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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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Part 11, finally!
All the Mods gather in the control room. ShawnMR and Bcf26 are tied down. Since ShawnMR can manipulate metal, he is strapped to a bean bag. IJack zaps them to wake them up. 
Jandrew: Welcome back, everyone. I was wondering if I'd ever get to see you all again. 
ShawnMR: (coughing) What are you doing, Jandrew? I'm the Forum Admin. These Mods work for me. 
Jandrew: That's what you think, Shawn, but these Mods know that IJack put a virus in the servers, and one static shock will crash this site to IMDB. (to the Mods) Now, I wanna know why the fuck no one was in this room. I'm supposed to have an entire team in here controlling the Games. Where the hell did you all go? Was Victoria Secret having a semi-annual sale? 
Vanilla: It was Comic-Con. We had to go.
Jandrew: And since I was being held in that window display, you figured you could get to Comic Con without me noticing. Well you know what happens when you do that? Jandrew storms over and grabs Bcf26 by the collar. This shit happens! (to Bcf26) What did you do? 
Bcf26: Nothing. Jandrew punches Bcf26 in the stomach.
Jandrew: What-did-you-do? Bcf26 is unresponsive. Jandrew motions for IJack. IJack puts his hands around Bcf26's throat. Last chance. Bcf26 quivers and breaks down.
Bcf26: I sent out canisters, telling the other players they weren't being watched...
Jandrew: That's it? Bcf26 nods. 
Bcf26: Every active zone except Westeros. Jandrew stares down the screens. He turns around and strikes Bcf26 square in the jaw. 
Jandrew: I want everyone to get a hit in. If you don't hit him, IJack is frying your ass. Everyone, NOW! The Mods regretfully walk up to Bcf26. They go straight Grand Theft Auto on him, kicking and punching him on the ground. ShawnMR watches in horror. Okay, that's enough. Enough! Pick him up. Vanilla picks him up and Jandrew walks up. Bcf26 is bleeding and swelling. (cold) You listen to me uh huh, and you listen good. I don't know what you think you were doing, and what exactly you did when you were in here, but lemme find out that you're telling a lie. I'm going to strap you down, take a hammer, give it to these Mods, and they're gonna break each finger, each toe, one-by-one. And then who knows? 
IJack: Let's not forget why we're here Jandrew. (in Jandrew's ear) And torture is not an option. That's getting too graphic and going too far.
Jandrew: (to IJack) Relax. I was just instilling some fear in him. You know I'm squeamish anyway. (to everyone) Impact. Neo. Take him out and lock him up. Make him as isolated as the Page Turners section. Everyone else, sit your asses down, and get these Games back in order.
Vanilla: (walking to a seat) Well, at least Comic Con was fun.
Jandrew: I like Bcf's idea, make them think we're not looking, but I want the whole 9 yards brought out. Fluffy's, armies, whatever the hell Arendelle has, I want it out. They may make new alliances...but you can only play on one team at a time. ShawnMR sits helpless. I'm going to do what every man does when they get out of jail, visit their illustrious honeys. IJack, you're in charge. If anyone leaves or tries something funny...fry 'em. Jandrew walks out.
In Westeros, the undead begin to approach. Even though it is lightly snowing, they stay lit on fire.
Numbers: Everyone ready for round 2? The undead charge. The direwolves lunge at the undead and bite, but there's no skin or organs. The undead stab and slit the direwolves and they fall. NWA charges. They collide. Damien Roc remembers the Elsa gloves in his pocket. He puts on the gloves and jabs the undead with ice sickles. Iceroll dodges undead attacks and uses a battle axe, crushing the skinless skulls of the undead. An undead swings at Numbers and he ducks. He jabs his heated sword into the undead's abdomen. An undead grabs him from behind and throws him back. The undead aims for Numbers, but is then engulfed in flames. Telemachos rides the dragon over and lights more fire. The fire melts Damien Roc's ice powers.
Damien Roc: (yelling over the battle) Tele! Stop! Tele doesn't listen. The ice sickles melt and the undead get back up. TELE! STOP! An undead swings at Damien Roc and he ducks back just in time. Spaghetti uses a crossbow and hits undeads with arrows, while Numbers swings his blade. Ecstacy lands her dragon and gets off. She puts Jesus of Suburbia over her shoulders and carries him over to a pile of rum barrels. He is bleeding out of his side, bad.
Ecstacy: Stay with me, Dex! We're gonna get you help! Damien Roc takes off his gloves in frustration and pulls out a sword to use. Tele comes back around and his dragon blows more fire. Tawasal runs up to Ecstacy, who's addressing Jesus of Suburbia's wounds. 
Tawasal: What are you doing? We're in the middle of a battle?
Ecstacy: So why aren't you fighting?
Tawasal: Can I see you for a second? Tawasal pulls Ecstacy away. Maybe you should just let him die.
Ecstacy: What?
Tawasal: Look, he's dead weight. We need to be fighting for our own survival, not others.
Ecstacy: I don't know why you're talking this non sense, but I'm helping Dex. If you're so worried about the battle, then you go help.
Tawasal: Tele hijacked my dragon?
