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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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Love the new poster even though I still haven't got one yet.  :)

Probably looking for the best Chris Evans picture.

Reddevil is stalking me and hes correct. Yours was gonna be one of the first, and I had a tagline, but all the Evans/Cap pics I liked had resolutions to big and I couldnt figure out how to downgrade it in paint so I gave up.But soon!
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Reddevil is stalking me and hes correct. Yours was gonna be one of the first, and I had a tagline, but all the Evans/Cap pics I liked had resolutions to big and I couldnt figure out how to downgrade it in paint so I gave up.But soon!

Okay. Can't wait to see it. :)
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Jandrew asked for it




I think it's time for Avenue Q


Jandrew: Say, CJohn, can I ask you a question?
CJohn: Sure!
Jandrew: Well, you know Telemachos upstairs?
CJohn: Uh huh.
Jandrew: Well, he has a blue name, and so do you.
CJohn: Right.
Jandrew: You're both on the moderating team.
CJohn: Yeah.
Jandrew: Are you two related?
CJohn: What?! Mojoguy, I'm surprised at you! I find that trolling!
Jandrew: Oh, well, I'm sorry! I was just asking!
CJohn: Well, it's a touchy subject. No, not all moderators are related. What are you trying say, huh? That we all post the same to you? Huh, huh, huh?
Jandrew: No, no, no, not at all. I'm sorry, I guess that was a little trolling.
CJohn: I should say so. You should be much more  careful when you're talking about the
sensitive subject of trolling.
Jandrew: Well, look who's talking!
CJohn: What do you mean?
Jandrew: What about that special moderator board you told me about?
CJohn: What about it?
Jandrew: Could someone like me go there?
CJohn: No, we don't want members like you-
Jandrew: You see?!
You're a little bit trolling.
CJohn: Well, you're a little bit too.
Jandrew: I guess we're both a little bit trolling.
CJohn: Admitting it is not an easy thing to do...
Jandrew: But I guess it's true.
CJohn: Between me and you, 
I think
Both: Everyone's a little bit trolling
Doesn't mean we go 
Around committing spam crimes.
Look around and you will find
No one's really fandom blind.
Maybe it's a fact
We all should face
Everyone has some fun
Based on trolls.
Jandrew: Now not big fun, like who to ban or who to spam PMs with- 
CJohn: No!
Jandrew: No, just little judgments like thinking that BKB should learn to speak without any bolding!
CJohn: Right!
Both: Everyone's a little bit trolling
So, everyone's a little bit trolling
Nolan jokes might be uncouth,
But you laugh because
They can't be truth
Don't take them as 
Personal attacks.
Everyone enjoys them - 
So relax!
Jandrew: All right, stop me if you've heard this one.
CJohn: Okay!
Jandrew: There's a plane going down and there's only one parachute. And there's a Nolanite, a Marvelite...
CJohn: And a Frozenite!
Mojoguy: Whatchoo talkin' 'bout CJohn?
CJohn: Uh...
Mojoguy: You were telling a Frozen joke!
Jandrew: Well, sure, Mojo, but lots of people tell Frozen jokes.
Mojoguy: I don't.
Jandrew: Well, of course you don't - you're a Frozenite! But I bet you tell Dragon jokes, right?
Mojoguy: Well, sure I do. Those stupid Dragon fans!
Jandrew: Now, don't you think that's a little trolling?
Mojoguy: Well, damn, I guess you're right.  :ph34r:
CJohn: You're a little bit trolling.
Mojoguy: Well, you're a little bit too.
Jandrew: We're all a little bit trolling.
Mojoguy: I think that I would
Have to agree with you.
Jandrew/CJohn: We're glad you do.
Mojoguy: It's sad but true!
Everyone's a little bit trolling-
That's slick!
CJohn: That's slick!
Jandrew: That's slick!
Mojoguy: That's slick!
Obnoxiousness has never been
Exclusive to comics
All: If we all could just admit
That we are trolls a little bit,
Even though we all know
That it's wrong,
Maybe it would help us
Get along.
Jandrew: Oh, shawn, do I feel good.
Mojoguy: Now there was a fine upstanding Frozenite.
Jandrew: Who?
Mojoguy: ShawnMR!
CJohn: But, Mojo, Shawn was a Nolanite.
Mojoguy: No, Shawn was a Frozenite.
CJohn: No, Shawn was a Nolanite.
Mojoguy: No, I'm pretty sure that Shawn was a Fro-
Jandrew: Guys, guys...Shawn was a Marvelite!
Empire: Hey guys, what are you laughing about?
Mojoguy: Trolling!
Empire: Cool.
Rth: EMPIRE! Come back here! You take out 9m 2m 6-7!
Jandrew: What's that mean?
Empire: Um, box office ranges. Hey, don't laugh at him! How many films can you predict perfectly?
CJohn: Oh, come off it, Empire! Everyone's a little bit trolling.
Empire: I'm not!
Jandrew: Oh no?
Empire: Nope!
How many Asgardian whores
Have you got?
Rth: What? Empire!
Jandrew: Empire, buddy, where you been?
The term is Godly-American!
Rth: I know you are no
Intending to be
But calling me Asgardian- 
Offensive to me!
Empire: I'm sorry, honey, I love you.
Rth: And I love everyone.
Empire: But you're a troll, too.
Rth: Yes, I know.
The studios have all
The money
And the mods have all
The power.
And I'm always in thread
With members who no like!
Jandrew: Me too!
CJohn: Me too!
Mojoguy: I can't even get a like!  :ph34r:
All: Everyone's a little bit trolling
It's true.
But everyone is just about
As a troll as you!
If we all could just admit
That we are trolls a little bit,
And everyone stopped being
So annoying
Maybe we could live in - 
Rth: Ev3ryone'5 a 7ittle 6it tro11ing!


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How to Train Your Dragon. Always How to Train Your Dragon :)


(though I'm not really sure if it would fit this :D)


There are dragons in Westeros. The good guys grab some dragons and incinerate the Mod Army, the Team Killers, and a couple other turncoats. That's all I got.

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There are dragons in Westeros. The good guys grab some dragons and incinerate the Mod Army, the Team Killers, and a couple other turncoats. That's all I got.


The middle part of the song is just nowhere near to what would be needed for this (I think). But the end would fit anywhere :)


I don't know, ESB then.

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Yeah, I know, but if you're gonna do a Game of Thrones battle, do it right :)


True, but I figure just posting the several music bits from "Blackwater" or "The Watchers on the Wall" would be too obvious (plus there's not enough material from the soundtracks really for the whole experience).

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As crazy as Episodes 8 and 9 were, I am a bit disappointed since the entire Marvel/DC alliance storyline was just erased and the whole Arendelle storyline with a potential Walt/Damien/Spidey/Slushy showdown as well. I'm sure it may get picked up again, but I guess I'd have liked to see a big development in those things before everyone got scattered.





Team Killer Tawasal is the only surviving member of Team No O2.


Team Batman lost half of its members as well in that carnage.

I like that new name of mine Numbers. :lol: :lol:

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