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Weekend Numbers (pg119) Turtles 65M, GOTG 41.5

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My advice to all of you who choose to quote this and respond to it in the future is to read the page before it.  I'm responding to someone, not making a blanket statement out of thin air.  


Some of you are very strange.  You find my posts and then attack them, without thinking of the context first.  


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Dat Doctor Who gif :D

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Where were these nostalgic crowds when The Muppets opened?  <_<

Bad  or poorly received films no matter their Nostaligic history can lose that factor as well.. Aka Superman Returns and Muppets 2.


TMNT is actually a good movie and  has rich history and that makes all the difference to the Domestic and OS Markets..

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Where were these nostalgic crowds when The Muppets opened?  <_<


LOL, funny but not a good comparison.  There was a "Muppets" movie in 2011 that sucked up the Nostaligia crowd.  "Most Wanted" was just another sequel.  It's been 21 years since a Live Action Turtles movie.  I was a teenager when the last one was in theaters in 93.  I'm in my 30's now. 

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LOL, funny but not a good comparison.  There was a "Muppets" movie in 2011 that sucked up the Nostaligia crowd.  "Most Wanted" was just another sequel.  It's been 21 years since a Live Action Turtles movie.  I was a teenager when the last one was in theaters in 93.  I'm in my 30's now. 

I'm talking about the 2011 version. While critically acclaimed and pushed as Disney's big event for the Holiday season, it really didn't kick up the box office fire. But yeah, in hindsight, it probably played better with nostalgic audiences then kids.

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LOL Film we told them.... :)


Honestly I've been wrong a few films this summer but I never bet against Bay.  I though people learned after TF4, I was wrong.  But I admit it, I'm a huge Turtles fan so it was more hope.   I got worried after the reviews but I knew Turtles fans would at least give it a try.  But the real surprise was how many Turtles KIDS really Forced Mommy and Daddy to the theater this weekend. lol. 

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Unfortunately, that is probably pretty accurate.

Hey Empire if your investing hundreds of millions of a dollar a film, its a business decision.. What would you rather do it in?


An untested well done concept or a tried and true behemoth with a built in audience.. Franchises will always be the go to cash cow for the elite of the movie making business.


Thank god though for folks like Lord Cameron.... He can actually build his own franchise and give us something that blows our minds without regurgulating the same mess over and over again. :)



And there will be more filmmakers like him, that in the madness of franchises create new and unique breakthroughs that become their own money making machine. I also think the future is bright for new things being done with directors like


Robert Zemekis, Nolan, Weddon, JJ Abrahams, Frank Darabont,  Snyder, Rami all out there trying to push the envelope and coming up with new concepts for us moviegoers. Even Micheal Bay is crazy and creative enough to come up with something unique after he jumps off his current franchise obsesssion. lol



The future so bright I gotta wear shades!!

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I hate the mentality of how if it's a franchise, it must suck and lack depth. No, that isn't necessarily the case at all. As if quality can't happen in blockbuster franchises. Potter, Rings, Star Wars, The Dark Knight, The Hunger Games, X-Men, Dragon, and Toy Story are all franchises that have great films in them that received high critical and public acclaim. If you don't like blockbuster films, then don't fucking watch them. Simple as that. I despise Transformers and won't watch the fourth until a bootleg is out. Some of the most culturally impacting films come from the oh so dreaded word "franchises." If you don't support a film series, then simply don't watch it. But let's not act like art and emotion can't come from franchises.

Edited by Noctis
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Honestly I've been wrong a few films this summer but I never bet against Bay.  I though people learned after TF4, I was wrong.  But I admit it, I'm a huge Turtles fan so it was more hope.   I got worried after the reviews but I knew Turtles fans would at least give it a try.  But the real surprise was how many Turtles KIDS really Forced Mommy and Daddy to the theater this weekend. lol. 

Yeah man, Liberman and ILM really had us turtle fans worried going for the hulking look and facial design, but man once trailer 2 and 3 hit home... I knew in my bones Turtle power was back and strong  enough to at a minimal put these haters  and marvel loonies in their proper places..



Now we see what this origin movie is truly capable of... Film buddy I think this sucker is going to go over 500 M WW..


Wow what a comeback bud!!

