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Early Wed Numbers: Tammy 6.18 (incl 1.3 previews), Trans4 7.7, DUFE: 2.8 ETE 2.6...pg 21

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Paramount’s Transformers: Age of Extinction has pulled in about $8M. Following the monster hit is the Warner Bros.’ comedy Tammy with around $7M (remember, that includes last night’s $1.3M gross). Relativity’s Earth to Echo is running around $3.5M and Sony/Screen Gems’ horror flick Deliver Us From Evil is around $3M — all based on the best numbers we can get right now. Rounding out the Top Five is How to Train Your Dragon 2 with about $1.9M.


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My gf asked me earlier why Tammy came out today (a Wednesday). She thought movies were only released on Fridays. I told her common Wednesday was, why they do this, and how every day except Sun and Mon has been used.


This makes me wonder if GA really thinks about this release date stuff. Like say they know Guardians is coming out in August, but can really say August 1st off the top of their head? Everyone is different, but I bet the Friday release is something most others would think as well.

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This makes me wonder if GA really thinks about this release date stuff. Like say they know Guardians is coming out in August, but can really say August 1st off the top of their head? Everyone is different, but I bet the Friday release is something most others would think as well.

I doubt most people know GOTG comes out in August, let alone which day.
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My gf asked me earlier why Tammy came out today (a Wednesday). She thought movies were only released on Fridays. I told her common Wednesday was, why they do this, and how every day except Sun and Mon has been used.


This makes me wonder if GA really thinks about this release date stuff. Like say they know Guardians is coming out in August, but can really say August 1st off the top of their head? Everyone is different, but I bet the Friday release is something most others would think as well.


Sunday and Monday have been used, though. Usually when Christmas day falls on either:





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I doubt most people know GOTG comes out in August, let alone which day.


Well the trailers have been attached to literally every movie since April, so I figured they'd at least remember that from the trailers. And I'm mainly talking if they were interested. Like "Theres a new Marvel movie coming out set in space, looks pretty good, I think it comes out next month." 


Like gf was probably interested in Tammy, so she was surprised when she was sitting at home and saw "now playing" on the TV. I don't think she would've asked if she didn't care about Tammy.

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Bitch, that ain't a random girl.


That's my favorite actress.


Bye, Felicia.

Not being facetious, I honestly don't know, who is she? 


Edit: Googled her, she's Australian and she's in Mean Girls 2. 

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Sunday and Monday have been used, though. Usually when Christmas day falls on either:






Missed those, but I was mainly referring to non-xmas. I told her any day could happen depending on what day x-mas is on. Brother Bear came out on a Saturday because of Halloween that Friday. And of course Sith in May on Thursday, Transformers and TASM on Tuesday because indy, etc.

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is there any benefit to releasing movies before the 4th of July weekend when the 4th falls on Friday? It looks like it hurts movies more than helps


The 4th itself tends to not be a great movie-going day, because people are usually at parties and barbeques and fireworks shows. But because it is a holiday, the surrounding days are usually vacation days, even if the 4th falls on a weekend. So those days can receive a boost at the box office.