Ecstacy: So? Pick up a damn axe or sword and move your ass along the battlefield. Now excuse me, I was in the middle of something. Ecstacy walks away and goes back to JoS. Tawasal heads in the opposite direction, away from battle. NWA continues the battle. 
Damien Roc: (to Numbers, Iceroll, and Spaghetti while fighting) I could easily take them out with my gloves if Tele would stop with the dragon!
Spaghetti: (ducking and slicing) He can't hear you!
Damien Roc: Yes he can! He sees me, but chooses to ignore!
Iceroll: Focus on the fight!
An undead slices Damien Roc in the leg and he drops. AH! That's it! I'm sick of this! Damien Roc rolls out of the way and pulls out his crossbow. He lights the arrows on fire and puts one in the undead in front of him. He aims for the dragon. FOOP, FOOP, FOOP, he puts three arrows in the dragon's stomach. It quivers in the air and falls. Tele jumps off before it impacts the ground. Damien Roc then puts his gloves back on and charges into the battle, limping. AH!!
Numbers: Damien! Damien Roc charges, holding out his hand. He insta-freezes the undead as he runs past. Numbers and Spaghetti stop fighting and watch. Damien Roc freezes them all.
Damien Roc: Why are you just standing there? Slash them! Numbers, Iceroll, and Spaghetti transform their weapons into swords and slices the frozen undeads in half, one by one. Telemachos watches.
See. I told you.
Telemachos: You shot me down!
Damien Roc: Because you wouldn't listen! You were hindering our battle!
Iceroll: Guys.
Telemachos: How about I hinder your breathing! Tele draws a sword and Damien holds out his hand. Tele freezes, no pun intended. 
Damien Roc: One more step and I'm putting an ice sickle in each eye socket. Spaghetti, Iceroll, and Numbers back away. Tele backs away from Damien Roc.
Blankments and Reddevil trek through Skull Island. 
Reddevil: You can put that rock down. I'm not about to fight you.
Blankments: I don't know you. Not taking any chances.
Reddevil: Well I'm certainly not gonna let you bitch me around. I don't care if I won't get any likes. Reddevil sees the canister on the ground and picks it up. They read the note. Now, can you put the fucking rock down? Blankments throws it down. Pick the rock up! Pick the rock up!
Blankments: Why!? Sniff. Blankments looks up and notices a 20 feet long, giant Komodo dragon staring them down. I...I don't like this. RAWRRRRRR! They run. The K-dragon stomps forward. They cut through the bushes and vines. The K-dragon leaps. The shockwaves when it hits the ground knocks Reddevil and Blankments down. Get up! Get up! The K-dragon grabs Reddevil by the leg and pulls him in. No! Blankments runs after Reddevil and hops on the K-dragons back. How do you train this dragon!?
Reddevil: Help! The K-dragon crunches down on Reddevil's tibia and fibula. Blankments, weaponless, tries to distract the giant lizard. It throws Reddevil, who smacks into a tree. The k-dragon bucks, knocking Blankments off. RAWRRRR! Reddevil, now missing part of his leg, sits their in horror. Blankments runs and climbs up a vine. He makes it to the top of the tree and the k-dragon stares him down. 
Blankments: Yeah, what!? Bring your ugly ass on up here! Try getting a like from me! The k-dragon gets up on his hind legs, standing 20 feet and facing Blankments. Umm...I think I underestimated that one. The k-dragon snaps at Blankments and he falls out of the tree, landing on his back. AHH!! The k-dragon gets down and bites onto Blankments' leg. AH! The k-dragon reels Blankments in. No! Ahh, no! The k-dragon opens up wide and brings down his jaws, POOF! The k-dragon bursts into flames and falls back. Blankments crawls back. Sam, flying on a carpet, comes in and pulls out another ignited arrow. She shoots and lands it. The k-dragon stops struggling and bleeds on.
Sam: Get on! 
Blankments: I...I can barely move. Sam gets off the carpet and throws Blankments on. She flies over to Reddevil and puts him on as well. They fly on, towards the top of the mountain.
Heretic and Noctis, also fleeing Baysphere, land in Snow Mountain. 
Heretic: More cocaine!?
Noctis: Snow! How'd we go from hot explosions to snow?
Spidey Freak: (off screen) Would you guys like a strip show? They look up and see Spidey Freak. You can come to Oaken's shop. There's warm shelter. And also a north stripper pole. Claire Holt is about to put on a show.
Noctis: What the fuck are you talking about? Who are you? Aladdin?
Spidey Freak: Did you guys not get the memo? The Mods aren't watching us. We can lounge around. If you want to sit out here and freeze go ahead, but I'm offering you shelter. 
Heretic: Come on, Noctis. K1stpierre pops out of a portal in the distance and goes landing in the snow. Alfredstellar and WileECoyote pop out respective portals as well.
Spidey Freak: Great! Party at Oakens! I wonder if there's a Target around here, I need to pick up Tostitos and queso.
Blink23, Tarzan, Films, Stingray, Water Bottle, and Empire land in SHIELD. They all get up, confused, and armed. Tarzan sees the canister on the ground and reads it aloud.
Tarzan: So...does this mean we aren't going to fight? They all slowly begin to put their weapons down. 