Edited by Superman001
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I'm talking about the 2011 version. While critically acclaimed and pushed as Disney's big event for the Holiday season, it really didn't kick up the box office fire. But yeah, in hindsight, it probably played better with nostalgic audiences then kids.


Oh OK.  I thought you meant why did "Most Wanted" Underperform.  The Nostalgia thing isn't as easy as just bringing an old property back.  Fans got to want to see it.  I love the muppets and grew up with them but I honestly did care to see a Muppet movie.  I think the new "Charlie Brown/Snoop CGI Peanuts" movie might be the next Nostalgia trip film to get a boost. 


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That's huge for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and it fits very well into the story of the summer.




Thus completes the rise to terror of the Three Headed Monster, the bane of all BOF members.

Posted Image


It has taken down several innocent and honorable victims...

Posted Image

Several valiant efforts tried and failed to contain it...


Posted Image


But only five heroes will be able to harness the power and defeat them all, restoring balance to the world of film...



Posted Image



Fighting awful movies,

Living up to his duties,

Always teaming with his groupies,

He is the one named Sailor Pratt!


He will never turn his back on a fresh!

Defend every good soul from a mess!

Because when all the heroes mesh,

He is the one named Sailor...


Sailor Evans!

Sailor ScarJo!

Sailor Boyhood!

Sailor Rocket!


Cause everything, is now awesome!

He is the one named Sailor Pratt!


Fighting awful movies,

Living up to his duties,

It's never gonna be a doozy!

He is the one named Sailor Pratt!

He is the one named Sailor Pratt!

He is the one....Sailor Pratt!



Fuck it I give up


Post of the year should go to Spaghetti

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Great # for TMNT


Saw it today, it was everything I expected it to be ... painfully average, but something that the 10 year old me would have thought was totally awesome.


Lots of young kids with parents at the showing.

Edited by Adam
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I hate the mentality of how if it's a franchise, it must suck and lack depth. No, that isn't necessarily the case at all. As if quality can't happen in blockbuster franchises. Potter, Rings, Star Wars, The Dark Knight, The Hunger Games, X-Men, Dragon, and Toy Story are all franchises that have great films in them that received high critical and public acclaim.If you don't like blockbuster films, then don't fucking watch them. Simple as that. I despise Transformers and won't watch the fourth until a bootleg is out.Some of the most culturally impacting films come from the oh so dreaded word "franchises."If you don't support a film series, then simply don't watch it. But let's not act like art and emotion can't come from franchises.

Well put... Harry Potter triumph and LOTR Domination of the world puts it in perspective.



Now Cameron gives the world the Avatar franchise. and shows quality and art and filmss that make you think are still a concept thats from dead in a franchise driven world..



I cant wait to see what He-Man does.... I think this can be our next HP Noctis... God I hope we get good people behind it.


SONY GET FRANK  DARABONT or Zemekis for this... Dont fug this up!!

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After reading through 20 pages of this thread...Yes, I agree that franchises don't automatically suck. But that doesn't mean they can't innovate. That's why it's a fucking disgrace to see TMNT opening to $65 million. The movie looked like a piece of shit from the start. If the movie had done something unique with the source material, then it would've been something great. Instead, we got 2 hours of mind-rotting Bayhem, with the ugliest CGI designs ever.

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I think the SW doubters are just the young pups. No way anyone who lived through TPM hype would seriously doubt that SW7 will be enormous

The Star Wars doubters are the obnoxious young hipsters who all say "Star Wars is boring" and "Star-Lord is way cooler than Han."


They have their own issues.


The new Maleficent. 

TMNT isn't nearly as bad as Maleficent with it's fandom...

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After reading through 20 pages of this thread...Yes, I agree that franchises don't automatically suck. But that doesn't mean they can't innovate. That's why it's a fucking disgrace to see TMNT opening to $65 million. The movie looked like a piece of shit from the start. If the movie had done something unique with the source material, then it would've been something great. Instead, we got 2 hours of mind-rotting Bayhem, with the ugliest CGI designs ever.

I hope you will be here for the meltdown when Juggernaut 2 does it all again.. THe innovation, the spirtual connection and I declare blows Avengers and SW7 apart by over 1.3B!!

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All the hate is ridiculous. I hope TNMT makes 150M+.Who cares if it sucks. People put a lot of work into films for people to say "I hope it flops".

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