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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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How many times do I have to tell you?Even when you're crying....

You're my downfall, you're my museMy worst distraction, my rhythm and bluesI can't stop posting, it's ringing, in my head for you
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Part 9, aka Part 8.5! Very difficult parts to write, but as usual, I enjoyed it. I hope you guys enjoy. Comments, concerns, questions, and cough likes are appreciated. Ps, there's a Jason Derulo reference, see if you can spot it.
Previously on Part 8 on the Box Office Forum Games, a bunch of stuff happened. Jandrew and Shawn "changed the game", IJack returned, Spaghetti created an attack of the clones, teams were separated, Pandora and Hogwarts was destroyed, Westeros lost some land, Iceroll returned, the Baysphere was occupied, there was a Bollywood dance number, Dinobots were introduced, and I finally finished my Japanese food. Now, on Part 9 of the Box Office Forum Games...
Back in Westeros, Numbers and Iceroll have reunited.
Numbers: Ice!? Ice! How?

Iceroll: I prefer to use a diving board next time. They handshake and embrace. A clanking noise is heard and look alive.

Numbers: What was that? A spear flies between Iceroll and Numbers. It's Kal. Iceroll aims and shoots an arrow. Kal ducks as a portal opens behind him. The arrow flies though and appears in the Baysphere. It strikes Chd in the right eye socket and he falls. Numbers aims, but Kal jumps off the ledge, onto a patio, and into another ledge.


With Fancy still playing in the background, we're back in Baysphere. Mango, riding on Slash, steps on the dead Chd as he approaches Heretic on his carpet. Heretic aims his wand. They get on a collide course, SMACK, Heretic jumps off and the carpet collides with Mango, knocking him falls off. BOOM, a Baysplosion startles Slash and he bucks. His foot bares down on Mango, but he rolls out of the way just in time. Heretic is running and Alfredstellar comes flying by on a dragon and scoops him up.

Heretic: Let me go! 25 feet (7.62 meters) in the air, Alfredstellar rides up to the cage wall and lets go. Alfredstellar's dragon brakes and he stops. Heretic's momentum keeps him going. He covers his face, but smacks into the wall and goes rolling down.

In Westeros, Kal runs through the hall. He stops. The plush Olaf is sitting there.

Kal: Buddy, this is pretty random. How'd this get here? Kal grows suspicious and backs away from the lovable plush. PEW, PEW, the laser gun shoots. Kal runs and dodges. The Olaf doesn't move. Kal dives left out of sight of the laser beams.

Unknown Voice: If Pandora was in the World Cup, how long do you think they'd last? Kal turns around and Darkelf smites him in the abdomen and Kal spews blood.

Darkelf: About as long as you just lasted here. Kal pulls the sword out. He kicks Darkelf and Darkelf falls back. Kal falls over. Darkelf gets up and approaches. He raises his sword and Kal falls over. Darkelf, about to swing, backs off. He decides the damages is done and steps back. A portal opens behind him and he stumbles in.


AndyLL and Films run on the edge of the sphere cage. 

AndyLL: We need to get out of here! Keep following me! They run out and run into the other end of the complex. A portal opens and Darkelf spills out. They collide like a bowling ball and pins. They get up and stand off.

Darkelf: I don't want no trouble. I don't know what's going on. Too much is happening! Darkelf begins to dance uncontrollably. He breaks it down, Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle. I don't know what's happening to my legs! AndyLL and Films stand confused. CRUNCH. Darkelf spits out blood. His shoulder blades rip out from his back, then fly back in, going through is chest. AndyLL and Films look horrified. Darkelf falls and behind him is A2K, standing with his wand out, grinning eerily.

A2K: Diffindo, bitch. A2K waves his wand and AndyLL shoves Films into the portal and the spell strikes AndyLL. He poofs. A2K stands confused. (to himself) His rib cage was supposed to rip out? Did I say the wrong spell? AndyLL poofs behind A2K. 

AnyLL: You did. AndyLL grabs A2K's hand up shoves the wand up the bottom of A2K's jaw into his mouth. Blood waterfalls out of A2K's mouth. He seizes and falls. The portal is now gone and AndyLL must trek on his own. 

Spazz91: Why is this happening!?

EmpireI don't know!

Spazz91: We need the rest of our team! 

Empire: No we don't! Empire pulls out an Allspark shard and thrusts it into Spazz91's back. He cringes and turns around slowly. 

Spazz91: Wha...wha...why?... Spazz91 falls. Empire leans over. He reaches for Spazz91, Floop, floop, floop! 3 arrows penetrate Empire's back. He turns and sees Sam hover over on a dragon.