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Fightin AngelsJim Chenise a land developer was at his house once morning. He’s drinking coffee as he sits down on a chair.Chenise: Now where the heck did I leave those sunglasses of mine?Outside of the window Carl the Angel is watching.CTA: Now is my chance to guilt him so I can stop him from blowing down the forest just to open a mall.CTA is about to enter through the window when a younger more handsome looking angel appears from out of the blue right next to Chenise.Jim Chenise: Who are you and why the heck do you look so handsome?Spade: Name’s Spade and I’m here to show you the errors of your way. Blowing down the forest is not the right thing to do, and you should stop whatever you’re doing regarding it.Chenise: I’ll stop the building of the mall, only cause you look so cool.We cut back to CTA.CTA: Better luck next time Mr. Smackley.Later a man is standing near the top of a building.Officer Rockwell: This Is officer Rockwell speaking.Vokal: And this is Sgt. Vokal (Rockwell looks at Vokal).Both: And as enforcers of the law, we demand that you get as far as away as you can from that rooftop.Man: Nonsense, this is it, I am going to jump off this rooftop and end my poor and pathetic life.CTA is sitting in a garbage can watching while this is happening.CTA: This is my chance, I’ll swoop in and convince this guy not to end his life.CTA is about to fly in action when the Spade the angel from before appears from out of nowhere in front of the man.Man: Who are you and why are the heck are flying? Also why do you look positively handsome?Spade: Name’s Spade. Look at yourself don’t you have a life to get home to, why are you wasting it away on (points down) this?Man: I don’t know why? All I know is that your cool, and that’s all that matters.He follows Spade back into the building. Carl is watching from up above in the dumpster.Carl: You know what they say, third time’s the charm.Later two people, a couple are planning to buy a house. They speak with a female realtor.Realtor: Don’t worry there’s nothing wrong with this house, nothing that potentially harm you not at all (evil laugh), woops my mistake.Wife: Huh? What was that sound I just heard?Husband: I don’t know, sounded like it was coming from the window?Wife: Was probably just the wind.Carl the Angel is watching the whole thing from behind a tree.CTA: Got to convince that evil female realtor to change her ways.The realtor leads the two people inside. Spade appears from out of nowhere.Realtor: My work here is done.As she walking out she spots Spade at the front door.Realtor: Who the heck are you, why the heck can you fly, and just why the hell are you so handsome.Spade: Natural looks I suppose.The Realtor walks past Spade and then approaches her car.Realtor: There’s a sucker born every minute.Spade appears next to her car.Spade: Stop! You shouldn’t be doing this, why did these people ever do to you?Realtor: I guess you’re right, I mean it’s not they liked destroyed my house or something, but I’ll only do the right thing, cause you’re so hot.The realtor runs back into the house.Realtor: Wait, wait, I forget to mention something.Carl kicks his feet.Carl: What’s going on here? Why does this angel keep popping up everytime I try to help someone and why does everyone keep saying he hot? I need to get to bottom of this and fast.Carl goes up into the sky, only to hit a tree because he’s trying to rush the flight.Carl: Darn those wings.The scene changes to heaven, where Carl is talking Preston the head angel who is using a typewriter and not bothering to look at Carl.Carl: You see the reason I came here today was.Preston (finally noticing Carl): Is there any particular reason you wanted to talk to me Carl? Is something bothering you? Did you make another bet back on earth with the living?Carl: No, you see here’s the thing, every single time I try to help someone, there’s this Angel who keeps coming in and ruining everything for me, by doing my job instead.Preston: Oh you mean Spade? Oh don’t worry he’s a former criminal who’s trying to do 1 million good deeds just like you are, so he can get into heaven and have freedom.Carl: You mean to tell me that there are others just like me?Preston: Yes Carl, you think you’re the first person to come us and bitch and moan and cry about not being able to get into heaven.Preston points to a long piece of papers with a bunch of names on it.Carl: So why the heck does he keep getting my tasks?Preston: Simple, because I keep forgetting that you have to do those tasks as well. Plus most people like you would be finished with those tasks before Spade even came in the first place.Carl: I’m not impressed, I don’t want some hot and handsome guy going around and doing my job for me.Preston: Well you should be doing a better job than you currently are.Carl: But… I’m angry.Preston: Then simply ask to play fightin angelsCarl stops and stares.Carl: What’s fightin angels?Preston: It’s a game where tow angels compete to see which one of them is the better.Carl: Sign me up at once.Preston: Very well (looks at the audience), I didn’t have to tell him just how dangerous some of the games are.The scene cuts later where we see a crowd of angels.Announcer: It’s time now for Fightin Angels, the game where two angels compete to see which one of them is the better. Today’s challengers are Carl the Angel vs. Spade the Hot and Handsome one.Preston comes out to the crowd, Carl and Spade follow.Preston: Alright you two, I want you two to have a fair and clear fight. None of this cheatin stuff.Both Carl and Spade nod their heads. Krustle an angel appears from out of nowhere and comes up to the two.Krustle: For the first round I want to see which one of you angels can fly to the flag fastest and first. Remember the rules, no foul play, okay. On your marks, get so, GO!Carl