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Rukaio's Reviews: Year 9 (Competition Time!)

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Since I'm currently in Japan and unable to do much writing, I've decided to throw a little contest to allieviate my boredom. The prize is an exclusive pre-read of Cybernetic 7 (once I finish it)Basically, I'm going to read through every CAYOM Best Animated Feature winners since Y1 (minus Redwall of course) and rank them from favourite to least favourite. You have to guess what my rankings will be. (And yes I did steal this idea from Numbers. Here's hoping mine goes better though.)For those who can't be bothered trawling through the CAYOM index, the winners are as follows.Wings of Icarus (Y1)The Seafarer (Y2)Animal Farm (Y3)Spark (Y4)Shiverin' Gulch (Y5)To the Moon (Y6)Amulet (Y7)You can use the CAYOM index to find them or just take a wild stab as to where my tastes lie. I will give you a few hints based on the films I've already read.- One film I really don't think should've won and not just because I didn't like it. That film will likely be ranked last.- One film I'm really confused as to how it got a PG rating. Enjoyed the heck out of it though.- One film shared a major issue I had with one of the films I've reviewed in the last two CAYOM years written by Numbers.So best of luck to you. And please please actually enter. I don't want this to flop like Numbers's did.

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1. Wings of Icarus

2. To The Moon

3. Shiverin' Gulch (Hint 2)

4. Amulet

5. Spark (Hint 3? I'm really shooting myself for only having one big female character in here (even though she's not unlike Rita from Edge of Tomorow). Hence why there are more in the next two installments. Hell, there's a lot I really wanted to change about this, even though I still really like it.)

6. The Seafarer

7. Animal Farm (Hint 1)

Edited by Spaghetti
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I'm guessing that Hint #1 is either Animal Farm or Amulet. I would say Amulet, because honestly that was a bit of a surprise considering Celluloid Heroes and Spark 2 were the big front-runners that year.


Hint #2 is probably To the Moon. Don't know why anyone has mentioned that.


I have no idea what Hint #3 is.  :huh:

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I jumped the gun on Celluloid Heroes. There was a big hole in November that needed to be filled ASAP by someone so I found something to do it. The other option I had for that short notice plug-in was a WW2 film remake.


In hindsight though I should have not posted it and instead waited 2-3 game years so I could re-craft the characters to be solely about CAYOM 2.0 instead of having a lot of CAYOM 1.0 player stand-ins and references that not everyone here got.

Edited by 4815162342
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It could have also been Shiverin' Gulch (Numbers even mentioned this in his review. It plays much more like straight horror than ParaNorman did) or even Spark (Numbers also said that the sci-fi action was somewhat restrained by the PG rating.)

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Okay, I've finished reading through all the Best Animated Picture winners and decided on an order. My initial plan was to end the contest on Wednesday but I was stuck without internet last night so instead I'll end it Friday. In the meantime, here are the final two hints you'll be getting.-Only one film has a position corresponding to its year of release (eg Y1 in first, Y2 in second etc etc)-One of Rysenkari's two films (Icarus and Seafarers) is in the top 3 and one is in the bottom 3.On a related note, I've nearly finished my first draft of Cybernetic 7. Naturally, it'll need quite a few revisions before I'm willing to show anyone it though. Because I'm wanting too make sure I get this right, especially since I've already probably raised everyone's expectations far too much. I'll admit, I'm tempted to go for a Best Picture push. Partially because I am pretty proud of it but mostly because if I can get an animated movie about Mechas nominated for BP then, in effect, I can do anything in this game.

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Okay, it's list time! I shall count down in reverse order. My tablet is running low on power though so there may be a large gap between some entries.In 7th place...

Animal FarmIt's a C&P of a Sparknotes Summary of the book. As I said in hint 1, I don't think it shouldn't have won.

Edited by Rukaio Alter
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