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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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You better say that because....


You should pushing daisies


Spazz91: Wha...wha...why?... Spazz91 falls. Empire leans over. He reaches for Spazz91, Floop, floop, floop! 3 arrows penetrate Empire's back. He turns and sees Sam hover over on a dragon.

Sam: Wrong team, bitch! She flies forward and the dragon blows, engulfing Empire in flames. Empire scream and burns and Sam flies out.




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Everyone read for analysis to the clones and teams.

When you really think about it, the clones were pretty distinguishable. They were kind of stupid. Why would Empire kill Spazz right there in front of everyone? Why would Films shoot AndyLL right in front of everyone? Empire may be shady, but hes not going to blow his cover in the open. That was obvious (well at least to me) when you saw how shady he always acted in 1-7. Even WD killed in the open, but he tried to fool others that he didnt. Tawasal as well. Then it was obvious someone was dead if they died twice: Jack Nevada, Lilmac, Chd, and Spazz91 all died twice in Baysphere. There were no clones anywhere else. Then all the clones exploded ala Tony's suits in the climax, so then its obvious who is real. Heretic was lit on fire, but then he was back running during the explosions. That meant that was his clone that died. "Empire escapes" was put in during the final explosions, meaning it was the clone Empire that was killed. Chd gets locked up to Noctis, so that means the Chd with an arrow in his eye was a clone. Blink isnt listed as dead, so that was her clone Kelli shot. Stingray was blown apart, but then he was saved by WB, and he never exploded, meaning it was the real Stingray. WB is shot on the ground, but he saves Stingray, so clone WB was killed. Spazz91 was the only mistake, because like I said in the bloopers, he was supposed to die alot earlier, so when I gave him more time, I forgot he was a clone and shouldve exploded.A2K was the only one to kill a teammate for real, but his personality was more selfish from the beginning, like the fight with Noctis. He wasnt a big team player. But its pretty ambiguous if A2K really knew that was Darkelf since he was facing his back. Maybe A2K was just trying to rack up kills? That's an Inception choice, you can choose yourself whether A2K knew it was him or not.And you have to think of the impact they now have. Sam thinks she killed the real Empire, and she thinks hes a traitor. The doorbell has rung, but majority of the players dont know how who died, which

could lead to more manipulation. And now that many teams are separated, peoples personalities are really going to be brought out now. You saw how AnyLL almost jacked Films up, but then sacrificed himself for him. Do I trust them? Should I work alone? What if they kill/killed my teammate? Is the alliance worth it? Will they turn on me?All of you will be asking questions. It was time for a change in the teams dynamic, now you guys will really be put to the true test of survival, trust, and teamwork.Think of it as getting lost with your high school classmates vs getting lost with your college orientation group. Which is a bigger challenge? Now the development really begins

Edited by Jandrew
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Everyone read for analysis to the clones and teams.

When you really think about it, the clones were pretty distinguishable. They were kind of stupid. Why would Empire kill Spazz right there in front of everyone? Why would Films shoot AndyLL right in front of everyone? Empire may be shady, but hes not going to blow his cover in the open. That was obvious (well at least to me) when you saw how shady he always acted in 1-7. Even WD killed in the open, but he tried to fool others that he didnt. Tawasal as well. Then it was obvious someone was dead if they died twice: Jack Nevada, Lilmac, Chd, and Spazz91 all died twice in Baysphere. There were no clones anywhere else. Then all the clones exploded ala Tony's suits in the climax, so then its obvious who is real.Heretic was lit on fire, but then he was back running during the explosions. That meant that was his clone that died. "Empire escapes" was put in during the final explosions, meaning it was the clone Empire that was killed. Chd gets locked up to Noctis, so that means the Chd with an arrow in his eye was a clone. Blink isnt listed as dead, so that was her clone Kelli shot. Stingray was blown apart, but then he was saved by WB, and he never exploded, meaning it was the real Stingray. WB is shot on the ground, but he saves Stingray, so clone WB was killed. Spazz91 was the only mistake, because like I said in the bloopers, he was supposed to die alot earlier, so when I gave him more time, I forgot he was a clone and shouldve exploded.A2K was the only one to kill a teammate for real, but his personality was more selfish from the beginning, like the fight with Noctis. He wasnt a big team player. But its pretty ambiguous if A2K really knew that was Darkelf since he was facing his back. Maybe A2K was just trying to rack up kills? That's an Inception choice, you can choose yourself whether A2K knew it was him or not.And you have to think of the impact they now have. Sam thinks she killed the real Empire, and she thinks hes a traitor. The doorbell has rung, but majority of the players dont know how who died, which

could lead to more manipulation. And now that many teams are separated, peoples personalities are really going to be brought out now. You saw how AnyLL almost jacked Films up, but then sacrificed himself for him. Do I trust them? Should I work alone? What if they kill/killed my teammate? Is the alliance worth it? Will they turn on me?All of you will be asking questions. It was time for a change in the teams dynamic, now you guys will really be put to the true test of survival, trust, and teamwork.Think of it as getting lost with your high school classmates vs getting lost with your college orientation group. Which is a bigger challenge? Now the development really begins

Thanks for the clarification. 


I was going to say, I would have had to be the terminator or something to survive all of that.



I am really shady in this. :lol:

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