Sam: Wrong team, bitch! She flies forward and the dragon blows, engulfing Empire in flames. Empire scream and burns and Sam flies out. 


Spaghetti's spells begins to wear off and the clones begin to explode (like IM3, I mean this is Baysphere). BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM! The clones explode one by one. Darkelf's clone bites the dust and sends a limping Heretic flying. Alfredstellar's clone is on a dragon and explodes. The dragon comes crashing down and explodes. Mango uses a Westeros shield and shields himself from the blast. The Baysphere is suffering from so many explosions, and such few cocaine and dollar bills, that it begins to slowly collapse. AndyLL runs, trying to find a portal. The ceiling beams begin to fall. The hallway explodes behind him and he jumps. He lands in a parking lot and finds a blue and red Peterbilt 379. He runs and gets in, the keys inside. He drives off. Heretic slowly gets up. An avalanche of cocaine comes his way. He stands in shock and Noctis comes flying by on a carpet and grabs him.

Noctis: (yelling over the loud 'splosions) Ps Heretic, avalanches are not soft and fluffy!


The arena keeps collapsing. Scattered cocaine begins to ignite and flame. Dollar bills falling also catch fire. Everyone tries to find ways out, dodging burning $20 bills and making their way through heavy smoke as the cocaine fires burn and suck out oxygen. Spazz91 runs down a hall, shielding his face, and a steel beam falls. The beam breaks the floor and Spazz91 jumps the gap. He lands on his ankle. The ceiling collapses and he rolls out of the way. A $20 bill lands on him as he crawls and his shirt catches on fire. He takes off, but is blinded by the smoke. Sam flies her dragon out of the complex. Empire sneaks out. Stingray is running from the blasts and a hand reaches down and grabs him. It's Water Bottle. They fly out. Chd is yards (or meters) from the parking lot and runs into Noctis. 

Noctis: Save me! Noctis embraces Chd.

Chd: No! BOOM! Noctis explodes. It was a clone. Chd doesn't escape. The steel sphere collapses. All ignited cocaine explodes, sending shrapnel flying. Mango runs into the rumbling parking lot. Pressure is building and the ground begins to crack. He sees a 2014 yellow Chewy Camaro. Spazz91 makes it to the parking structure, limping. He spots the Camaro too. Him and Mango race for it, but Spazz91's ankle hinders him. Mango gets in and Spazz91 jumps on the trunk. VROOM, he speeds out just as Dragon runs inside. She sees a black GMC Topkick. She puts in drive and accelerates out of the complex. She smashes through the glass as the parking room explodes behind her. Alfredstellar comes flying out on a carpet, escaping the blast. Mango drives away as Spazz91 is crawling onto the roof.

Mango: Get off the car! Spazz91 pulls out a Westeros transform weapon with one hand and holds on with the other. He turns it into a crossbow and shoots. He hits the passenger mirror and Mango swerves. Spazz91 craws to the windshield and looks down.

Spazz91: If I can't have this car! No one can! Spazz91 aims at Mango and Mango breaks. Spazz91 goes flying, OOF he lands on the ground. Vrroommmmm, he looks up and Mango has the drivers door open. BAM! The door slams into Spazz91. The forces puts a dent and blood in the door and closes it back.


AndyLL is speeding down a barren highway when a portal opens. He brakes and swerves, but swerves right in. The Peterbilt pops up on a grassy mountain on goes tumbling. The Peterbilt tumbles and tumbles and tumbles and lands at the bottom in a grotto. The Camaro and GMC eventually pop in as well and tumble down the same path. AndyLL gets out, injured. He dodges the out-of-control Camaro. Mango, not wearing his seatbelt, is ejected through the windshield. AndyLL goes to check on him, he's unconscious. Dragon's truck comes hurdling and AndyLL pulls himself and Mango out of the way. AndyLL wakes up Mango and then goes to check on Dragon and she's okay, but cut up. He and Mango pull her out.

Dragon: Don't kill me! Don't kill me!

AndyLL: Relax, I'm helping you.

Mango: Is all of your team dead?

AndyLL: I got separated from my team.

Dragon: So did I.

Mango: I think everyone did. My name is Mango. Mango holds out his hand and they shake it. Here's the deal, this is my zone. Skull Island. Now we could square off right now and kill each other and the one that survives wanders around here alone, or we team up, wander around together, and have a better fighting chance. What do you say? Dragon and AndyLL glance at each other.


Ed falls out the portal and lands on top of someone. It's Pink. (It's not cliche).

Pink: Get off! Ed rolls off and he and Pink get up. They realize it's each other and stand in shock.

Pink and Ed: Ed!/Pink! They look around and see they are in Skull Island, surrounded by lush hills and humidity.

