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SOTM 4...only for the BSG loonies (due May 31st 11:59 pm)

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Here's a new twist to the game.  I don't expect a lot of you to go for it all, because well, you'll be at my mercy.  But if you do, and you are successful, you will be in line for a very big point gain.  Here's how it works.


Here are five films.  I'll give you a total, and you tell me if it will gross more or less than the total.  


Tomorrowland:  110 mill less

Poltergeist:  57 mill less

Pitch Perfect 2:  177 mill more

Mad Max Fury Road:  140 mill more

AOU:  1.425 billion WW less


For every film you call correctly, you will receive 5000 points.  For every film you call incorrectly, you lose 5000 points.

You can go for as many or as little as you want.

Now, if you go for all 5, you must get all five correct.  If you do, you will receive a total of 40,000 points, contingent on Part B to this question.  You must get all five correct in order to qualify for part B.  If you go for all five and you don't get all five right, you will lose 30,000 points.


If you abstain from this question in every way, you get 2000 points.


PART B:  In order to get your 40,000 points, you must answer a trivia question asked by me.  This trivia question will be from YOUR choice of FOUR movies and it will not be an answer you can google.  You will either have the knowledge or you will have to watch the movie.  It will be hard, it will be esoteric, but it will not be impossible.  As long as you watch the movie or somehow find a clip of it on you-tube, you will be able to answer it.  The FOUR films YOU GET TO CHOOSE FROM ARE:






If you answer all five questions correctly from the first part, and you get the trivia question right, you will get a total of 40,000 points.  If you go for all five and do not get all five right or miss the trivia question, you will lose 30,000 points.  You do not have to go for all five.  


I repeat, you do not have to go for all five.



The SOTM is due by Sunday May 31st at 11:59pm.


If you are successful in getting all five right, I will pm you the trivia question individually.  You will let me know in this thread what film you want the question for and you will do so in your original post.  So if you go for all five, your answer will look like this:


Tomorrowland:  110 mill  More

Poltergeist:  57 mill More

Pitch Perfect 2:  177 mill More

Mad Max Fury Road:  140 mill More

AOU:  1.425 billion WW More


Going for trivia from Halloween.


Any questions please let me know.


Good luck all you ballsy motherfuckers.   :)



Edited by baumer
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Tomorrowland:  110 mill  Less
Poltergeist:  57 mill Less
Pitch Perfect 2:  177 mill More
Mad Max Fury Road:  140 mill More
AOU:  1.425 billion WW Less
Trivia from The Breakfast Club (the only one I haven't seen, might as well use this to do it) 
Edited by grim22
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Tomorrowland - less

Poltergeist - less

MM:FR - more

AOU - less


Edit - I'm dying to answer them all, so I can pick Breakfast Club for trivia because I'm pretty sure I can answer any trivia question about that movie off the top of my head.  What was on the stolen jacket patch?  What color is Bender's book of Moliere? How many times does he dribble the ball before getting busted in the gym? All over it. But its just not worth the risk.

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Tomorrowland: $110 million LESS
Poltergeist: $57 million LESS
Pitch Perfect 2: $177 million MORE
Mad Max Fury Road: $140 million MORE
AOU: $1.425 billion WW LESS
And trivia from The Breakfast Club. 
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I would assume that choosing the trivia means we cannot back out of going for all five right? (We can still edit our YES to No or vice versa but cannot pull out of going for the big risk.


Otherwise I can just cancel an answer and go for four instead if I don't like the triva question.

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Tomorrowland: 110 mill Less
Poltergeist: 57 mill Less
Pitch Perfect 2: 177 mill More
Mad Max Fury Road: 140 mill More
AOU: 1.425 billion WW Less

Trivia from The Breakfast Club 

Edited by grim22
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Tomorrowland:  110 mill LESS

Poltergeist:  57 mill LESS
Pitch Perfect 2:  177 mill MORE
Mad Max Fury Road:  140 mill MORE
AOU:  1.425 billion WW LESS
I'll do the JAWS trivia. 
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You guys will get the trivia, IF YOU GET THE FIVE QUESTIONS RIGHT.  And you will have a week to answer the trivia question.

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 Tomorrowland:  110 mill - More

Poltergeist:  57 mill - More

Pitch Perfect 2:  177 mill - More

Mad Max Fury Road:  140 mill - More

AOU:  1.425 billion WW - Less



Breakfast Club 

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 Tomorrowland:  110 mill - More

Poltergeist:  57 mill - More

Pitch Perfect 2:  177 mill - More

Mad Max Fury Road:  140 mill - More

AOU:  1.425 billion WW - Less


What trivia do u want?

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Tomorrowland:  110 mill Less
Poltergeist:  57 mill Less
Pitch Perfect 2:  177 mill More
Mad Max Fury Road:  140 mill More
AOU:  1.425 billion WW Abstain 
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Tomorrowland:  110 mill  LESS

Poltergeist:  57 mill   LESS

Pitch Perfect 2:  177 mill  MORE

Mad Max Fury Road:  140 mill

AOU:  1.425 billion WW  LESS 

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