Water Bottle: This look like SHIELD? I think this is the Marvel zone.
Blink23: You all look familiar.
Stingray: That's because we were all in the Baysphere death match.
Empire: Yeah, I think we all are from Baysphere. Sorry if I, or my clone, tried to kill any of you. 
Water Bottle: Well...now what? If we don't have to kill, then maybe we should find the others? FOOM! They see Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, fly by. They duck and hear a crunch. Blink23 looks down and a hole is carved through his gut. He his entrails are hanging out. 
Blink23: (gargling blood) What...what...Blink23 falls to the ground. Everyone else looks in horror. They look up and witness even more horror. The Avengers team is standing in the hall, armed and dangerous.
Iron Man: Shawrama, anyone? The group runs and the Avengers chase after.
Heretic and Spidey Freak go to help K1stpierre, who's sitting in the snow confused.
Spidey Freak: Are you okay? K1stpierre, alarmed, pulls out her bow and aims.
Spidey Freak: No, no, no! 
K1stpierre: Who are you!? And what the hell do you want!?
Heretic: To give you shelter! K1stpierre looks and sees Heretic, glowing in the pale sunlight. We're not gonna hurt you. The Mods aren't watching, but even if they were, I wouldn't cut this pretty face. K1stpierre smiles hard.
K1stpierre: My name is uhm...uhh...Kool-Aid...I mean Kansas...I mean Kelli! My name is Kelli. I go by K1stpierre on the Forums.
Heretic: Well nice to meet you.
Noctis (in the distance): Spidey Freak, Heretic, come on! (to Heretic) If you're not gonna take off your pants then help 'er up and come on! Heretic helps up K1stpierre and they walk on to help Alfredstellar and WileECoyote. Sixteen16 also appears, limping in the distance.
Vanilla takes Bcf26 to a holding cell. 
Bcf26: You should just kill me now, because I'm eventually going to get those members out of the Dorum.
Vanilla: Yeah, and I'm gonna get a date with Megan Fox. Vanilla throws Bcf26 inside. Enjoy your stay. There's no checkout time. Vanilla leaves.
Jandrew is back in the control room watching the screens. IJack walks up.
IJack: So how long are we gonna let them think they aren't being watched?
Jandrew: Just a little longer. I want them all to grow a bond...so I can snap it. Cause them some physical and emotional pain. Don't worry, the bloodshed will be back.
Ed and Mr. Pink are hiking through Skull Island, maybe/maybe not holding hands. Fancyarcher colllides with them and they all fall.
Pink: Ed, kill him!
Fancyarcher: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Did you not get this!? Fancyarcher holds out the canister.
Ed: It's a grenade!
Fancyarcher: Yes, because I want to blow myself up as well. Fancyarcher takes the memo out of the canister and hands it to Ed and Pink. We don't have to kill...and were you two holding hands?
In the Westeros castle dungeon, illuminated by candlelight, Dar and Jay Hollywood are sitting, tied up with duck tape on their mouths. Jay uses his Venom nails and is able to cut a hand free. He rips off the tape from his mouth. 
Jay Hollywood: I can't fucking believe this! Dar mumbles. Jay Hollywood reaches over and rips the tape off. Fucking Walt Disney!
Dar: Can you untie us?
Jay Hollywood: I could, but it's not like we could move. A den of resting direwolves surround them.
Edited by Jandrew
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Part 11, finally!
All the Mods gather in the control room. ShawnMR and Bcf26 are tied down. Since ShawnMR can manipulate metal, he is strapped to a bean bag. IJack zaps them to wake them up. 
Jandrew: Welcome back, everyone. I was wondering if I'd ever get to see you all again. 
ShawnMR: (coughing) What are you doing, Jandrew? I'm the Forum Admin. These Mods work for me. 
Jandrew: That's what you think, Shawn, but these Mods know that IJack put a virus in the servers, and one static shock will crash this site to IMDB. (to the Mods) Now, I wanna know why the fuck no one was in this room. I'm supposed to have an entire team in here controlling the Games. Where the hell did you all go? Was Victoria Secret having a semi-annual sale? 
Vanilla: It was Comic-Con. We had to go.
Jandrew: And since I was being held in that window display, you figured you could get to Comic Con without me noticing. Well you know what happens when you do that? Jandrew storms over and grabs Bcf26 by the collar. This shit happens! (to Bcf26) What did you do? 
Bcf26: Nothing. Jandrew punches Bcf26 in the stomach.
Jandrew: What-did-you-do? Bcf26 is unresponsive. Jandrew motions for IJack. IJack puts his hands around Bcf26's throat. Last chance. Bcf26 quivers and breaks down.
Bcf26: I sent out canisters, telling the other players they weren't being watched...
Jandrew: That's it? Bcf26 nods. 
Bcf26: Every active zone except Westeros. Jandrew stares down the screens. He turns around and strikes Bcf26 square in the jaw. 
