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Monday Actuals: Transformers - 10.5M

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Now I'm going to have my dissenting Empire moment... I don't find Seinfeld funny. I really tried watching it, I've seen every episode of season 1-4 but I just don't like the characters/humor of it.

I actually think Seinfeld season 4 us the pinnacle of television humor. Amazing season."I'm out!"
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... I cannot confirm or deny that this was me freshman year  :ph34r:


Jet Li literally jumped out of the movie lol


If you're 18 that means you wrote the Total Drama story over freshmen summer and the Phineas and Ferb fic as a sophomore.

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Don't google me. There are other, more disturbing stuff out there of me in middle school that I'd actually rather have removed from the Internet. If said stuff is found and ever posted here, I swear I'll leave and never come back


And yes, that stuff is worse than MLP fanfiction

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Fancyarcher, I highly suggest you do other things than google my screenname. You'll come across a game you can't even imagine, and if you get caught it in up, either you or me won't survive. And I'm sure as hell not dying

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Fancyarcher, I highly suggest you do other things than google my screenname. You'll come across a game you can't even imagine, and if you get caught it in up, either you or me won't survive. And I'm sure as hell not dying


Exaggeration much. I wasn't gonna post anything other than your fanfiction account. I just look up users names out of boredom.

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Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining World War II and Yoshi's Island. The story should use a journey to outer space as a plot device!


*It was December, 12, 2000 and Yoshi's grandchild was bored at his grandparents' house*

