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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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And btw....Cameron is my second favourite film maker.  I've loved almost everything he has done and on a personal level, I love his reasons for being a vegan.  The man is awesome in my eyes.

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3 minutes ago, Kalel009Shel said:

Oh shat.  I didn't know that.  


Wow what a feat.  So he had video cams that worked freaking over 6 miles  under the ocean.  Damn! 


I think futurist and your statements are right on the money. He will broaden the world and the adventure and environments so real that everyone will keep coming back for months.  



On the terminator post.  I think that's not what it made in one run.  Let me check 


He had a thick see through window, he saw it through a window not a screen. The other guys had technical difficulties, they hit against the seabed the silt blocked the window.

Edited by IronJimbo
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2 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:

My prediction for the movie, and this is just me spitballing because we have no trailer, no images, no script, nothing, so this is just based on the fact that the chances of it duplicating what it did the first time are slim and none.


Previews:  30 million

OW:  140 million

Total:  560 million

China:  400 mill

Other international:  1.2 billion

Total:  2.16 billion


This will put it at 4th all time WW.  Again, very very early.  

Baumerfett you do know folks from China are saying 600 to 700m. 400m? I keep telling you stop letting your sws love cloud your judgment.  Lol 560m domestic. When the film sold over 30 m units combined domestically alone from Br and DVD.  Those numbers don't even look feasible to be that low without some natural disasters happening.  Anyone else.    


Elessar we've seen your posts.  You and bkb should never call anyone crazy.  

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2 hours ago, RascarCapat said:

After lurking for a while I created an account because this thread is the garbage of the forum and it's a shame.


Every other thread I go to, I see in depth analysis, real discussions about numbers and people being happy about a film great box office run.

So I came in this thread expecting something great for the sequel to the most grossing film of all time by such a quality director.


But instead I find a bunch of loonies completetly delusionnal that throw imaginary numbers out of their asses and who chase any avatar enthusiasts away.

And yes I'm looking at you the Kals...


Read again DamienRoc's post, it's exactly how I feel about boxoffice and this forum and it's full of love.


First of all :welcome:

- that is, also what no matter another POV anyone should have written IMNO as a first sentence.


Maybe some are so ... in heat, they forgot to aim to the real reason for their... anti-feelings?


Don't let you discourage by this here, it's really not typical.

Some members seem to react a bit over the top recently as they had to endure certain ... unfriendliness and more for a longer time, and since that got a liiiitle bit extremer based on the actual breaking records reason....

I usually do not even read here anymore, and I do love Avatar too (but also... how can I even dare, other movies and their franchises too)


I'll be always even thankful for Avatar, as I am in RL only able to see 2-dimensional (= really means always, not only for media material, I have no depth seeing ability at all), never had even a clue how all the 'normals' see the world = via Avatar (after some scenes into it) I saw for the first time in my Life 3D!

Comparison discussions brought me to the conclusion:

if a normal 3D sighted person sees a speer flying by him/her = I'll see it coming out of the screen 1/4 = that was enough to see also the 'air' between the people / things.

Till Avatar it was said ~ 3-4% of the world's population are 2D sighted, since Avatar it's known we are at least 15% (not counting the ones whith 3D still not working)

It will not work for all 2D seeing people, there are reasons here is not the place to discuss or explan the differences... but I can not wait for the release of Avatar 2, as since then only a very few movies with seemingly exceptional silmed / made 3D gave me some 3D (way weaker) and I can't wait to see 3D again.

Sadly not a lot of people here seem to remember how generall loved the first part was (and IMHO still is). Some might have let themself hop on the band-wagon then 'in' to bash the movie later on by some not general audience people? Who knows why some feel the need to swing to the 1-star-like reasonings...


I am no fan of fanatics, no matter if I like/love a movie or dislike... a movie, and I feel rather repugnant about people trying to better themselfs (or their fandom) via devalueing others / the work of others, especially via using bad language.

In my (in comparison to the most members) long life I've learned:

people who feel the need to use that kind of methods are either insecure, in the wrong, or another not positive reason the main motivator.


= please feel truely welcomed and have a lot of fun in the forum. Maybe introduce yourself in the Real Life Forum? Try out some other threads too? You'll find - according to my experience here - some exceptional friendly people here in the forum too, but as you already wrote, other kind of communication is here IMHO rather the normal.


47 minutes ago, fmpro said:


I see no reason to ban Kal eventhough he's pretty intense and a bit "out there" in this thread. He's pasionate to the bone with this movie and has' ent changed a bit since the good old BOM days...


Insults instead of a welcome? Intense is one thing, but insults... another


I have no problem with colorful language.

Like if I smash a finger with a hammer you'll hear me using a very colorful language (I worked on construction sites too, belief me, I got older / construction sites experienced males there too to get redfaced hearing me being... 'colorful'. Not out of anger...).

But I'll focus it on the situation (or on myself), but never on another person.



43 minutes ago, Elessar said:

He's also being rude, which is against the rules as far as i know.


I totally agree. I think some people got a bit too used to it, maybe they do not see it based on that anymore?

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So a prediction of 2.16 billion is clouded judgment?  See, this is why no one takes you seriously Kal and why you are nothing more than a troll.  560 million is a huge number and it's also 26% drop from a record breaking first film.  It's also the same drop AOU had from Avengers.  That's more than logical.  You don't base anything on logic, more on what you want it to do and then you make up people who say that it will do 1.7 billion domestically.  Do you talk to these people on celly?  Do they work for imaginary ABC radio?