Jandrew: I want everyone to get a hit in. If you don't hit him, IJack is frying your ass. Everyone, NOW! The Mods regretfully walk up to Bcf26. They go straight Grand Theft Auto on him, kicking and punching him on the ground. ShawnMR watches in horror. Okay, that's enough. Enough! Pick him up. Vanilla picks him up and Jandrew walks up. Bcf26 is bleeding and swelling. (cold) You listen to me uh huh, and you listen good. I don't know what you think you were doing, and what exactly you did when you were in here, but lemme find out that you're telling a lie. I'm going to strap you down, take a hammer, give it to these Mods, and they're gonna break each finger, each toe, one-by-one. And then who knows? 
IJack: Let's not forget why we're here Jandrew. (in Jandrew's ear) And torture is not an option. That's getting too graphic and going too far.
Jandrew: (to IJack) Relax. I was just instilling some fear in him. You know I'm squeamish anyway. (to everyone) Impact. Neo. Take him out and lock him up. Make him as isolated as the Page Turners section. Everyone else, sit your asses down, and get these Games back in order.
Vanilla: (walking to a seat) Well, at least Comic Con was fun.
Jandrew: I like Bcf's idea, make them think we're not looking, but I want the whole 9 yards brought out. Fluffy's, armies, whatever the hell Arendelle has, I want it out. They may make new alliances...but you can only play on one team at a time. ShawnMR sits helpless. I'm going to do what every man does when they get out of jail, visit their illustrious honeys. IJack, you're in charge. If anyone leaves or tries something funny...fry 'em. Jandrew walks out.
In Westeros, the undead begin to approach. Even though it is lightly snowing, they stay lit on fire.
Numbers: Everyone ready for round 2? The undead charge. The direwolves lunge at the undead and bite, but there's no skin or organs. The undead stab and slit the direwolves and they fall. NWA charges. They collide. Damien Roc rememebs the Elsa gloves in his pocket. He puts on the gloves and jabs the undead with ice sickles. An undead swings at Numbers and he ducks. He jabs his heated sword into the undead's abdomen. An undead grabs him from behind and throws him back. The undead aims for Numbers, but is then engulfed in flames. Telemachos rides the dragon over and lights more fire. The fire melts Damien Roc's ice powers.
Damien Roc: (yelling over the battle) Tele! Stop! Tele doesn't listen. The ice sickles melt and the undead get back up. TELE! STOP! An undead swings at Damien Roc and he ducks back just in time. Spaghetti uses a crossbow and hits undeads with arrows, while Numbers swings his blade. Ecstacy lands her dragon and gets off. She puts Jesus of Suburbia over her shoulders and carries him over to a pile of rum barrels. He is bleeding out of his side, bad.
Ecstacy: Stay with me, Dex! We're gonna get you help! Damien Roc takes off his gloves in frustration and pulls out a sword to use. Tele comes back around and his dragon blows more fire. Tawasal runs up to Ecstacy, who's addressing Jesus of Suburbia's wounds. 
Tawasal: What are you doing? We're in the middle of a battle?

Ecstacy: So why aren't you fighting?

Tawasal: Can I see you for a second? Tawasal pulls Ecstacy away. Maybe you should just let him die.
Ecstacy: What?
Tawasal: Look, he's dead weight. We need to be fighting for our own survival, not others.
Ecstacy: I don't know why you're talking this non sense, but I'm helping Dex. If you're so worried about the battle, then you go help.
Tawasal: Tele hijacked my dragon?
Ecstacy: So? Pick up a damn axe or sword and move your ass along the battlefield. Now excuse me, I was in the middle of something. Ecstacy walks away and goes back to JoS. Tawasal heads in the opposite direction, away from battle. NWA continues the battle. 
Damien Roc: (to Numbers and Spaghetti while fighting) I could easily take them out with my gloves if Tele would stop with the dragon!
Spaghetti: (ducking and slicing) He can't hear you!
Damien Roc: Yes he can! He sees me, but chooses to ignore! An undead slices Damien Roc in the leg and he drops. AH! That's it! I'm sick of this! Damien Roc rolls out of the way and pulls out his crossbow. He lights the arrows on fire and puts one in the undead in front of him. He aims for the dragon. FOOP, FOOP, FOOP, he puts three arrows in the dragon's stomach. It quivers in the air and falls. Tele jumps off before it impacts the ground. Damien Roc then puts his gloves back on and charges into the battle, limping. AH!!
Numbers: Damien! Damien Roc charges, holding out his hand. He insta-freezes the undead as he runs past. Numbers and Spaghetti stop fighting and watch. Damien Roc freezes them all.
Damien Roc: Why are you just standing there? Slash them! Numbers and Spaghetti transform their weapons into swords and slices the frozen undeads in half, one by one. Telemachos watches.
See. I told you.
Telemachos: You shot me down!
Damien Roc: Because you wouldn't listen! You were hindering our battle!
Telemachos: How about I hinder your breathing! Tele draws a sword and Damien holds out his hand. Tele freezes, no pun intended. 
Damien Roc: One more step and I'm putting an ice sickle in each eye socket. Spaghetti and Numbers back away. Tele backs away from Damien Roc.
Blankments and Reddevil trek through Skull Island. 
Reddevil: You can put that rock down. I'm not about to fight you.
Blankments: I don't know you. Not taking any chances.
