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Locke (2014)  

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I don't care if this is only playing in a few cities, I had to start the review thread now. It's phenomenal. 90 minutes of Tom Hardy driving and talking on the phone, and it's flat out great. Like ALL IS LOST, it's about a supremely competent and iron-willed man who -- as his life begins to crumble around him, through forces beyond his control yet set in motion by his actions -- struggles through sheer force of will to set things back to normal. Don't read the reviews, they spoil some of the plot, and while this isn't a movie that relies on revelations or twists, it's nice to go in not knowing anything and having to figure it out for yourself. But I'll end this with a quote from one review, a fantastic bit of writing by David Thomson of The New Republic, talking about why it's so key that Tom Hardy chose a Welsh accent for the movie:

The Welsh take enormous and justified pride in their voice (though they prefer to seem a modest people). It is a small country of choirs, many of them male and based—once upon a time—in the mining communities that were decimated by English rationalism. The Welsh love to sing, and they speak as if song was the next option. Wales is a country of hills, mountains, meadows and vales, very green. (The sun doesn’t shine too much—because that could hurt your eyes.) But there is a feeling that the voice of the country has been kept moist, fresh, supple, and suggestive by the rain, as much as by the old influence of church and chapel, and by the smothered anger at the English for being such foul, bloody, superior shits. So the Welsh voice is gentle, musical, lilting, soft, insinuating, a little fussy, and so very suggestive that, as you are beguiled by it, you may not immediately pick up the steely strength in it, the veiled stubbornness, the anger, and the amazement that there are idiots (especially in the United Kingdom) who do not understand that spiritually, metaphysically and in matters of order the Welsh are supreme.

Grade: A
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Fascinating and quietly brilliant film. I loved it. My best friend and mom did too, but they DESPISED the ending. It certainly isn't the most emotionally satisfying, but it doesn't matter to me. It's not at all about the ending- it's clearly a movie about the destination. It's like a stage play that unfolds on screen- the dialogue and the thematic complexity and the brilliant way the narrative unfolds so simply is just a joy to watch. Yes, it's an hour and a half in the car- but it's worth every second. Never once lost my attention. Tom Hardy, my favorite young actor working today, is brilliant again. God, that guy is good. He conveys so much with so little, and his character has so much depth that is all owed to his performance. It took me a few minutes to adjust to the accent- it still sounds like he's doing a version of the Bane voice in this one. Hell, this whole movie could double as a Bane origin story. Regardless, it's a brilliant, thought provoking film I haven't stopped thinking about since I saw it on Saturday. Go see it. 

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I don't think I was as crazy about it as you guys--All Is Lost was certainly more emotional--but I think this is an impressive achievement nonetheless. Tom Hardy sells everything in the film. It always felt engaging when Locke put on a calm face about the birth, his wife, the construction mess, etc. (the accent as Tele pointed out above certainly added to this) and then broke while pretending to talk to his father. Great character decision, I certainly believe this guy even though I never see him outside his car.

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I don't care if this is only playing in a few cities, I had to start the review thread now. It's phenomenal. 90 minutes of Tom Hardy driving and talking on the phone, and it's flat out great. Like ALL IS LOST, it's about a supremely competent and iron-willed man who -- as his life begins to crumble around him, through forces beyond his control yet set in motion by his actions -- struggles through sheer force of will to set things back to normal. Don't read the reviews, they spoil some of the plot, and while this isn't a movie that relies on revelations or twists, it's nice to go in not knowing anything and having to figure it out for yourself. But I'll end this with a quote from one review, a fantastic bit of writing by David Thomson of The New Republic, talking about why it's so key that Tom Hardy chose a Welsh accent for the movie:Grade: A

Bet it's not as good as Cloverfield.
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Locke was so stripped down, tense and raw it was incredible written that you could believe this mans life had fallen to pieces over that one long drive. I can't add more then to say that Tom Hardy is an extraordinary actor and makes Ivan Locke feel so real, honest and human.

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Talking to the father thing was really heavy-handed and awkwardly handled, I thought, but otherwise, terrific and supremely confident movie. Knight makes sure the story is plausible every step of the way (there are no cheap twists, the story serves the characters and not the other way around, Locke is neither overly lucky nor completely miserable at any given point), and Hardy gives his best performance since Bronson. Major props to all the other actors as well, they all perfectly sold it.

