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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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I'm pretty sure despite this movie being a big hit when it was original hit, it's not really considered to be a classic, so I don't why you put it on this list. Personally I think it's entertaining enough. 


People who were around when it came out tend to think of it pretty fondly. It's not an all-time classic, but a lot of people loved it. That, combined with my personal extreme dislike of it, are enough to get it on the list.

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17. The Graduate




I guess you had to be there. This is one of those movies that's considered iconic by baby boomers, that spoke to their generation. Well, no wonder they turned out to be so insipid. Hoffman's and Ross's characters are just vapid and bland, and so is the movie itself. It speaks to these generic pod college grads and tells them they're special little snowflakes, and the world should just bend to their desire. It makes you realize where the soul-sucking corporatism of the 80s came from. There are a few sensible voices who realize this movie's all dressed up and nowhere to go. No less than Roger Ebert -- who gave it 4 stars in a breathless rave when it first came out -- revisited it years later and realized, essentially, that it was a piece of shit.

Edited by Telemachos
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People who were around when it came out tend to think of it pretty fondly. It's not an all-time classic, but a lot of people loved it. That, combined with my personal extreme dislike of it, are enough to get it on the list.


It has Connery at the end, that made it awesome regardless of whatever 120 minutes preceeded that as everything Connery is awesome...  um except Bond that is :unsure:

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People who were around when it came out tend to think of it pretty fondly. It's not an all-time classic, but a lot of people loved it. That, combined with my personal extreme dislike of it, are enough to get it on the list.


I was around and I thought it kind of stunk though Ridley's po faced abomination makes it almost charming in comparison.


The Curtiz/Flynn film is the only great Robin Hood though there are still others far better than Costner and Crowe.

Edited by TalismanRing
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24. Inception






Look, I like this movie. Quite a lot, actually. But it's been placed on this absurdly high pedestal by crazed Nolan fanboys who will accept no God other than their own. It's a very clever concept and the action scenes are wonderfully done, and Nolan assembled a great cast... but, like he's tended to do with his recent blockbusters, he takes a brute force approach to storytelling. Exposition-filled speech after exposition-filled speech, characters who do nothing but wander around like the audience's Mary Sue, asking "Why?" ... the first hour is really inert.


Great action movie. Lots of fun. One of the greatest movies ever made? Not even close.


19. The Dark Knight




Oh boy.


This is another one -- a movie that I really enjoy, has some strengths and moments of greatness, but is also held up as the absolute pinnacle of film-making, as one of the greatest films ever made. And.... it isn't. For all the scope and grandeur and Nolan's (mostly successful) efforts at paying homage to a Michael Mann-esque crime saga, this is the first of his movies that starts to show the seams of trying to pack too much story into a fairly fixed length of time. As a result, it feels like a great film that ends about 2 hours in, and an awkward sort-of coda that runs another 30 minutes and quickly tries to fully introduce another major villain, Batman's fall from grace (in the eyes of the public) and a complete resolution in a really sort amount of time. Nolan manages to end on a high note, which is why I think most people tend to forget, ignore, or forgive the awkwardness.


A great movie. Just not an all-time great forevermore.



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A tease before the next batch: movies that are "honorable mentions" but didn't quite make the top 25, for any number of reasons.

(in no particular order)

Spider-Man 1 and 2

The Departed

Gangs of New York

The Green Mile


Spider man 2! Spider man 2! How dare you disgrace the greatest superhero movie of all time in that way!

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People who were around when it came out tend to think of it pretty fondly. It's not an all-time classic, but a lot of people loved it. That, combined with my personal extreme dislike of it, are enough to get it on the list.


Well it's not considered a great movie. People do like it, but so what? Costner's accent has been ridiculed to death and has been cited as one of the worst "British" accents in history. If I was doing a top 25 brainwashed movie (I wouldn't, I think these types of lists are stupid), POT wouldn't be on it. 

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Well it's not considered a great movie. People do like it, but so what? Costner's accent has been ridiculed to death and has been cited as one of the worst "British" accents in history. If I was doing a top 25 brainwashed movie (I wouldn't, I think these types of lists are stupid), POT wouldn't be on it. 


That's why it's my list and your (hypothetical) one is yours. :)

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 Costner's accent has been ridiculed to death and has been cited as one of the worst "British" accents in history.


I never quite get the accent argument 96% of the time. Van Dyke's accent is roundly ridiculed in Mary poppins for example and I find that one of the most charming characters in cinema and the accent is a part of that. 

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I never quite get the accent argument 96% of the time. Van Dyke's accent is roundly ridiculed in Mary poppins for example and I find that one of the most charming characters in cinema and the accent is a part of that. 


I think Dyke's accent works given the type of movie that Mary Poppins is, whereas something like Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is trying to be a bit more serious so Costner's British accent comes off more as more of a parody than anything. 


Plus Van Dyke's a better actor than Costner and has way more energy when it comes to his performance. 

Edited by Fancyarcher
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Costner's accent would not be an issue if his performance was better. To me, he seemed bored the whole time.

When I saw the movie, I didn't really like it that much. I like the Errol Flynn one much more. (And the fact that I saw Men in Tights BEFORE Prince of Thieves didn't help, because I was just mentally calling back to Mel Brooks' parody version of every scene.)

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17. The Graduate




I guess you had to be there. This is one of those movies that's considered iconic by baby boomers, that spoke to their generation. Well, no wonder they turned out to be so insipid. Hoffman's and Ross's characters are just vapid and bland, and so is the movie itself. It speaks to these generic pod college grads and tells them they're special little snowflakes, and the world should just bend to their desire. It makes you realize where the soul-sucking corporatism of the 80s came from. There are a few sensible voices who realize this movie's all dressed up and nowhere to go. No less than Roger Ebert -- who gave it 4 stars in a breathless rave when it first came out -- revisited it years later and realized, essentially, that it was a piece of shit.


I see you took Coolio's advice. :lol:

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