Reddevil: Well I'm certainly not gonna let you bitch me around. I don't care if I won't get any likes. Reddevil sees the canister on the ground and picks it up. They read the note. Now, can you put the fucking rock down? Blankments throws it down. Pick the rock up! Pick the rock up!
Blankments: Why!? Sniff. Blankments looks up and notices a 20 feet long, giant Komodo dragon staring them down. I...I don't like this. RAWRRRRRR! They run. The K-dragon stomps forward. They cut through the bushes and vines. The K-dragon leaps. The shockwaves when it hits the ground knocks Reddevil and Blankments down. Get up! Get up! The K-dragon grabs Reddevil by the leg and pulls him in. No! Blankments runs after Reddevil and hops on the K-dragons back. How do you train this dragon!?
Reddevil: Help! The K-dragon crunches down on Reddevil's tibia and fibula. Blankments, weaponless, tries to distract the giant lizard. It throws Reddevil, who smacks into a tree. The k-dragon bucks, knocking Blankments off. RAWRRRR! Reddevil, now missing part of his leg, sits their in horror. Blankments runs and climbs up a vine. He makes it to the top of the tree and the k-dragon stares him down. 
Blankments: Yeah, what!? Bring your ugly ass on up here! Try getting a like from me! The k-dragon gets up on his hind legs, standing 20 feet and facing Blankments. Umm...I think I underestimated that one. The k-dragon snaps at Blankments and he falls out of the tree, landing on his back. AHH!! The k-dragon gets down and bites onto Blankments' leg. AH! The k-dragon reels Blankments in. No! Ahh, no! The k-dragon opens up wide and brings down his jaws, POOF! The k-dragon bursts into flames and falls back. Blankments crawls back. Sam, flying on a carpet, comes in and pulls out another ignited arrow. She shoots and lands it. The k-dragon stops struggling and bleeds on.
Sam: Get on! 
Blankments: I...I can barely move. Sam gets off the carpet and throws Blankments on. She flies over to Reddevil and puts him on as well. They fly on, towards the top of the mountain.
Heretic and Noctis, also fleeing Baysphere, land in Snow Mountain. 
Heretic: More cocaine!?
Noctis: Snow! How'd we go from hot explosions to snow?
Spidey Freak: (off screen) Would you guys like a strip show? They look up and see Spidey Freak. You can come to Oaken's shop. There's warm shelter. And also a north stripper pole. Claire Holt is about to put on a show.
Noctis: What the fuck are you talking about? Who are you? Aladdin?
Spidey Freak: Did you guys not get the memo? The Mods aren't watching us. We can lounge around. If you want to sit out here and freeze go ahead, but I'm offering you shelter. 
Heretic: Come on, Noctis. K1stpierre pops out of a portal in the distance and goes landing in the snow. Alfredstellar and WileECoyote pop out respective portals as well.
Spidey Freak: Great! Party at Oakens! I wonder if there's a Target around here, I need to pick up Tostitos and queso.
Blink23, Tarzan, Films, Stingray, Water Bottle, and Empire land in SHIELD. They all get up, confused, and armed. Tarzan sees the canister on the ground and reads it aloud.
Tarzan: So...does this mean we aren't going to fight? They all slowly begin to put their weapons down. 
Water Bottle: This look like SHIELD? I think this is the Marvel zone.
Blink23: You all look familiar.
Stingray: That's because we were all in the Baysphere death match.
Empire: Yeah, I think we all are from Baysphere. Sorry if I, or my clone, tried to kill any of you. 
Water Bottle: Well...now what? If we don't have to kill, then maybe we should find the others? FOOM! They see Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, fly by. They duck and hear a crunch. Blink23 looks down and a hole is carved through his gut. He his entrails are hanging out. 
Blink23: (gargling blood) What...what...Blink23 falls to the ground. Everyone else looks in horror. They look up and witness even more horror. The Avengers team is standing in the hall, armed and dangerous.
Iron Man: Shawrama, anyone? The group runs and the Avengers chase after.
Heretic and Spidey Freak go to help K1stpierre, who's sitting in the snow confused.
Spidey Freak: Are you okay? K1stpierre, alarmed, pulls out her bow and aims.
Spidey Freak: No, no, no! 
K1stpierre: Who are you!? And what the hell do you want!?
Heretic: To give you shelter! K1stpierre looks and sees Heretic, glowing in the pale sunlight. We're not gonna hurt you. The Mods aren't watching, but even if they were, I wouldn't cut this pretty face. K1stpierre smiles hard.
K1stpierre: My name is uhm...uhh...Kool-Aid...I mean Kansas...I mean Kelli! My name is Kelli. I go by K1stpierre on the Forums.
Heretic: Well nice to meet you.
Noctis (in the distance): Spidey Freak, Heretic, come on! (to Heretic) If you're not gonna take off your pants then help 'er up and come on! Heretic helps up K1stpierre and they walk on to help Alfredstellar and WileECoyote. Sixteen16 also appears, limping in the distance.
Vanilla takes Bcf26 to a holding cell. 
Bcf26: You should just kill me now, because I'm eventually going to get those members out of the Dorum.
Vanilla: Yeah, and I'm gonna get a date with Megan Fox. Vanilla throws Bcf26 inside. Enjoy your stay. There's no checkout time. Vanilla leaves.