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Talking to the father thing was really heavy-handed and awkwardly handled, I thought, but otherwise, terrific and supremely confident movie. Knight makes sure the story is plausible every step of the way (there are no cheap twists, the story serves the characters and not the other way around, Locke is neither overly lucky nor completely miserable at any given point), and Hardy gives his best performance since Bronson. Major props to all the other actors as well, they all perfectly sold it.

Talking to his dad was heavy-handed, but Hardy sold it about as well as you can. There was also a couple very helpful edits which suggested the conversation was all in his head anyway (as opposed to the more-literal speaking aloud). Edited by Telemachos
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I had a similar idea for a movie once, but it was on a bus full of people. :thinking:


Anyway, love the concept :D, loved the accent. Hardy was great obviously, he added so much to the character, a character that was already impressive. I was pleasantly surprised how he handled all the crises that arose and how he took the losses that he had to take. Not your typical hero but a really interesting one for sure. Knight directs so well, it is an achievement when I'm biting my nails throughout a movie that has really nothing that should be nail-biting. Good performances from the 'voices' too, especially Moriarty :D




More people should see this, but if you're expecting a thrilling road adventure with Tom Hardy, wait up until next year :D

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I fucking LOVED it.It's such a simple film and largely due to Tom Hardy it is mesmerizing the whole time. I'm telling you conversations about concrete will never be this exciting. Watch this movie. A

Edited by DAR
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There are films that can be aptly described as being dependent on a central performance, and then there's Locke.
I love films where a simple premise on its surface carries a great deal of depth.  A man gets in his car after a seemingly normal day at work.  Such an innocent event that in this instance carries a great deal of consequence.  It is through the ensuing drive that we are able to get to know this man.  Unfortunately it is also through this drive that we witness how this man's life inevitably changes forever.  
It goes without saying that how Tom Hardy goes here, the film will follow.  Thankfully Hardy is one of the finest actors working today.  This is the perfect kind of performance for this role.  Minute by minute we are able to witness this man breaking down.  We are able to see the inner anguish on his face.  It is often the unspoken moments in which Ivan is just looking out the window that have the greatest impact.  It is one thing to be able to act, but it is the ability to convey that acting as genuine emotion that separates the very best.  I am of the opinion that Tom Hardy is among the very best.  Nothing less than a powerhouse performance here.
It is quite amazing how a film solely focused on a car drive can be so damn riveting.  As already stated, Hardy is a big reason for this, but commendation needs to go out to the director as well.  What a fantastic use of lighting.  Light in particular that transgresses across Ivan's face is particularly interesting in bringing out hidden emotions and anguish.  The score is perfectly in tune with the proceedings.  It has a knack of bringing out more hidden emotion emotion and anguish.  Steven Knight uses his talents as a director to enhance and bring out the talents of Hardy.  In my opinion, a better compliment cannot be given to a director.
This is the kind of film that sneaks up on you.  About midway through the film I was hit with the realization that this man started the day with no expectations other than going home to watch a soccer match with his family.  Of course, chance had other plans.  There are nuances here that will only be magnified upon re-watch.  I look forward to getting to know Ivan Locke a little more and taking that car trip with him once again.
A damn good film that in my opinion will become better and better with each watch.
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It was a big surprise for me. I had no idea it was all taking place in a single space. But it was great. The script was very well thought out and it carried the movies themes while simultaneously never losing interest or repeating itself to death. The direction was also a big factor on how smooth and lively the movie feels, and raises it above the limited space gimmick. I also found the dad conversations too be a little too obvious and the whole time I was afraid his father's ghost will appear in the mirror and starts answering him but thank god they were smart enough to not go there. But it's one of those movies where all the above virtues wouldn't have mattered at all without a great protagonist.


Tom Hardy is love, Tom Hardy is life.



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I'm not gonna grade it because I think I should watch it again at some point ... its pretty good but whenever I think about how I would do something differently or even better then the movie is not perfect


With that being said the slightly different direction that I would take doesn't really matter since this movie is a one-man show and that one man happens to be Tom Hardy in his finest performance since Bronson which is really a good enough recommendation to see the film even without knowing anything else

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