Little Yoshi: Gramps can you tell me a story? 
Yoshi: How about i tell you about the time i fought in World War 2?
Little Yoshi: Yay! 
Yoshi: Child as I tell my story please don’t interrupt because I have a lot to say
Little Yoshi: Okay gramps
Yoshi: It was December, 24, 1945 and Admiral Black Yoshi had just told our squad that were going to be deployed to Bowser’s castle as reinforcements to the allies…
Little Yoshi: Hold on Gramps! I promise not to interrupt again but what exactly was World War 2?
Yoshi: By far the worst war ever that took place in the years 1939-1945, it forced every nation in Mushroom Kingdom to fight each other. And it all started when Bowser and his minions enslaved several Yoshi’s and captured many toads. The guy thought since toads and our kind were inferior, that we deserved a life of servitude. Many did not disagree, however those that did……. fought back. That’s when there were two kinds of people in the kingdom, those who supported Bowser, and those who didn’t. Those who supported him were considered “Foes” and those that did not support him were considered “Allies” by our standards of course. Now the Foes consisted of Bowser and his minions, King Boo and his minions, Wario & Waluigi, as well as King K Rool and his minions. And of course the “Allies” were the Yoshi people who weren’t enslaved, the mighty kings Mario and Luigi, the princesses Daisy and Peach, some Toads, Donkey Kong and his people, as well as the Nokis’, Koopa Troopas’, Shy Guys’, and some babies’. Every nation had a bunch of foes and allies residing in their domain, yet the true nation that needed to be dominated by the Allies was Bowser’s castle so we could defeat him and free all of the slaves. Now in the beginning I was stationed here in our homeland, Yoshi Island, until 6 years later when Admiral Black Yoshi walked towards my squad and told us our new assignment. 
Little: Wow so cool… Ok gramps you can begin I promise not to interrupt any more.
Yoshi: Thank you Yo, now where was I… Oh yes! Admiral Black Yoshi…
Flash Back
Admiral Black Yoshi: Alpha Squad your new mission is Bowser’s Castle, we need the best of the best to hit the core and that’s you, so be prepared in 0035 minutes for transportation is that clear!?
Alpha Squad: Sir! Yes! Sir! 
Yoshi: Now my Squad was probably the most amazing team ever made it consisted of me, the captain, and I was nicknamed Lightning due to my speed, then there was Brainiac who was probably the smartest guy in life who also had a mean punch. We also had Spitfire, who could shoot fire from his mouth due to a jalapeño accident, and we had Bulk who could send a Piranha Plant flying with one punch but he wasn’t the smartest guy. Finally, there was Birdo, the love of my life who could beat people to a pulp in a second. 
Yo: Cool…
Yoshi: Yes…and I guess it’s okay if you interrupt now back to the story, time was up and we were about to be transported…
Flash Back
Admiral Black Yoshi: Time’s up!! Alpha Squad get to the transporter!
*The squad gets to the transporter… a Manta Ray located by the ocean surrounding the island*
Bulk: Man do I miss warp pipes
Spitfire: Easy big guy, ever since the war started you know those pipes are more of a detriment then a amenity.
Bulk: Huh?
Brainiac: Let me put it into lame terms Bulk, pipes mean easy way for Foes to get into Yoshi Island, understand? 
Bulk: Now I see…
Me: As much as I like clearing things up for Bulk, it’s time to go squad; we have ourselves a mission to accomplish!
Birdo: Let’s go boys! *Already on the Manta Ray*
Me: God I love you *Gets on the Manta Ray and so does the rest of the squad*
Admiral Black Yoshi: Good luck squad! 
*Manta Ray skids on top of the water and travels towards Bower’s Castle*
Yo: How cool, you actually rode a Manta Ray gramps?
Yoshi: Yes sir, but what we would see in Bowser’s Castle is stuff that would give a boo a nightmare
Yo: That bad?
Yoshi: You have no idea, you have no idea…. Anyways we halted the Manta Ray a mile from the shore leading up to Bowser’s Castle so my squad and I could infiltrate the battleground undetected………
Flash Back
*Squad dives into the ocean and heads toward the shore as the Manta Ray heads back to Yoshi Island*
Me: Squad! Watch out for any signs of mines that may have been placed
Squad: Yes sir! 
*Squad reaches shore*
Birdo: God what a nightmare
*All around them Koopa Troopas’ and Nikos’ were fighting off Goombas’, Dry bones’ and Magikoopas’*
Brainiac: Should we help them?
*Suddenly Shy Guys and an army of Toads appeared off the distance and ran towards the battle*
Spitfire: I am sure that they are fine now, what do you think Lightning?
Me: I think your right so let’s go!
*The Squad goes by a few guards undetected, due to them being distracted by the battle, and enters the Castle* 
Bulk: That was easy
Birdo: Too easy…
Me: Your right, but from here on out it is going to be tough because the castle is 4 floors high and the staircases leading up to the next floor are each on opposite sides of the preceding floor
Bulk: Which means…?
Brainiac: Which means…… that there are bound to be tough enemies in each floor 
Spitfire: Precisely
Me: And that must mean Bowser is on the top floor
Birdo: Well it’s the first floor and I see no tough enemy so let’s just go to the next floor
Bulk: Do not look now but here comes the most dangerous pair of brothers in the world
Birdo: Me and my big mouth
*Hammer Bros, Fire Bros, and Boomerang Bros come down the staircase from the other side of the floor*
Bulk: Finally some action
Me: Squad! Battle Stations!!!
*The crowd of bros throws their weapons*
Birdo: I’m up 
*Shoots a gust of air from her mouth and sends the weapons back towards the enemies, eliminating most of them except for a pair of Hammer bros, a single Fire bro, and three Boomerang bros*
Spitfire: Nice one, my turn *Shoots 3 fireballs that take out the remaining Boomerang bros*
Me: *Runs quickly and takes out the Fire bro by punching him 5 times*