Jandrew is back in the control room watching the screens. IJack walks up.
IJack: So how long are we gonna let them think they aren't being watched?
Jandrew: Just a little longer. I want them all to grow a bond...so I can snap it. Cause them some physical and emotional pain. Don't worry, the bloodshed will be back.
Ed and Mr. Pink are hiking through Skull Island, maybe/maybe not holding hands. Fancyarcher colllides with them and they all fall.
Pink: Ed, kill him!
Fancyarcher: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Did you not get this!? Fancyarcher holds out the canister.
Ed: It's a grenade!
Fancyarcher: Yes, because I want to blow myself up as well. Fancyarcher takes the memo out of the canister and hands it to Ed and Pink. We don't have to kill...and were you two holding hands?
In the Westeros castle dungeon, illuminated by candlelight, Dar and Jay Hollywood are sitting, tied up with duck tape on their mouths. Jay uses his Venom nails and is able to cut a hand free. He rips off the tape from his mouth. 
Jay Hollywood: I can't fucking believe this! Dar mumbles. Jay Hollywood reaches over and rips the tape off. Fucking Walt Disney!
Dar: Can you untie us?
Jay Hollywood: I could, but it's not like we could move. A den of resting direwolves surround them.


Ooooooh! I love it!!!!!



Heretic is a cutie. I'll take him as Peeta

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I loved the 24: Pet Another Cat, Blank! That was great filler, and as an avid lover of 24, it really felt like I was watching 24. Please do that again some time. Not completely sure why you chose Chewy, I don't know if he'll see it, but still great. You have some real writing skills too.

Edited by Jandrew
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I loved the 24: Pet Another Cat, Blank! That was great filler, and as an avid lover of 24, it really felt like I was watching 24. Please do that again some time. Not completely sure why you chose Chewy, I don't know if he'll see it, but still great. You have some real writing skills too.

Thank you! I just went with Chewy because he posted the Pacific Rim 2 news in the weekend thread :lol:


Maybe I'll start 24: Box Office Forums as a side story to this where there are 20 roles to fill up. IDK, I'd want your permission for it before I rip off your idea greatly :P


Also, fantastic chapter. Best yet IMO (and I finally did something!!)

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Part 11, finally! All the Mods gather in the control room. ShawnMR and Bcf26 are tied down. Since ShawnMR can manipulate metal, he is strapped to a bean bag. IJack zaps them to wake them up. Jandrew: Welcome back, everyone. I was wondering if I'd ever get to see you all again. ShawnMR: (coughing) What are you doing, Jandrew? I'm the Forum Admin. These Mods work for me. Jandrew: That's what you think, Shawn, but these Mods know that IJack put a virus in the servers, and one static shock will crash this site to IMDB. (to the Mods) Now, I wanna know why the fuck no one was in this room. I'm supposed to have an entire team in here controlling the Games. Where the hell did you all go? Was Victoria Secret having a semi-annual sale? Vanilla: It was Comic-Con. We had to go.Jandrew: And since I was being held in that window display, you figured you could get to Comic Con without me noticing. Well you know what happens when you do that? Jandrew storms over and grabs Bcf26 by the collar. This shit happens! (to Bcf26) What did you do? Bcf26: Nothing. Jandrew punches Bcf26 in the stomach.Jandrew: What-did-you-do? Bcf26 is unresponsive. Jandrew motions for IJack. IJack puts his hands around Bcf26's throat. Last chance. Bcf26 quivers and breaks down.Bcf26: I sent out canisters, telling the other players they weren't being watched...Jandrew: That's it? Bcf26 nods. Bcf26: Every active zone except Westeros. Jandrew stares down the screens. He turns around and strikes Bcf26 square in the jaw. Jandrew: I want everyone to get a hit in. If you don't hit him, IJack is frying your ass. Everyone, NOW! The Mods regretfully walk up to Bcf26. They go straight Grand Theft Auto on him, kicking and punching him on the ground. ShawnMR watches in horror. Okay, that's enough. Enough! Pick him up. Vanilla picks him up and Jandrew walks up. Bcf26 is bleeding and swelling. (cold) You listen to me uh huh, and you listen good. I don't know what you think you were doing, and what exactly you did when you were in here, but lemme find out that you're telling a lie. I'm going to strap you down, take a hammer, give it to these Mods, and they're gonna break each finger, each toe, one-by-one. And then who knows? IJack: Let's not forget why we're here Jandrew. (in Jandrew's ear) And torture is not an option. That's getting too graphic and going too far.Jandrew: (to IJack) Relax. I was just instilling some fear in him. You know I'm squeamish anyway. (to everyone) Impact. Neo. Take him out and lock him up. Make him as isolated as the Page Turners section. Everyone else, sit your asses down, and get these Games back in order.Vanilla: (walking to a seat) Well, at least Comic Con was fun.Jandrew: I like Bcf's idea, make them think we're not looking, but I want the whole 9 yards brought out. Fluffy's, armies, whatever the hell Arendelle has, I want it out. They may