Ed: Pink, something weird is going on! The whole team is separated, these portals are popping up every fucking where, the Mods are doing this on purpose, but I don't know why. Something weird is happening.

Pink: Something weird did happen, but it's not the random tonal shift. Ed looks confused. I saw you, Ed. I saw you kiss Ecstacy. I saw you embrace her in that moonlight.

Ed: I don't know what was going on with me, Pink! I don't know, I was thirsty. These games are stressful and I needed to de-stress.

Pink: You could've asked me for a massage or some herbal tea. I'm done, Ed. I'm done. I don't need you, I don't need E, I don't need Team Black, I don't need anyone. We've all been separated. I'm going to make use of that separation.

Ed: Pink! I need you!

Pink: I don't need anyone. I'm a lone wolf, like DMX.

Ed: DMX was not alone! He had the Ruff Ryder crew. You can't stop, drop, and open up shop on your own!

Pink: I saw you kiss Ecstacy! I saw you kiss Ecstacy.

Ed: I haven't even seen Ecstacy since all those random portals!
Pink: Yeah, because of all those random portals. Pink begins to wonder off.

Ed: Pink. Do you know what happens when you break a covalent bond? Pink stops and thinks. We're covalent bonds, brother. We're like Batman and Robin, but we're both Batman. We're salt and pepper, blue and red, New York and LA, gay and straight, Summer and Winter, angels and demons, Corona and Landshark. I need you. We were supposed to assassinate Kim Jung-Un together, and destroy all the sex tapes that were uploaded to the cloud. We were supposed to see Think Like A Man 2. Pink hangs his head and turns around. He takes in what Ed is saying. I can't explain what happened with Ecstacy, but I can explain that you're my ride or die. And I don't want to die. Pink stares Ed down. He sighs, then runs up to Ed. They man-hug and handshake.

Pink: Let's go finish these Games so we can catch our flight to Korea.


Punishment stands confused in Skull Island.

Punishment: How did I end up in Skull Island? Shawrama!? Shawrama, where are you!? Punishment stands alone. He hears rawrs in the distance and runs off. 


Blankments wakes up in a bush. He looks around and admires the scenery, like a rain forest. 

Blankments: Where is my team? Where is Wayne Manor? Is this Vegas? AHHHH! Blankments looks up and their is an open portal. Reddevil comes falling out. Blankments picks up a rock bigger than his hand and walks over. Reddevil opens his eyes and sees Blankments standing over.

Reddevil: Whoa! Whoa! 

Blankments: Team DC. Something's happening. You're going to help me survive, and do what I say. Or take this rock to the skull.


Jesus of Suburbia is running through the castle. Through the rain, he spots something approaching. He squints and notices figures. The Westeros army. Soldiers on the ground, dragons in the sky. Numbers and Iceroll turn around and see the same thing. Ecstacy is standing with the dragons when they begin to go wild. All the dragons look in the same direction and she looks over. DamienRoc notices as well.

DamienRoc: And I don't even have enough time to pick my nose in place. 


The illustrious Jandrew is sitting in his glass cell. The lights begin to flicker. Jandrew gets up and IJack comes flying through one of the sockets. IJack hovers over Jandrew like Electro in TASM2 when he looked like an electric skeleton. IJack comes to form and walks up to Jandrew.

Jandrew: Well it's about time. 


The doorbell rings. Jack Nevada, Bballman24, Darkelf, A2k, Kal, Chd, Spazz91, and Lilmac are the unfortunates. RIP.


To help Numbers decipher who which death was clone vs real 

Jack Nevada - heat blade from Tarzan

BBallman24 - spiders from Kal
Darkelf - shoulderblade dislocation from A2K
A2K - wand penetration from AndyLL
Chd - blown up by Noctis clone
Spazz91- stabbed by Empire

Lilmac - grenade from Noctis

Kal - sword from Darkelf


And members that appeared in 8/9


Sam, Ed, Pink, Darkelf, Chd, Spazz91, Lilmac, Bballman24, A2k, Tarzan, Dragon, IJack, Damien Roc, Ecstacy, Heretic, Alfredstellar, Water Bottle, Stingray, Mango, Dar, Walt Disney, Spaghetti, ShawnMR, Jajang, Films, AndyLL, K1stpierre, Empire, Noctis, Punishment, Blankments, me, Blink23, Kal, Jesus of Suburbia, Bballman24, Reddevil

The Bollywood musical number doesn't count, but instead of you putting an asterik in beside everyone, you can just make a note saying "bonus musical number in Part 8 that featured all" or something like that. I don't want you to spend too much time on it.

Edited by Jandrew
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