’s gonna blow anyway! We need to open this bridge, now!


aDIM: #ED if you take one step forward we will shoot you! If you take two steps forward, we will blow the bridge!


#ED decides what to do. He can’t just count on BoxOfficeMan, as much as he wants to.


#ED: Okay, stay back and wait for me, alright?


Back at the Mods General Discussion, Fishnets mulls over what to do.


Fishnets: Prepare a convoy. We must secure the program until it detonates. She turns to BKB. Don’t ban him. I want him to feel thousands of posters being banned as Phase 3 begins. You failed.


She goes up to BKB and places her hand on him.


Fishnets: Goodbye my friend.


Outside, Neo is making his way to the Mods General Discussion. They’re slowly managing to push back the Marvelites.


Neo: Keep firing! Flank em’ from the sides!


A Box Office App is waiting for Fishnets and ChD. Fishnets climbs in, ChD follows but before he can make it there, he is shot by Neo and banned. The Box Office App begins moving towards Neo.


Fishnets: Shoot them. Shoot them all.


The Box Office App mows down a number of mods and Neo is unable to dodge the Box Office App. He is crushed and banned by the Box Office App but in turn has become a hero for the forum. Inside, BKB is with BoxOfficeMan as they watch Fishnets speed away.


BKB: We both know I have to ban you now.


He viciously pummels BoxOfficeMan and points his banning weapon at him.


BKB: You’ll just have to imagine the Phase 3!


Before he can fire a great flash emits from the entrance of the thread and BKB is sent flying. He’s banned. BoxOfficeMan takes a gasp and looks at the entrance to see Sam waiting there, with the mobile Box Office App.


Sam: About the whole no guns thing. I’m not sure I feel as strongly about it as you do...



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