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WEEKEND ESTIMATES | 05.08.15 - 05.10.15

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Nikki's gone and all the excitement went with her. :lol: Maybe they gave up doing predictions because they suck at it. :D

Well Nikki's been gone. At least they were trying to keep it up.

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Just got back from my second Age of Ultron viewing (thinking of seeing Danny Collins tomorrow, so I saw AoU tonight). In a few ways I enjoyed it a lot more, but a bit less in others. Still extremely fun though!

Glad to see it holding honestly. Not like I have any ulterior motives... (cough cough BSG cough).

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Wha Wha Wha Wha WTF???? :wtf:  Are you fucking serious??? :stretcher: Do you enjoy watching me in pain??? Watching me suffer??? What on earth did I ever do to you???


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25M is really strong, 190% Friday jump. IM3 jumped 159% while TA1 jumped around 140%. 


While I used the possibility for a 190% increase as a reason for hope earlier in the week, now I'm gonna flip the script. SM3 also went up 190% on its 2nd Fri, we know how that turned out.


When it goes up 60% on Saturday I'll flip the script again.


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Wha Wha Wha Wha WTF???? :wtf:  Are you fucking serious??? :stretcher: Do you enjoy watching me in pain??? Watching me suffer??? What on earth did I ever do to you???

Tele misspoke. He was actually talking about Sad Max's entire OW prediction. ;)

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All week long I've been saying 83-84 for the second weekend. Things are still pointing straight at that number.



A few days ago in the AOU 2nd weekend O/U thread I posted the pattern of the last five superhero summer starters which indicated that not one of them made less than their opening days on their 2nd weekends...including TASM2. That puts the line at 84.4m+. If TASM2 could do it, surely a film from the most prominent MCU franchise can.

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Here's the box office experts at World of KJ declaring this a failure.. This is the only site I've seen have a WWW Thread for this.. Excel's post's reek of such desperation to, like he's worried MARVEL will have another hit on their hands while DC is strill trying to get PHASE 1 of their movies off the ground..

For some reason I looked at the number of guests reading this thread and thought of all of the WKJ members reading waiting for numbers, lol.

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Here's the box office experts at World of KJ declaring this a failure.. This is the only site I've seen have a WWW Thread for this.. Excel's post's reek of such desperation to, like he's worried MARVEL will have another hit on their hands while DC is strill trying to get PHASE 1 of their movies off the ground..

The requested topic does not exist.


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I honestly can't tell if there serious, but I really think they feel this movie was a failure.. A movie that makes this kind of $$$$ is a failure.. What fucking world do we live in where a movie that has made what AOU has made so far considered a failure besides the dumbasses over at KJ, Excel included???


Aren't you the guy who claims that TDKR was a failure for only making 448M and 1B WW?? and you are also the guy who is saying that BvS should be considered a failure if it fails to match Avengers OW of 207M.


Judging AOU strictly using the same parameters you seem to apply to other movies, it is a massive failure.

Edited by grim22
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