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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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There is so much wrong with this post.


first of, not everyone hates KOTC, hence it did so well. Its just the hardcore fans are very loud.

2ndly, TDKR? seriously? it may get hate on the internet from time to time, even by me but amongst your average joe they still love that film. Probably have Bane to thank for that.

then finally, its blatantly obvious that the prequels are very much liked amongst the GA, you don't sell that many tickets if your films are hated.


Don't believe everything you here on the internet, its more often than not very far from the truth.

I wasn't taking any of that from online haters. That's based on the opinions of most people I know, most of whom are very much GA. In fact the only person I know who likes the SW prequels is a big SW fan. GA despises them.

Edited by treeroy
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The problem with saying that people were "brainwashed" into liking The Artist is that the vast majority of people I know that have seen it had to be damn near forced to do so because they were dreading it so much. Hell, even I was dreading seeing it. Now the awards and accolades are the reason any of these people saw it in the first place, so you could argue people were brainwashed into seeing it I guess. But if they went in with such poor preconceived notions of sitting through a silent film in this day and age, why would anyone come away liking it? It should be easy for them to hate it if most people told themselves they would before even seeing it. And yet just speaking on an anecdotal basis, nearly everyone I know that did "force" themselves to watch it ended up enjoying it on some level. Maybe they didn't think it was the "best picture" (though remember that 2011 was a terribly weak year), but most people I know had their preconceived notions of silent films being these miserable experiences completely shattered by the movie. Myself included to some extent. I don't think it's amazing or anything, but it's a cute and enjoyable little film whose running time flew by for me.


The funny thing is, I don't think it would be very enjoyable if it did actually have dialouge. The story is so simple that it's the expression driven acting of silent film that gives it almost all of its charm. Take that away, and well...you would be left with a pretty forgettable film that people probably would have to be brainwashed into liking. I'm glad Dujardin won that year because he truly does make the movie. Also, one last question for you Baumer on this topic. Why is a silent movie "unacceptable" in this day and age, and yet black and white isn't? Or do you harbor the same feelings towards movies like Schindler's List? That it's awful because it was made in a format that became outdated 40+ years prior? I just don't think the technology involved should matter if it's a good movie. Unless it's a spectacle and technologically driven film or something, like say Transformers, then I agree that  black and white or silent would be utterly ridiculous choices.


Anyways, good job taking the time to do this. Fun to browse through. Though I'm not even gonna touch upon #2 and just pretend I never even saw that.

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I wasn't taking any of that from online haters. That's based on the opinions of most people I know, most of whom are very much GA. In fact the only person I know who likes the SW prequels is a big SW fan. GA despises them.

No they really don't. simply put, you are wrong. Im not even a SW fan but I recognise  that people like the prequels. hearsay doesn't mean shit when the final movie sold a massive amount of tickets, I could say my friends like them and it would be irrelevant. people were clearly invested in the prequels or they wouldn't have shown up in droves for the final part.  Saying the GA 'despise' them is simply an inaccurate comment.

Edited by jessie
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Lol, the fact that they made a lot of money at the box office does not mean they are well loved. I'm not going to continue this conversation as it is absolutely pointless, clearly we have different experiences of cinema audiences, lets leave it at that.

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Lol, the fact that they made a lot of money at the box office does not mean they are well loved. I'm not going to continue this conversation as it is absolutely pointless, clearly we have different experiences of cinema audiences, lets leave it at that.


fair enough, final question though, do you think the GA despise transformers movies too?

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It's an open secret in Hollywood that the Weinsteins actually spiked the water supply in major cities with trace amounts of LSD and PCP and other pharmaceuticals -- a cocktail they borrowed from the CIA and its MK ULTRA project. This was all rolled into the marketing budget for THE ARTIST. They didn't have the finances to hit up every city in the US, but they blanketed the other areas with chemtrails -- not as efficient, but still effective.

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Dont forget about the fluoride in your toothpaste Tele.

General Mills....which owns both Crest and Colgate...is run by former CIA frontmen. This makes it easy to get to the masses as everyone uses toothpaste...except people in Alabama and Saskatchewan but they dont really matter.

Edited by baumer
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The Artist is the poster boy for films that people have been brainwashed into liking, I only watched it because it won Best Picture.  Now, I hate it when people shit on critics for hating on films they like, but with this film(especially since it won BP), I don't think I've ever felt such cynicism.  Why the hell would you give a black and white silent film the highest award in filmmaking when filmmaking as an art form has has evolved out of that period for the better? Black and white silent films were only made because of the technical limitations of the time.  If Baumer mentions this embodiment of Hollywood narcissism, then this thread will get my stamp of approval.  :)


Well, I expect that stamp any day now.  :)

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I don't think everyone hates Indy 4, just the vocal subset of internet fans that tend to flood forums. At worst, I think many are indifferent. Same is true with STID -- it's only the wonky diehards of the diehards that hate it.

I don't hate Indy 4, in fact it's better than Indy 2.

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The answer to Ozy's question is a fondness and nostalgia for those early days and the pioneers of moviemaking, and a desire to reward such a clever, "all-in" homage that worked within the old constraints to make something that people still found fun.


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I still don't get how poeple (at least adults) could be brainwashed into liking or disliking certain films.


That's because you have been brainwashed.  So of course you don't get it.  :)

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That's because you have been brainwashed.  So of course you don't get it.   :)


So I've been brainwashed into thinking people can not be brainwashed into liking certain films.


Damn that's deep. No wonder I got brainwashed. :P

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So I've been brainwashed into thinking people can not be brainwashed into liking certain films.


Damn that's deep. No wonder I got brainwashed. :P


Well, it's something like that.  Ask yourself this question, are there any films on that list that you don't agree with my assessment of?


If so, you have been brainwashed.  As tele mentioned, chemtrails, MK-Ultra and so on...you are a victim.  

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