make new alliances...but you can only play on one team at a time. ShawnMR sits helpless. I'm going to do what every man does when they get out of jail, visit their illustrious honeys. IJack, you're in charge. If anyone leaves or tries something funny...fry 'em. Jandrew walks out. In Westeros, the undead begin to approach. Even though it is lightly snowing, they stay lit on fire.Numbers: Everyone ready for round 2? The undead charge. The direwolves lunge at the undead and bite, but there's no skin or organs. The undead stab and slit the direwolves and they fall. NWA charges. They collide. Damien Roc rememebs the Elsa gloves in his pocket. He puts on the gloves and jabs the undead with ice sickles. An undead swings at Numbers and he ducks. He jabs his heated sword into the undead's abdomen. An undead grabs him from behind and throws him back. The undead aims for Numbers, but is then engulfed in flames. Telemachos rides the dragon over and lights more fire. The fire melts Damien Roc's ice powers.Damien Roc: (yelling over the battle) Tele! Stop! Tele doesn't listen. The ice sickles melt and the undead get back up. TELE! STOP! An undead swings at Damien Roc and he ducks back just in time. Spaghetti uses a crossbow and hits undeads with arrows, while Numbers swings his blade. Ecstacy lands her dragon and gets off. She puts Jesus of Suburbia over her shoulders and carries him over to a pile of rum barrels. He is bleeding out of his side, bad.Ecstacy: Stay with me, Dex! We're gonna get you help! Damien Roc takes off his gloves in frustration and pulls out a sword to use. Tele comes back around and his dragon blows more fire. Tawasal runs up to Ecstacy, who's addressing Jesus of Suburbia's wounds. Tawasal: What are you doing? We're in the middle of a battle?Ecstacy: So why aren't you fighting?Tawasal: Can I see you for a second? Tawasal pulls Ecstacy away. Maybe you should just let him die.Ecstacy: What?Tawasal: Look, he's dead weight. We need to be fighting for our own survival, not others.Ecstacy: I don't know why you're talking this non sense, but I'm helping Dex. If you're so worried about the battle, then you go help.Tawasal: Tele hijacked my dragon?Ecstacy: So? Pick up a damn axe or sword and move your ass along the battlefield. Now excuse me, I was in the middle of something. Ecstacy walks away and goes back to JoS. Tawasal heads in the opposite direction, away from battle. NWA continues the battle. Damien Roc: (to Numbers and Spaghetti while fighting) I could easily take them out with my gloves if Tele would stop with the dragon!Spaghetti: (ducking and slicing) He can't hear you!Damien Roc: Yes he can! He sees me, but chooses to ignore! An undead slices Damien Roc in the leg and he drops. AH! That's it! I'm sick of this! Damien Roc rolls out of the way and pulls out his crossbow. He lights the arrows on fire and puts one in the undead in front of him. He aims for the dragon. FOOP, FOOP, FOOP, he puts three arrows in the dragon's stomach. It quivers in the air and falls. Tele jumps off before it impacts the ground. Damien Roc then puts his gloves back on and charges into the battle, limping. AH!!Numbers: Damien! Damien Roc charges, holding out his hand. He insta-freezes the undead as he runs past. Numbers and Spaghetti stop fighting and watch. Damien Roc freezes them all.Damien Roc: Why are you just standing there? Slash them! Numbers and Spaghetti transform their weapons into swords and slices the frozen undeads in half, one by one. Telemachos watches.See. I told you.Telemachos: You shot me down!Damien Roc: Because you wouldn't listen! You were hindering our battle!Telemachos: How about I hinder your breathing! Tele draws a sword and Damien holds out his hand. Tele freezes, no pun intended. Damien Roc: One more step and I'm putting an ice sickle in each eye socket. Spaghetti and Numbers back away. Tele backs away from Damien Roc. Blankments and Reddevil trek through Skull Island. Reddevil: You can put that rock down. I'm not about to fight you.Blankments: I don't know you. Not taking any chances.Reddevil: Well I'm certainly not gonna let you bitch me around. I don't care if I won't get any likes. Reddevil sees the canister on the ground and picks it up. They read the note. Now, can you put the fucking rock down? Blankments throws it down. Pick the rock up! Pick the rock up!Blankments: Why!? Sniff. Blankments looks up and notices a 20 feet long, giant Komodo dragon staring them down. I...I don't like this. RAWRRRRRR! They run. The K-dragon stomps forward. They cut through the bushes and vines. The K-dragon leaps. The shockwaves when it hits the ground knocks Reddevil and Blankments down. Get up! Get up! The K-dragon grabs Reddevil by the leg and pulls him in. No! Blankments runs after Reddevil and hops on the K-dragons back. How do you train this dragon!?Reddevil: Help! The K-dragon crunches down on Reddevil's tibia and fibula. Blankments, weaponless, tries to distract the giant lizard. It throws Reddevil, who smacks into a tree. The k-dragon bucks, knocking Blankments off. RAWRRRR! Reddevil, now missing part of his leg, sits their in horror. Blankments runs and climbs up a vine. He makes it to the top of the tree and the k-dragon stares him down. Blankments: Yeah, what!? Bring your ugly ass on up here! Try getting a like from me! The