Bulk: *Tackles a Hammer bro and beats him until he is unconscious*
Brainiac: *Punches the remaining Hammer bro in the gut and finishes him off with an uppercut*
Me: great job team let’s move on up!
*The squad moves on to the next floor where they see 2 familiar faces*
Birdo: Not these guys…
Waluigi & Wario: Hehehehe
Wario: *In his Motorcycle* let’s beat ‘em to a pulp
Waluigi: *In a fighting stance* I got you!
*The two go after the squad*
Bulk: I’ll take care of the bike and Spitfire you take care of Wario once I do that
Spitfire: Got’cha
Birdo: I’ll stay back and if the plan backfires, I’ll blow them away
Me & Brainiac: We got Waluigi!
Me: Ready… break!
Bulk: *Punches the ground and causes part of the second floor to break which forces Wario to give up his bike and jump to safety, while Waluigi easily sidesteps out of the way* Yeah!!
Spitfire: Oh no you don’t! *Shoots a fireball that hits Wario which causes him to fall down to the first floor*
Birdo: Well he’s out
Waluigi: Partner! You will pay for that! *comes at the trio with bob-ombs by his side that came out of his pockets*
Me & Brainiac: *kicks the bob-ombs into Waluigi, hurling him to
the ground* Yeah! *High five each other*
Birdo: Great job guys, now let’s move on forward!
*Squad heads to the third floor where they are confronted by Bowser Jr, and King Boo with his minions*
Bulk: Just great!
Bowser Jr: Hehehehehe! 
Birdo: Enough of this *Blows away all of the Boos*
Brainiac: Woah!
King Boo: *Frightened* Ahhhh!!!! *Vanishes*
Bowser Jr: *looks at the squad and runs to the fourth floor*
Spitfire: After him!
*The Squad goes to the last floor where they see something unbelievable*
Yo: What!?
Yoshi: Rockets…
Flash Back
*The Squad sees four rockets, two goes flying up, and another where Bowser and Bowser Jr are located goes flying up as well but the last one is still on the ground. And as the rockets fly up the ceiling opens up*
Birdo: Oh My God!!!!!!!!
Bulk: Ahufvidbhuedjofvhrfhkkkgkfjfk!!!!!!
Bowser: *In his rocket* Muahahahaha!!!
*Rockets disappear from plain sight*
Spitfire: What do we do now?
Me: Brainiac, think you can fly the rocket?
Brainiac: Yes sir! I just can’t believe he built one, let alone four, who knew he was that smart
Toadsworth: He’s not! *Walks up to the squad, bruised up, and in chains*
Bulk: I got you old man *breaks his chains*
Toadsworth: He forced me to build his rockets and sent the rest of your kind and mine to the dungeon; the first two are heading to each of our homelands and the third one is going to the Yoshi Star Galaxy.
Spitfire: What is inside of them?
Toadsworth: The first two are nukes while the third and fourth ones are just used as transportation
Birdo: Nukes!?
Me: Can you stop them?
Toadsworth: I can stop the first two but the third one can’t be hacked *walks over to a large computer and hacks the first two nukes which causes them to explode in air* so it’s up to you guys to stop Bowser.
Bulk: But why Yoshi Star Galaxy?
Spitfire: You cannot be that dumb!
Bulk: What did I say!?
Brainiac: That galaxy is where Yoshis’ are born; he plans on eliminating our entire race!
Toadsworth: Precisely! 
Me: Okay Squad! Birdo and Bulk stay here with Toadsworth and free the rest of the Yoshis’ and Toads’ while Spitfire, Brainiac, and I go after Bowser. Is the Understood?
Bulk & Birdo: Yes sir!
Toadsworth: Good Luck!
*The trio boards the rocket while Birdo and Bulk head towards the dungeon*
Brainiac: *Starting up the rocket* Next stop, Yoshi Star Galaxy!!! Countdown initiate! *pushes button*
Brainiac: 3! 2! 1! *Rocket goes flying*
Spitfire: Ahh!!!!
Me: Ahh!!!!
Brainiac: Wooo!!!!
Me: We need to catch up!!!
Brainiac: On it!!! Activating Warp Speed!!! *pushes button*
*The rocket travels at the speed of light and reaches the galaxy*
Spitfire: No sign of Bowser anywhere
Me: How can that be?
Brainiac: I guess he doesn’t know about Warp Speed *smirks*
Me: Good job Brainiac but don’t look now…. Bowser is here
*Bowser’s rocket starts to descend onto the galaxy*
Spitfire: Stand back!!! *Unleashes a volley of fireballs that causes the rocket to burst into flames and explode*
Me: Hoo rah!!!
*Bowser and Bowser Jr come out of the wreckage smoking and burned to a crisp*
Spitfire: Now what?
Me: We call headquarters and lock these two up for a long time.
Bowser: Ahh *Goes after me*
Brainiac: Not today! *punches Bowser in the face and knocks him out*
Me: Good shot!
Brainiac: Thanks!
Spitfire: Well mission accomplished!
Yoshi: After that Mario and Luigi themselves! Traveled to the galaxy and apprehended the two of them and ‘til this day, they remain in captivity. As for Bowesers' followers, they stopped fighting once they saw we captured him and everything started going back to normal.
Yo: Wow!!!! And what happened to the others?
Yoshi: Oh well Bulk and Birdo accomplished their part of the mission too and we all reunited at Yoshi Island where we were honored by Admiral Black Yoshi himself.
Yo: Amazing!!!
Birdo: Yo! Your parents are waiting for you outside! 
Yo: I do not want to go!
Birdo: Why not?
Yoshi: Oh I was just telling him about our days together in the squad
Birdo: You and your stories *chuckles* well how about next time you visit, I tell you about the time me and Bulk freed the captives in the dungeon Yo?
Yo: You got it grandma! And gramps next time can you tell me about the first World War?
Yoshi: Sure thing Yo
Yo: Alright! Bye grandma and gramps *hugs both of them and goes to his parents*
Birdo: Now let’s go Yoshi we promised Bulk, Spitfire, and Brainiac we were going to meet up 
Yoshi: Okay dear *smiles and kisses Birdo*

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Exaggeration much. I wasn't gonna post anything other than your fanfiction account. I just look up users name out of boredom.

I was half-joking. And IDK what you're doing, I've had old stuff on me dug up on other sites before

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