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BSG: Congratulations to FILM!

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all this crowing around the weekly questions / SOTM & presason bonus questions will all likely be mute in the final context of the game... while it will help i suspect it won't go close to deciding who wins...


I've seen the scores from the weekend charts and some players stand to gain a lot...


don't give this up to chewy yet...


Frankly anyone who is in the top 30 at the end of the season questions has a chance of winning given the large descrepancy i've seen in scores.  and i'm not looking at the main charts either :P

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all this crowing around the weekly questions / SOTM & presason bonus questions will all likely be mute in the final context of the game... while it will help i suspect it won't go close to deciding who wins...


I've seen the scores from the weekend charts and some players stand to gain a lot...


don't give this up to chewy yet...


Frankly anyone who is in the top 30 at the end of the season questions has a chance of winning given the large descrepancy i've seen in scores.  and i'm not looking at the main charts either :P

Well, now I am really interested in seeing how the final standings end up. 

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Keep in mind, this is exactly why I have declared two sets of winners.  The winner of the "regular season" is a prestigious winner as well as the over all winner.  This is the longest game on the forums and I think it is the best, all due respect to all the others.  And whoever wins both the overall and reg/season should be proud.

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Here we go!  Scores after Preseason 18. (not in order)


1) Chewy 636,000

2) Chasmmi 607,000

3) Cedar:595,000

4) dipper: 527,000

5) Tele: 564,000

6) druv: 575,000

7) LAguy 570,000

8) cjohn: 508,000

9) Alfredstellar: 506,000

10) Iceroll: 556,000

11) Olive: 549,000

12) Grim22 525,000


13) tylerdurden: 522,000

14) Narnia 513,000

15) Simionski 491,000

16) jakegittes: 508,000

17) Fern 508,000: 

18) Kitik: 520,000

19) Empire: 519,000

20) Baumer 502.000


20) darkelf: 502,000

22) punishment: 447,000

23) clairehol7: 462,000

24) Cmaster 484,000

25) Johnny 401,000

26) damienroc: 484,000

27) Ed 458,000

28) Mulder 408,000

29) Blankments: 477,000

30) 24IsLost 450,000


31) Jajang 426,000

31) Moviegeek: 396,000

33) JOS 384,000 

34) mattrek: 417,000

35) Numbers 435,000

36) Panda 370,000

37) bcf26: 346,000

38) MGS 408,000

39) Glassfairy 328,000

40) junkshop: 313,000


41) movieman 304,000

42) DAR 294,000

43) Stingray 351,000

44) Gizmo 345,000

45) filmovie: 366,000

46) MeanGirlsFilms 320,000

47) Winter Soldier 294,000

48) grey ghost 215,000

49) Za Rukaio 176.000

50) Schumacher 230,000


51) Jay Hollywood: 186,000

52) mahnamahna 203,000

53) RhyneOH1040 177,000

54) Gokai Red 124,000

55) Spaghetti 110,000

56) Andy LL 169,000

57) Jandrew 170,000

58) Kayumanggi 162,000

59) nerdygeek: 110,000

60) goffe: 32,000

61) kalo:  20,000
62) Neo 20,000

63) Vanauger 0
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And here it is!


You regular season standings!  Congrats to Chewy for being bold, smart and accurate for the entire four months of the game.  He took risks, answered well and played every week.  Terrific game.  Chas and Cedar and Laguy were the only ones to finish with more than 600,000 points.


Special shout out to Laguy, who had his best finish by far.  He has played all 7 or 8  seasons of this (not even sure how many there are now lol) and he tirelessly contributes to this game more than anyone.  He came very close to finishing in the top 3.  Well done!


The preseason scoring and the top 15's and so on are being worked on but they will take some tme.  I do not have today off like I thought.  We're doing it as quickly as can be.



1) Chewy 670,000

2) Chasmmi 635,000

3) Cedar: 622,000



4) LAguy 606,000

5) dipper: 552,000

6) druv: 596,000

7) Olive: 595,000

8) Iceroll: 592,000

9) Tele: 583,000

10) tylerdurden: 553,000


11) Kitik: 549,000

12) Grim22 544,000

13) Narnia 536,000

14) cjohn: 530,000

15) darkelf: 527,000

16) Fern 524,000: 

17) Empire: 520,000

18) jakegittes: 518,000

19) Simionski 512,000

20) Alfredstellar: 506,000


21) Baumer 500.000

22) Blankments: 493,000

23) clairehol7: 493,000

24) Cmaster 484,000

25) damienroc: 484,000

26) Ed 468,000

27) Jajang 465,000

28) 24IsLost 464,000

29) mattrek: 462,000

30) Numbers 452,000


31) punishment: 446,000

32) Moviegeek: 433,000

33) Mulder 424,000

34) MGS 408,000

35) JOS 407,000 

36) Johnny 401,000

37) filmovie: 385,000

38) Panda 370,000

39) bcf26: 367,000

40) Glassfairy 356,000


41) Stingray 351,000

42) Gizmo 345,000

43) MeanGirlsFilms 337,000

44) junkshop: 313,000

45) movieman 304,000

46) DAR 294,000

47) Winter Soldier 294,000

48) Schumacher 230,000

49) grey ghost 215,000

50) mahnamahna 203,000


51) Jay Hollywood: 186,000

52) Za Rukaio 176.000

53) RhyneOH1040 176,000

54) Andy LL 169,000

55) Jandrew 168,000

56) Kayumanggi 162,000

57) Gokai Red 124,000

58) Spaghetti 110,000

59) nerdygeek: 110,000

60) goffe: 32,000

61) kalo:  20,000
62) Neo 20,000

63) Vanauger 0
Edited by baumer
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I should be happy with ninth, but I'm not. :mellow:


Congrats Chewy! :)


You were the best player for about 85% of the game, no question.  Even if you hadn't been called out, you would not have won, take comfort in that at least.


And btw...RTH just texted me....should meet up next week some time.  :)

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Preseason scoring Left are the top 15, top 10 ww, top 7 ow and top 5 we ww, am I right?Congratulations to the winner and thanks to the People who allowed us to play and made the scorings ( baumer, laguy, jajang and the others whose name I dont remember)

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