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Weekend Numbers (May 9-11) Neighbors 51.1 ASM2 37.2

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As a mod you represent the rules & ways the site SHOULD interact. Don't get offended when someone calls you on it.

Ok, ok, fine. I won't do it again. 

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He's saying as a mod he's derailing the thread on an off topic, personal post because he's watching MOS. Imagine if every time someone watched a Marvel or Nolan movie, they commented on what they thought in the #s thread.This forum would be an exponentially bigger clusterf*** than it is already. CJohn knows better & his job is to set an example and so is yours. It's what you guys sign up for.


He's not derailing it.  There is no rule that says these threads have to stay on topic.  


I'm saying that if you check out one weekend numbers thread, they are all derailed.  

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As a mod you represent the rules & ways the site SHOULD interact. Don't get offended when someone calls you on it.


He is representing the site AS IT IS.  This is how it is.  It's been this way since the beginning.  

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As a mod you represent the rules & ways the site SHOULD interact. Don't get offended when someone calls you on it.

I've moderated forums before, and I'll tell you it's much easier to judge a mod than be a mod. Cjohn did nothing wrong.
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As a mod you represent the rules & ways the site SHOULD interact. Don't get offended when someone calls you on it.


I don't know if you've been keeping up on current events but this isn't Mojo, pal.

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He's not derailing it. There is no rule that says these threads have to stay on topic. I'm saying that if you check out one weekend numbers thread, they are all derailed.

Bud we all know that happens but I think the best discussion happens on topic even in our most viewed threads wouldn't you agree? It's a standard we all should try to improve and that's also my point about how if you guys represent the site as moderators, you should be held to a higher standard.EDIT: and I think off topic derailment is a rule lol Edited by GiantCALBears
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I'd like to take a moment to point out that Captain America First Avenger grossed $370m ww. Captain America Winter Soldier is knocking on the door to $700m worldwide.  I don't care what anybody says, this was not expected. Even the wildest predictions had it at no more than $600m and that was a serious stretch. Kudos to Marvel.

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The threads have to stay on topic, but in the case of this Weekend Threads, usually people are just happily talking while we have no numbers. That is what I did. But if people feel mods shouldn't do it, I won't do it.

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Every person in here, save for the one who complained about Cjohn and maybe Giantcalbears, has been in the clusterfuck which is known as the Friday numbers thread.  We have gone way off the beaten path before.  

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No paragraphs! One giant wall of text. Do it right or don't do it at all.

Fine, fine, I will contact iJack for help. He is a master in writing walls of text like that  :ph34r:

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