is manages to get in the lead at first. He flies around for a little bit, he’s almost at the finish line.Carl The Angel: I’m almost there, I can drink from it.Just as Carl is about to end up as the victor, Spade pushes him, causing him to lose his flight for a little bit.Carl: Woah (falling)! Got to get my wings flying again, or I’ll be a dead, dead man.Carl manages to straighten himself up and flies to the finish, but Spade still beats him.Krustle: Looks like we have a clear winner this round, that being Spade.The crowd goes wild.Spade: Thank you, thank you, you’re all too kind, I couldn’t have done it better.Carl: Don’t get too cocky, you could slip and I could win the next round.The two angels stand firm as Krustle talks to them.Krustle: For your next task, you will be forced to fight a demon from the underworld, which one of you destroys it first, wins.Spade: Oh a yeah a demon. I fight demons in my sleep. Slayer is thy name.Carl: A demon? What? I’ve never faced a demon, well cept that time one came to me asking if I could clean his house.Krustle: START!The two angels run near the Demon. It starts blasting fire, Carl manages to avoid it.Carl: Phew! That was close! If I jump before it was too late, I could have ended up on his barbeque.Spade: Ha! That was easy. Now’s my chance to get that demon.Carl: I’ve got to find a way to stop that demon from blasting fire.Carl goes up the demon and attempts to grab it by the back. He manages to get its tail.Carl: Hang on a minute, since when de demons have tails? Eh! Don’t believe every single you read in fairy tales.Carl grabs the tail.Carl: This won’t hurt, I’m sure, as long as you corporate, everything should be alright.Before Carl can do anything, the dragon manages to grab him and hurl him across, causing Carl to land right on Spade.Spade pushes him off.Spade: Get off me, you winged freak.Carl flies back to the demon.Carl: Need to carefully approach this.He screams as he manages to grab the demon by the tale, and successfully hurls it.Carl: Ha! Looks like I managed to successfully do something that Spade failed.He throws the demon towards a cloud, and it falls. A portal opens and the demon falls through that.Krustle comes out.Krustle: Looks like the winner of this round is Carl the Angel.The two angels are crossed together as Krustle prepares to give them their final assignment.Spade: Face it Carl you won last time only by sheer luck. Hand the keys over to me and I can go for a free cruising trip.Carl points his thumb down implying no.Spade: Oh yeah well… who needs yah.Krustle: For your last assignment the two of you are going to face in a duel in order to see which one of you is truly the better angel at his job.Spade: That’s it, that’s why you brought me, just so I could cream this angel (points to Carl), cool!Krustle: Actually if you must know, this was Carl’s idea.Spade: Aw who cares, just let me pound the cream cake.Spade punches Carl in the face and then Carl falls over.Spade: I guess that’s it, man that was easy, what a weakling.Carl (camera pans on his face down a cloud): Who’re you calling a weakling?Carl gets up and jumps on Spade, punching him in the face.Carl: Not so easy now, is it?Spade kicks Carl in the feet, and sends him flying to a wall, which he hits and then falls.Spade: Let’s see if that angel is capable of getting himself out of this one. I highly, highly doubt he will.Carl is incapable of moving or getting up. Krustle comes out to talk in front of the audience.Krustle: Rules will be rules as reads The Angel Guide Book, so it is my duty to declare the winner as….Carl opens his eyes and realizes something. He flies over and grabs the book from Krustle’s hands.Krustle: What in god’s name?Carl: I need to look at this book (looks through it, finds a page and then hands it over to Krustle). Look at this!Krustle: Now let’s see here. If a person wishing to gain wings does a million good deeds, that person must make sure they are doing those good deeds with hard work.Krustle has a confused look on his face.Krustle: How exactly does that relate to the subject at hand?Carl: Spade hasn’t exactly been doing his job the way he’s supposed to. When I’m helping people, even though I can’t do my job all that well, at least I’m a hard worker when it comes to getting the job done. All Spade does, is use his looks to his advantage.The entire crowd has their eyes on Spade. Preston, who is sitting in a chair, speaks.Preston: Spade, how could you do this?Spade: Are you serious? You’re actually going to listen to that Angel of a liar?Carl magically pops out of a video showing everything that Spade has done as an angel.Spade (startled): You no good for nothing scoundrel, I’ll kill you, oh wait (looks straight at the audience), he’s already dead.Two angels come to grab Spade. He’s kicking and screaming as he gets taken away.Later Carl is knocking on a door.Carl: Now here’s my chance to prove my real worth.The door opens and we Spade pop out. No longer an angel, he now looks like a dork, dressed in high pants and wearing a colored shirt with glasses on.Spade: Carl what are you doing here?Carl: I see you’ve been causing some trouble, especially since you got sent back to earth as a human.Carl goes into the door.Spade: Please don’t harm me. I won’t cause anymore trouble. I hate being a dork (screams).Carl: We have much to talk about.Carl closes the door (end).

Edited by Fancyarcher
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Missed those, but I was mainly referring to non-xmas. I told her any day could happen depending on what day x-mas is on. Brother Bear came out on a Saturday because of Halloween that Friday. And of course Sith in May on Thursday, Transformers and TASM on Tuesday because indy, etc.


My favorite whacked out release date will always be this:



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