k-dragon gets up on his hind legs, standing 20 feet and facing Blankments. Umm...I think I underestimated that one. The k-dragon snaps at Blankments and he falls out of the tree, landing on his back. AHH!! The k-dragon gets down and bites onto Blankments' leg. AH! The k-dragon reels Blankments in. No! Ahh, no! The k-dragon opens up wide and brings down his jaws, POOF! The k-dragon bursts into flames and falls back. Blankments crawls back. Sam, flying on a carpet, comes in and pulls out another ignited arrow. She shoots and lands it. The k-dragon stops struggling and bleeds on.Sam: Get on! Blankments: I...I can barely move. Sam gets off the carpet and throws Blankments on. She flies over to Reddevil and puts him on as well. They fly on, towards the top of the mountain. Heretic and Noctis, also fleeing Baysphere, land in Snow Mountain. Heretic: More cocaine!?Noctis: Snow! How'd we go from hot explosions to snow?Spidey Freak: (off screen) Would you guys like a strip show? They look up and see Spidey Freak. You can come to Oaken's shop. There's warm shelter. And also a north stripper pole. Claire Holt is about to put on a show.Noctis: What the fuck are you talking about? Who are you? Aladdin?Spidey Freak: Did you guys not get the memo? The Mods aren't watching us. We can lounge around. If you want to sit out here and freeze go ahead, but I'm offering you shelter. Heretic: Come on, Noctis. K1stpierre pops out of a portal in the distance and goes landing in the snow. Alfredstellar and WileECoyote pop out respective portals as well.Spidey Freak: Great! Party at Oakens! I wonder if there's a Target around here, I need to pick up Tostitos and queso. Blink23, Tarzan, Films, Stingray, Water Bottle, and Empire land in SHIELD. They all get up, confused, and armed. Tarzan sees the canister on the ground and reads it aloud.Tarzan: So...does this mean we aren't going to fight? They all slowly begin to put their weapons down. Water Bottle: This look like SHIELD? I think this is the Marvel zone.Blink23: You all look familiar.Stingray: That's because we were all in the Baysphere death match.Empire: Yeah, I think we all are from Baysphere. Sorry if I, or my clone, tried to kill any of you. Water Bottle: Well...now what? If we don't have to kill, then maybe we should find the others? FOOM! They see Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, fly by. They duck and hear a crunch. Blink23 looks down and a hole is carved through his gut. He his entrails are hanging out. Blink23: (gargling blood) What...what...Blink23 falls to the ground. Everyone else looks in horror. They look up and witness even more horror. The Avengers team is standing in the hall, armed and dangerous.Iron Man: Shawrama, anyone? The group runs and the Avengers chase after. Heretic and Spidey Freak go to help K1stpierre, who's sitting in the snow confused.Spidey Freak: Are you okay? K1stpierre, alarmed, pulls out her bow and aims.Spidey Freak: No, no, no! K1stpierre: Who are you!? And what the hell do you want!?Heretic: To give you shelter! K1stpierre looks and sees Heretic, glowing in the pale sunlight. We're not gonna hurt you. The Mods aren't watching, but even if they were, I wouldn't cut this pretty face. K1stpierre smiles hard.K1stpierre: My name is uhm...uhh...Kool-Aid...I mean Kansas...I mean Kelli! My name is Kelli. I go by K1stpierre on the Forums.Heretic: Well nice to meet you.Noctis (in the distance): Spidey Freak, Heretic, come on! (to Heretic) If you're not gonna take off your pants then help 'er up and come on! Heretic helps up K1stpierre and they walk on to help Alfredstellar and WileECoyote. Sixteen16 also appears, limping in the distance. Vanilla takes Bcf26 to a holding cell. Bcf26: You should just kill me now, because I'm eventually going to get those members out of the Dorum.Vanilla: Yeah, and I'm gonna get a date with Megan Fox. Vanilla throws Bcf26 inside. Enjoy your stay. There's no checkout time. Vanilla leaves. Jandrew is back in the control room watching the screens. IJack walks up.IJack: So how long are we gonna let them think they aren't being watched?Jandrew: Just a little longer. I want them all to grow a bond...so I can snap it. Cause them some physical and emotional pain. Don't worry, the bloodshed will be back. Ed and Mr. Pink are hiking through Skull Island, maybe/maybe not holding hands. Fancyarcher colllides with them and they all fall.Pink: Ed, kill him!Fancyarcher: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Did you not get this!? Fancyarcher holds out the canister.Ed: It's a grenade!Fancyarcher: Yes, because I want to blow myself up as well. Fancyarcher takes the memo out of the canister and hands it to Ed and Pink. We don't have to kill...and were you two holding hands? In the Westeros castle dungeon, illuminated by candlelight, Dar and Jay Hollywood are sitting, tied up with duck tape on their mouths. Jay uses his Venom nails and is able to cut a hand free. He rips off the tape from his mouth. Jay Hollywood: I can't fucking believe this! Dar mumbles. Jay Hollywood reaches over and rips the tape off. Fucking Walt Disney!Dar: Can you untie us?Jay Hollywood: I could, but it's not like we could move. A den of resting direwolves surround them.

Good stuff Jandrew.Hey K1, quote much? :P
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