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Weeknd Official Est: Apes 2 - 73M | Friday Numbers and Saturday Numbers on Page 1

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I dug it and bought it... Great little action film.... And he had to take out alot from the movie to meet the budget.

Part II will have a deeper story and more about their abilities.. The girl also is a jumper.

Alot of people loved Jumpers.. Dont understand why you hated it, it was BO smash by the way as well.

Jumper was enjoyable, I really thought they could do more with the concept though which is why a sequal would be intresting, but if it was deeper then Hayden would have to figure out a second facual expression. 

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 His best perfomance is Jumper, but he just isn't a good actor. In ROTS he wasn't helped much by the awkward dioluge he was saying.

You know he won Canadian awards that other great actors have won and gone on to great things.

 I think he may not be right for certain material, but any actor than can get fans pumping their fists

in insane concept movies like Jumpers cant be that bad. And heck he was Anakin in SWs and help

take that film to 800+M WW without 3D.. Gotta admit he does have acting chops.


The Anakin role just required him to try and sell it over the top. He is much more subdued in his acting in Jumpers.

Had Jumper had a better script or rather the director not had to cut great shit out(Studio shitters!!) Jumpers would

have made even more.


Theres alot of talk about the sequel and what fans want to see I dont know how Empire thinks that movie

sucks bad..:-o!!??

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Theres alot of talk about the sequel and what fans want to see I dont know how Empire thinks that movie

sucks bad..:-o!!??

Uh, because I saw it and it does. Everything about that movie is bad. 

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You have to start spreading the news lol




Africa is way cool  SthA to Vic Falls is good (Namibia great), Serengeti, Zanzibar

Seeing animals in the wild is amazing.... just don't let an Elephant get an interest in you...your gone



Yep Quinoa is great, Brown Rice& Quinoa good combo



Apes going to go with 27.5-31


now off to lift heavy shit..and eat Quinoa


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Uh, because I saw it and it does. Everything about that movie is bad. 

Lol adjusts to quite a bit today.. And made almost 300M WW... So thankfully not many people agree with you.

That film reaks of becoming cult phenom if they can give it a deeper story  to match the potential.


And Ethan isnt a fan of Christen but you noticed he also dug Jumpers.. Seems Samuel is all gunho to do it

as well. So your  very off if you think no one wants a sequel ..lol

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Lol you were saying about why listen to AM radio and other media for #s lol :P


I rest my case my friend.

Just because they happened to have a # close to Rth's doesn't mean they are trustworthy. 


Oh, and you twisted my words. I never said don't trust other media for #s. All I said was don't trust #s you hear on the radio. 

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That would have been very intresting. I actually like that idea. 

Love Franco, he  proably could have done an interesting job indeed.. Still I think Haydens take

was good. Franco was so good in Apes I, so sorry he didnt return for this sequel.

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