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I can't see as long as weather is good that this doesn't have a lock on a 160 to 180m ow. That's why everyone is excited that avtr 2 could  be the first to destroy the bil domestic mark and crack 3b on the os end.   I'm feeling 2.8b is. 

Lowend 880m in.  My prediction 1.1b.




Keep track of all the hypocrites that start raising predictions to 800m to1.2b up when Avatar day 2 is launched lol. 



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Just now, Kalel009Shel said:

I can't see as long as weather is good that this doesn't have a lock on a 160 to 180m ow. That's why everyone is excited that avtr 2 could  be the first to destroy the bil domestic mark and crack 3b on the os end.   I'm feeling 2.8b is. 

Lowend 880m in.  My prediction 1.1b.




Keep track of all the hypocrites that start raising predictions to 800m to1.2b up when Avatar day 2 is launched lol. 




Those aren't hypocrites, you goof.  That's how it works.  Once trailers and such come out.  My god you're thick.


And btw...SW will be the first to hit the billion mark.  But I guess you were sick from the school the day they taught math.

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2 minutes ago, The Futurist said:


How do you access it ?




In the forum list view where you see the thread titles... on the right side you see e.g. the reply count. Hover a bit with the mouse over it, a little window appears

if you start to mark what you want to copy you might have to stay on the mark and scroll at the same time with your mouse in the not viewable parts of the window


In the hope my English is good enough to be understandable,,

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4 minutes ago, Charism said:

I did this:


Because if I left-click on this number everything just...vanishes. I'm using chrome, but forums are not working properly for me in last few days.


Forum not working... for me too, as far as I have understood remarks, it seems the Software provider made an update and that damaged the Forum's special creation thingies / adjustments. Water Bottle... working on it, mods wrote inthe BO daylies threads to open a ticket with specifics (so they will find all the little details faster?)

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11 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:

So a prediction of 2.16 billion is clouded judgment?  See, this is why no one takes you seriously Kal and why you are nothing more than a troll.  560 million is a huge number and it's also 26% drop from a record breaking first film.  It's also the same drop AOU had from Avengers.  That's more than logical.  You don't base anything on logic, more on what you want it to do and then you make up people who say that it will do 1.7 billion domestically.  Do you talk to these people on celly?  Do they work for imaginary ABC radio?

Folks right  in here.  I don't think anyone in a college debate would take you seriously.  A film that is universally praised,  sold 55 my units on hv ww.  Going to now have 4000 plus and the fans from titanic and avtr and 560 m is a big number.  Better do your homework better on what makes Cameron films huge sir lol.  Jpw has only a portion of the magic that makes a super run and it made 656m.  Baumerfett prepare to give me your money lol.  

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15 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:

So a prediction of 2.16 billion is clouded judgment?  See, this is why no one takes you seriously Kal and why you are nothing more than a troll.  560 million is a huge number and it's also 26% drop from a record breaking first film.  It's also the same drop AOU had from Avengers.  That's more than logical.  You don't base anything on logic, more on what you want it to do and then you make up people who say that it will do 1.7 billion domestically.  Do you talk to these people on celly?  Do they work for imaginary ABC radio?


2.16 billion is a lower end prediction of what it could make, I don't really think Avatar and Avengers is a good comaprison. Avengers is the as frontloaded as they come and Avatar the opposite. Avatar 2's OW will be 2-3x as big as Avatars.


I think the possible range is 1.8B to 3.5B

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You look at some of the Darth's,  elessar and baumerfetts behavior in these pages that's rude.  From Einstein so theory of relativity to James Cameron's deepest single occupant dive record.  We discuss it all in here civilly .  And I wonder why I get so many of my films right  vs the losses. Bauer is going to end up paying me my 100 thanks to the fanboy inability to think. out of the box.  God bless the sws loonies.  2b we isn't bad,  but the baumerfetts domestic is far too low for a film that dominated home videog like no movie since finding Nemo.  A film that has 50m and 100m strong fb communities.  That is an extremely unrealistic number.  Considering the horrible quality of ultron guys and it still almost made 500m dom. Indeed you can't compare ultron to the juggernaut . And any 400 to 550m domestic predicts as the max for the world's biggest sequel is not logical period. 

Edited by Kalel009Shel
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4 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:


2.16 billion is a lower end prediction of what it could make, I don't really think Avatar and Avengers is a good comaprison. Avengers is the as frontloaded as they come and Avatar the opposite. Avatar 2's OW will be 2-3x as big as Avatars.


I think the possible range is 1.8B to 3.5B

Amen. Logic over sws fueled crazy posts everytime.


My range is 2.8 to 3.9b we potentially . 20 percent chance for 4bww. I think it's a near lock for 630m on the lowend



Jimbo what about the domestic range? 

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3 minutes ago, Kalel009Shel said:

Amen. Logic over sws fueled crazy posts everytime.


My range is 2.8 to 3.9b we potentially . 20 percent chance for 4bww. I think it's a near lock for 630m on the lowend



Jimbo what about the domestic range? 


I was being conversative, it could go crazy. I'm not from America my friend I'm all about the WW, I would hope it would take back it's title from TFA though.

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