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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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14. All Rambo movies after FIRST BLOOD




Where to start? It's pretty similar to the Rocky series, where each sequel proceeds to get even more ludicrous and absurd. I've never been a fan of movies where the hero is just this unstoppable machine (it was popular in the 80s), and Rambo pretty much is the poster child for that concept.

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7.8 on IMDB, Adjusts to over 100M, 2 Oscar Nominations, 1 Golden Globe win




In the mid-nineties, there used to be a film that came on BBC 1 about 1am every few months or so. It was about a swarm of killer African bees that attack a families home and the family have to try and survive while the bees slowly break into the house. It was a pretty average but servicable film to watch when you couldn't sleep with school the next day.


Now take that premise and replace killer bees with canaries and you basically have The Birds. It is god awful and to be honest kind of put me off looking into Hitchcock in more depth if this is what I can expect. Add to that, the laughibly bad ending (may possibly be the worst ending of any film I've seen.). I am not going to shit on Hitchcock as I have not seen enough to know if this is a misfire or his best work ever, but as a stand alone entity it is a horrible, horrible film.


(For the record this is the last film except the number one entry that I actually find truly awful as opposed to merely no where near as good as people seem to think it is. )  

Edited by chasmmi
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7.8 on IMDB, Adjusts to over 100M, 2 Oscar Nominations, 1 Golden Globe win




In the mid-nineties, there used to be a film that came on BBC 1 about 1am every few months or so. It was about a swarm of killer African bees that attack a families home and the family have to try and survive while the bees slowly break into the house. It was a pretty average but servicable film to watch when you couldn't sleep with school the next day.


Now take that premise and replace killer bees with canaries and you basically have The Birds. It is god awful and to be honest kind of put me off looking into Hitchcock in more depth if this is what I can expect. Add to that, the laughibly bad ending (may possibly be the worst ending of any film I've seen.). I am not going to shit on Hitchcock as I have not seen enough to know if this is a misfire or his best work ever, but as a stand alone entity it is a horrible, horrible film.


(For the record this is the last film except the number one entry that I actually find truly awful as opposed to merely no where near as good as people seem to think it is. )  



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14. All Rambo movies after FIRST BLOOD




Where to start? It's pretty similar to the Rocky series, where each sequel proceeds to get even more ludicrous and absurd. I've never been a fan of movies where the hero is just this unstoppable machine (it was popular in the 80s), and Rambo pretty much is the poster child for that concept.


Already went to Chas' like this, now on my way to Tele's


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7.7 on IMDB, 177th WW BOx Offfice, 106th Domestic, 149th Adjusted.

2 Oscar Nominations, 1 Golden Globe




Tom Hanks is one of the greatest actors of the nineties and beyond. His performances in Forrest Gump, Philadelphia and so on were legendary and you began to think you could cast him alongside soem ice skates and a volleyball and he'd still pull off an Oscar-winning performance. And so that's what he tried to do.


To contrast this will another film with a cast of 1 (for most of the film) let's look at I am Legend. s much as I like him, Will Smith is not the actor Hanks is yet he pulled off the solo cast performance a hundred times better than Hanks does here.


How is that possible? I think wear Hanks fails is that he reacts so well to people, to emoting with people in situations. In castaway all he had was a Volleyball and thus lacked the charisma to carry the film.Smith on the other hand has charisma by the bucketload and I am Legend only fell short when he got joined by a supporting cast (although yes a dog is a better actor than a ball). 


The fact is, I consider this film to be a long-winded failed experiment that people revere because it was great ambition from Hanks to try and pull off this role. Sadly for me he failed and failed big, yet because he was 1990's Hanks he was given a pass. If that's not true then where is Smith's Oscar nomination for I am Legend? He did the same as Hanks but better.  

Edited by chasmmi
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