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Wknd Estimates: Godzilla - 93.2M

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Considering your predictions are almost the same as mine, give it or take 20M (except TMNT, because I have to think and see more about it, so I haven't made a prediction yet, TF4 260M, X-Men 220M and Fault I already said here I will change my sig tomorrow to a bigger number), since you are saying my predictions are a joke, you are also calling yours a joke as well, which makes no sense...

So 2 movies similar, 1 not included at all, 1 similar because you 'announced' you will change the prediciton equals "basically the same"? And at no point I said all of your predictions were a joke. You are really taking it way more serious than it ever was, along with baumer. Looks like all sarcasm/jabs & jokes are fair including your dismisiveness how bored you are even thinking about box office runs of movies post-Memorial weekend that other people are excited about, but if someone does it to you it's suddenly huge deal, great offense as massive serious rudeness :huh:

Edited by BobbyJohn
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Love you Captain America Winter Solder- $250m domestic and $700m worldwide. My favorite movie of 2014 so far.


Even the wildest predictions didn't have it reaching 700m. 


Congratulations Cap! Well deserved imo. Take a bow with your fine self!


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my favorite movie of the year too.
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First Class did $207M. $280M is still a great increase. Fine I'll increase it to $300M.

But last year's The Wolverine did 280M. Don't you think XM:DoFP will increase from that?

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First Class did $207M. $280M is still a great increase. Fine I'll increase it to $300M.


First Class wasn't in 3D and it didn't open in China. Big difference.

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Love 'em both, but Snowpiercer blows Godzilla out of the water and Cap out of the ice.

I'm just on the edge waiting for that movie. I've been restraining myself from downloading the movie online.
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First Class did $207M. $280M is still a great increase. Fine I'll increase it to $300M.

yeah but wolverine came after that and did 282M overseas. Why would a x-men event movie does less than a solo movie's run?


oops too late many people already wrote that


dofp should get a nice increase overseas

Edited by starkster
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Love 'em both, but Snowpiercer blows Godzilla out of the water and Cap out of the ice.


That movie looks super grimey. Don't know if I can handle it. Looks brutal.

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