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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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the Kal sneaking you all  a look at Juggernaut 2009  as I find some seating with

 pals at the Mega Imax for another viewing  in Lincoln Square with an oldish BB Video cam. lol




Whos going to see Godzilla at their biggest Imaxes?




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Anyone here think Avengers 2 is going to make as much as the first domestically and WW?


Much less be a challenge for Avatar 2.... Only the over the top Marvel loonies I suspect. We all know there is no movie more anticipated and will be more attended than this sequel.



Its going to be interesting to see if he will  do it again with Battle Angelita.. :) I will be right here pumping that one next if it looks to be a game changer as when  I first set my foot in theaters to see the 16 min preview of Avatar at Avatar Day 1  in August of 2009.




Oh and guys Im hearing there may be an Avatar Day 2!!!! Yeeehaw.. I hope so!!

Why is Avengers 2 more of a challenge to make more?


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Why is Avengers 2 more of a challenge to make more?

I think TA2 will retain more of its audience because there hasn't really been a backlash against the first one (aside from rabid DC fanboys). Anytime a sequel is made to a movie that's suffered any kind of backlash (even a hugely popular movie) then the sequel usually drops, at least domestically. See TPM>AOTC, ROTF>DOTM or AUJ>DOS. Of course, the backlash against Avatar hasn't been nearly as strong as those movies. But just because Cameron's other two sequels outgrossed the originals doesn't mean history will repeat itself. Even a Titanic sequel would have a hard time matching the original :)

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I think TA2 will retain more of its audience because there hasn't really been a backlash against the first one (aside from rabid DC fanboys). Anytime a sequel is made to a movie that's suffered any kind of backlash (even a hugely popular movie) then the sequel usually drops, at least domestically. See TPM>AOTC, ROTF>DOTM or AUJ>DOS. Of course, the backlash against Avatar hasn't been nearly as strong as those movies. But just because Cameron's other two sequels outgrossed the originals doesn't mean history will repeat itself. Even a Titanic sequel would have a hard time matching the original :)

Has Avatar taken any backlash? Look at T1 to T2, 7 years and audiences were still invested. Cameron knows how to make movies that bring audiences back. 2 outgrossing sequels, 2 movies that were #1 All-time in box office and there are still doubters. Titnanic sequel, seeing how it was based on real events hard to make a sequel with no premise.

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I think TA2 will retain more of its audience because there hasn't really been a backlash against the first one (aside from rabid DC fanboys). Anytime a sequel is made to a movie that's suffered any kind of backlash (even a hugely popular movie) then the sequel usually drops, at least domestically. See TPM>AOTC, ROTF>DOTM or AUJ>DOS. Of course, the backlash against Avatar hasn't been nearly as strong as those movies. But just because Cameron's other two sequels outgrossed the originals doesn't mean history will repeat itself. Even a Titanic sequel would have a hard time matching the original :)

As far as backlash goes, if people are going to say that only the internet and certain people hate the Prequels, then I think it's safe to say the same thing about Avatar. Yes there is a big backlash against it, but do you think that's going to matter when it comes out? Will there be enough interest in three movies three years in a row? No idea, but I'm not worried about the success of the second one. At all.
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I've just Hijacked your thread with Paul Bettany talking about playing VISION in TA2 and this alone right here Kal will beat the hell out of AVATAR 2, Both Domestic and WW.. I can see VISION gving Cameron the middle finger now come next summer...



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New James Cameron movie = event = everyone cares.

Fucking Amen!!!..  You rem them saying Cameron is forgotten , Nolan is the man now and all that bullshit Elessar. I eat that BS up for years and who cares about fucking titanic. James stuff was 13 yrs ago.


Hah hah .. Seems all the general movie audience arena cares...



Amen Amen . Amen Elessar.. ITs not a lock for 3B+ or 650-800+M domestic, but by golly it wil l be a lock for 2nd place all time worldwide.


And which sequel in gods green earth has ever been a lock or near lock for flipping 2billion plus!!

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Why is Avengers 2 more of a challenge to make more?

CBF, so far nothing new suggests Whedon is taken it to the next level to give us a surprise my friend, but of course it could happen.


I could see it expanding OS if phenominal and making more than HP7 part 1B+

And up to 550-600M domestic. So max I see for this one is 1.6-1.75B WW.


:) Lowend 1.3-1.4BWW. .Still mondo impressive numbers but you and I know its never been a Juggernaut slayer.  I dont know if any film will be.. Perhaps SWs 7 has a slim chance, but my money is on Camerons own next franchise possibly slaughtering an Avatar from the all time list.


We are going to have 2 of them on the all time list, cant wait to see if he can pull off and LOTR and every film increases over the first. Domestically and Worldwide!


Whats your max and lowend domestically for Avengers 2 by the way Neo and also Juggernaut 2016.

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BKB DEFEATS THE STREAK, on 15 Apr 2014 - 07:10 AM, said:Posted Image



I've just Hijacked your thread with Paul Bettany talking about playing VISION in TA2 and this alone right here Kal will beat the hell out of AVATAR 2, Both Domestic and WW.. I can see VISION gving Cameron the middle finger now come next summer...

^^^ ????? lol... I Dont think that is  hardly good enough to gurantee an increase much less step up the game to Avatar 2 levels.


Rem your talking about a man who has the power of SH films, golden age and silver age . All the die hard minions of T2, Titanic ,Avatar, Aliens who hail james cameron as pound for pound the best there is at making the game changing epics and grand scale movie making.



Your news does not a world breaker make BKB Bud... You'll have to come better than that.


Cameron defys you and Avengers2.. Prepare for goddammed Oblivion in this war :P Lol

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Has Avatar taken any backlash? Look at T1 to T2, 7 years and audiences were still invested. Cameron knows how to make movies that bring audiences back. 2 outgrossing sequels, 2 movies that were #1 All-time in box office and there are still doubters. Titnanic sequel, seeing how it was based on real events hard to make a sequel with no premise.

Shoot I still think some of the folks saying Cameron will fail are smoking some powerful shit my friend..


Great points... I mean how can anyone say he cant break records again. The man got 80 yr old people crying at Blue Cat  people love story lol



Took a tired but well know  story and made it the most watch creation in film of all time in one run...


His Alien sequel is arguably the greatest sci-fi/horror mash of all time in quality and technical wonders.


Terminator 2..OMG!!!


Really I  know Cameron is just smiling at doubters at this point..Neo . He may just amaze and go beyond our predictions as well.. ;)

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